
Sometimes a bad girl can make a good boy go bad. In Spencer Reid's case, he'll probably go insane.
  1. Dog Day Afternoon
  2. Case Introductions
    I think it's obvious I don't own Criminal Minds. I own any characters not in the show and my friend Kyo chan owns Cat {she hasn't shown up yet}
  3. Kitty Cat
  4. Late work rambling
  5. Muffins and killers don't really mix
    A killing happens XD finally for those blood thristy peeps huh?
  6. Morning Calls
  7. The begining of something beautiful...or shitty
  8. Uneasy Bonding and an Uneasy Fortune
  9. Hell hath no fury like a woman shot
  10. "Why didn't you shoot her?!"
  11. Death
    This [ ] is suppose to be in italics. I'm SO sorry for the trouble....but every time I copy and paste in Word it never shows the italics T T. Bastard. Anyway, please enjoy and forgive the shortness. Finals tomorrow