Status: Hi World. Idk


In The Sheets of Your Bed

I got to the Basement early. Really early. (Good parking?)
I grabbed my board and stuffed my keys into my pocket. Since I was the first person to get here I did indeed get good parking, right next to the door. The front entrance was locked, but I knew the girl at the front desk. I stuck my face onto the glass of the window and started making funny faces. A little girl about five years old was walking by and caught sight of me at the window. She started pointing and laughing at mw, which in turn get Carmen's attention. Carmen jumped over the desk, picked up the little girl, and opened the door all in about seven seconds.
"Lisa!" She said and hugged me. "Girl, how have you been?"
"Good, good." I told her. "And who is this little cutie?"
The little girl squealed. "I'm Raina! But my brother calls me Raindrop!"
I laughed and smiled. "That’s funny! How old are you, Raindrop?"
"I'm six!" The little girl held up five fingers.
"You are?" She nodded. "Well, well, well. You’re only holding up five fingers though!"
She gasped and held up another finger. I started laughing.
Carmen rolled her eyes. "Do you want to hold her? She kind of heavy."
I nodded and took Raindrop from Carmen. The little girl wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled at me.
"How are you?" I asked Carmen.
"Smokin!" She said, and I laughed at her choice of words.
"Anyway. Who did you come to see?" Carmen asked me.
"All The Wrong Moves."
She got an evil grin on her face, and Raindrop began playing with my hair and braiding it.
"Do you want to meet the band?" She asked.
Oh. My. Fucking. God. That was all I could think.
It has been four and a half years of my life. That's how long I have been in love with this band. With this music.
"Oh mien gott! Ja ja ja!" I screamed. A bit about me --When I got excited, angry, or sad I spoke in German. (It was all that I spoke for eleven years of my life.) And no I have never been to Germany.
"Dude! Slow down and do not go all freaky German girl on me, or so I swear I will steal Diego in your sleep."
I gasped. "That is harsh Carmen."
"How would you like it if I randomly went off and started speaking French?"
"I speak French so I wouldn't mind." (I have been to France)
"Ugh. Just shut up and be happy I didn't say Jack or Burt." I rolled my eyes at her. She did not have the balls to take my guitar or my skateboard. I would kill her and she knew it.
In the other room I heard the mic crack to life and an all-too-familiar-voice say "check, check, check"
I dropped my board and tightened my grip on Raina before I pushed off excitedly. Carmen tried [i/] to keep up but failed measurably.
I got in front of the main stage and ran into someone. Raina fell with me and rolled off to the side, avoiding the person who fell on top of me. Carmen (who was still running) tripped and fell on top of me and the person who I ran into.
Carmen quickly got off of me and 'person'. She looked around and spotted Raindrop, once realizing she was okay, Carmen looked down at me and begun laughing.
"Rowan!" A voice from the stage yelled. "We've gone over this. The way to get a girl is not to fall on top of her! It is to pick her up when she falls by herself!"
I laughed at that and the body on my own got up and helped me to my feet.
"Um... I’m sorry about that." The guy who I presumed was Rowan said. He was kind cute.
"No problem. It wasn’t really your fault th-"
"Big brother! That’s not nice! You crushed my new friend." Raindrop huffed over with her little arms crossed over her chest and her little feet stomping along the way.
Rowan crouched down to the ground and picked up the little girl. "I'm sorry I crushed your new friend."
Raindrop nodded and reached out for me. I grabbed her and turned to watch the guys on stage come towards us. Carmen was grinning like a mad man on cocaine and suddenly ran at the guy who spoke. She wrapped her arms around him and he did the same.
I raised my eyebrows and turned back to Rowan.
"What?" He asked.
"Does that always happen?" I was referring to Carmen and the dude. He seamed to know what I was talking about.
"Yeah. They've been going out for a while now." He explained. "So, anyway, I'm Rowan."
I smiled. "Mu name's Mona Lisa. Most people just call me Lisa thought."
His mouth dropped open. "Your name is seriously Mona Lisa?"
"Yeah." I nodded. "I think my parents were on something t the time but they swore my name will bring me good things."
Rowans mouth was still open.
"Dude, don't look so amazed. It's just a name."
He shook his head a few times as if to clear his thoughts. My attention drifted off of him when all of the other guys walked over with Carmen.
"So who is this?" Carmen' boyfriend asked.
I shifted Raindrop into the classic piggyback style and fixed my gaze on Carmen.
"This is my friend Mona Lisa." Carmen said. "She's been your guys' fan for ages; I can't believe you don't recognize her. Oh, and yes that's her real name."
"Huh. You do look kind of familiar." One guy said.
Another guy rolled his eyes.
"I'm Brandon. I do vocals, guitar, and keyboards. Dustin-" he pointed at the guy who said he remembered me"-plays drums. Brader does vocals and guitar. Marc plays bass. And Rowan plays violin." All of the guys said their 'Hello's' and 'Hi's' to me and Raindrop.
The little dude who was up in his cage of controlling shit yelled at the guys to get back to their sound check and for Carmen to get back to the desk. They all sighed and went back to doing the things they were support to do.
I set Raindrop down and hid my skateboard behind a vending machine. For the rest of the time I talked to the merch girls, played with Raindrop, and watched the guys.
Rowan defiantly struck me as awesome. Out of them all her is and always has been my favorite.
And seem to be his favorite too.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's a great deal longer than the first and I compleatly added the bit about Raindrop on the spot but what ever. Peace, love, comments. Plz

Pleace Out