Status: Hi World. Idk


Can We Live This Moment Over Again

Rowan’s POV

The whole time we were doing our sound check I was looking at Mona Lisa. I loved her name. I loved her look. I loved her eyes. I loved how she acted with my sister. I love that way she smirked. I loved the way she smiled.
She is perfect.
At six P.M. people started coming in. I got off the stage and put my violin aside. I pushed pass the cloth drape, separating the crowd area and the back stage area. I saw Lisa and my sister sitting with Skye, the bands merch manager.
I strode over and said, “Hello, little one.” I poked my sister on the nose.
“Hey, Lisa, Skye.”
“Hallo, mein Freund.” Lisa said.
My mouth dropped open. I had no idea what she has said. Skye was laughing at me.
“She-she said ‘Hello my friend!” She said around a fit of laughter.
“What language was that in?” I asked.
“German. I also now French, Russian and Japanese. I use German more often than the others though. She explained.
My sister jumped up to stand on the merch table.
“Ich leibe dich!” She screamed.
I looked at Lisa for a translation.
“That was very good leibling!” She said. “Raindrop said I love you. And liebling is sorta like sweatheart or little love. It’s more of a pet name for couples but it fits your sister quite well." I smiled.
And then frowned. In came the fan girls. I loved our fans, but they really knew when to choose a moment.
I had spent most of the night talking to fans. I had almost forgot about Mona Lisa, intil I heard my sister scream.
I looked around to see Raina sitting on Kyle’s shoulders.
“Put me down, you big meanie!” She screamed.
I went over to Kyle and Raina started to scream my name.
“Save me big brother! Save me!”
I grabbed her off of Kyle’s shoulders and put her into Mona Lisa’s arms. Lisa arched an eyebrow at me while Rainy hugged her.
I shrugged and felt a tap on my arm. I turned around to see no one there. I heard a cough on my other side and saw Dustin smiling at me.
“we go on in 30.Time for set up.” He said.
I nodded. “Bye-bye, Raindrop. Will you stand in the front row?”
“Yes!” she squealed.
“Ok. Oh and thanks for the help, Mona Lisa.” I said
“Your welcome.” Her smile was breathtaking.
“We have to go!” Dustin grabbed the sleeve of my sweatshirt and dragged me backstage.

Raindrop POV
I saw Dusty take my big brother backstage. Lisa watched him go.
“Lisa!” I said.
“What?” I loved her voice. It was a very pretty voice and was always nice.
“We have to go up front, so we can see my big brother!”
She nodded and walked up to the gate. She sat me down on top of the gate. We played games together, until I heard loud screams.
Lisa grabbed me and held me to her chest, but I was still sitting on the gate.
My big brother waved at me and I waved back.
“Our first song is called Mona Lisa, and we would like to dedicate this song to out friend Mona Lisa. Branden said.
My big brother looked at Mona Lisa and smiled.
I think I know something big brother doesn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠

Anyway..... I have another chapter already whiten and I will post that one shortly and it is alot better than this one.