I've Got A Secret; You Make Me Happy

From Your Lips She Drew The Hallelujah

Joplin, Missouri

“When we grow up, like in our twenties, we're gonna be living in the biggest and best house money can by. We're gonna be so rich and famous, it'll drive us insane! We'll have so much money no matter how much we give to charities we'll still be billionaires! It's going to be glamorous. It's gonna be like, woo! Hallelujah!” I smiled as I watched an old video of me and my best friend from when we were innocent little third graders. In the video I was wearing my favorite purple glittery shirt, with a guitar in my hand. My friend, Christofer, was wearing his Indian costume. The time of the video was Halloween and we had just got back from trick-or-treating. At that moment in time we were making a video of us “rocking out” because soon we were gonna be “rock stars”.

I looked around my small, cramped apartment. I was just pushing twenty years in two months. I was no where near a billionaire, and worst of all I was not a rock star, no. Instead I was a struggling community college student living paycheck to paycheck. My life wasn't exactly glamorous. Christofer on the other hand, hand it pretty good. Though he ended up dropping out of high school, he did it for good reasons: to chase his dream. The dream me and him both were going to do together.

To bad at the time I was too preoccupied in school to pursue it. But now there he was, also no where near a billionaire, but he was getting there. Despite him always touring to different countries, we still have managed to stay best friends. Though I had to admit, there was always tension between us ever since I rejected his invitation to drop out and follow our dreams.

Nonetheless I was happy that he'd be stopping by later to pick me up. For now it was summer and he invited me to tour with him and his band. Not only would I be around great music, I would have the chance to see North America! Tingles of excitement flew through me every time I thought of this.
It was a chance of a life time. Especially for someone who is most likely going to spend her life a middle school choir teacher (it was what I was planning on becoming after college).

In the mean time, I was wondering around my house, making sure I had everything packed. To be quite honest I didn't plan on bringing that much. Just an innocent amount clothes, a tooth brush, makeup; the things I would take if I were sleeping over at a friends house. Most things would already be in supply on the bus.

After making several rounds through out the apartment I waited for my fellow college mate, Cynthia. She would watch my apartment while I was gone. When she arrived I briefly explained simple things about the apartment. I thanked her once again, and she told me it was no big deal then she said that she had a wedding reception to attend to. I gave her a pair of keys and showed her to door.

Now that everything was settled, all that was left to do was wait, and wait, and wait.

Finally, seven o-clock arrived, and as if on cue Christofer casually opened the door and walked in as if he owned the place. He looked exactly the same as I last saw him, only this time, he seemed a little bit more tired. His normally ginger blond hair had turned a slightly grayer shade. But his eyes, oh how they still had that sparkle.

I smiled widely at him, as he made his way towards me to give a hug, “Hey,” he simply murmured before taking a seat on my sofa. “How are things?” As I observed him more I noticed how thin who looked. Has he always been that way?

“Things are good. You seem tired,” I responded, a little concerned. I've always been concerned about that boy. He's been trouble ever since puberty hit. I guess that's why he was my best friend, and nothing more. Once, we tried going out. It didn't last long.

“I stayed up a little too late,” he said shrugging it off. “Are you ready to go?” I rolled my eyes and smiled. He was always the expert at changing the subject.

“Yep, I'm all set. I just need to put in the bus and I'll be all set!” I replied cheerfully. He nodded and helped bring my bags downstairs to the bus.

“Oh, and before we go the the first show, we're gonna stop by the airport in the city next to us.” Christofer said as he tried to fit the bag with the other luggage.

“Why?” I asked, curiosity overtaking me.

“Because we're going on tour with a band all the way from Europe,” he said, “and that's where their flight lands.” Another band? He didn't say anything about another band. I groaned when I thought about how crowded the bus would be.

“That's cool, I guess,” I looked down at my feet.

“There's a girl that's coming with them,” he pointed out, probably hoping it would cheer me up.

“Oh? Is she part of the band?”

“Nope, she's just someone their dragging along, like you!” Christofer laughed at his own words, causing me to glare at him.

“Well, with whom, is she traveling with,” I asked formally, like I always do when I get annoyed. This only caused him to laugh more.

“Well, 'whom' she is traveling with is a little band called Bring Me The Horizon,” he explained, snickering at the word 'whom', “Ever heard of them?”

“Oh, them.” I've heard all about them. Their all people here can talk about these days. 'They're so cool! They're so British! They're so bad ass!' Good reviews is all I heard about them. In my opinion, I thought they were trash. Screamo styled music was not my style. I preferred acoustic, like Christofer's music. It was the kind we used to play together. Screamo, on the other hand, I find loud and annoying.

Also, I heard they were notorious for being a major party band. They lived for girl, party, drugs and beer. And that's exactly the kind of influences I wanted to live with for a whole summer. Ha, not. They could just possibly ruin my whole summer. Plus, the girl going on tour with them is probably just some play toy of theirs.

I secretly prayed that their plane would be delayed for millions of years. Or better, they just didn't go all together.

“Hey!” Christofer shouted, trying to get my attention. I snapped out of my thoughts, and turned to where I heard his voice. He was standing on the steps of the bus and motioned for me to follow.

Before I knew it I was in the bus with him and his friends. My face lit up as I thought about how I would finally get out of this town. Then I realized that this was the first time out of town.

“Good bye, Joplin!” I screamed, startling the others, “And Hello road trip!” Despite the stares I got from everyone and the glare from the driver, I was on top of the world. Nothing could bring me down. Not even stupid, screamo Bring Me The Horizon.

“Hallelujah,” I smiled.
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Title Credit: Hallelujah.

Hey guys!(: I hope you enjoy the story.