I've Got A Secret; You Make Me Happy

No Need For Introductions.

I shifted awkwardly in my seat, taking a quick glance around the plane. I expected we would be landing soon but it still didn't help my restlessness. I needed to get up and stretch my legs and breathe in some fresh air. This plane ride was killing me. 

"Oi, stop bein' a babeh 'nd sit still."Oli muttered, taking out one side of his earbuds.  We were sitting in the same row but Lee was inbetween us. 

"Piss off." I replied, sticking my tongue out at him. He simply flipped me off and stuck the earbuds back into his ears. 

I hated this cramped little area and I would be stuck on a bus for the next couple months. Fuck me. Why I agreed to sell merch for them was beyond me. I didnt even remember them ever asking but they all ganged up on me and convinced me that I did promise to help them. From what I understood all I would have to do is get some stupid American kids to buy as much BMTH merch as possible all the while partying my ass off with my best friend. 

"Olleh 'ow much longer til weh 'an get off this bloody plane?" I asked whilst tossing a piece of paper at him. He pulled out his earbuds again and shot me a glare. 

"Stop throwin' shit at meh." He grumbled, pulling it out of his hair. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into my seat, he had to know that I was going to bother him to some extent. It was my job as best friend. "We should beh landin' soon love. Yeh just 'ave teh wait fer a few mintutes."

"Mkay." I mumbled, flashing him a smile. He laughed and shook his head at me. That was the thing between Oliver and I we could never stay mad at each other. 

"Why did yeh agree teh come if yeh can't even stand teh plane?" He chuckled, leaning over Lee and poking my side. "We're gunnah be on a cramped bus fer teh nex' few months."

"I told yeh I never agreed teh this. Yeh tricked meh into it Olleh." I said, pushing his hands away. "There's only six of us. It won't beh that crowded."

"Oh I forget teh tell yeh. We're sharing a bus with some other people." He shrugged, moving back into his own seat. 

" 'nd 'ow did that 'appen?" I asked, he 'forgot' to tell me? Bullshit. 

"They offered. We weren't gunnah turn down a free ride." He said, sticking his iPod in his pocket. 

Please fasten your seatbelt. We will be landing shortly.

"Wha' did I tell yeh love. It's just five more mintues now." Oli said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it a little. I smiled, tour with Oli was starting to seem like it was going to be better even if I had to share a bus with a million other people. At least it was better than staying home in Sheffield with Oli gone.

I stifled a yawn and looked out the window, I could see the city below us. I had never been to the states before this was going to be awesome. I wasn't too excited with the sharing a bus but I guess I'd just have to suck it up. Hopefully they weren't too much of a wet blanket. I wanted to have fun on this tour.

Please exit the plane now and don't forget your carry on bags.

"Fuck Olleh, hurry and get yer arse up." I said, already standing up in my seat and with my backpack slung over one shoulder. 

"Dont get yer knickers in a wad. I'm gettin' up." He said, not bothering to wake up Matt, Jona, Lee, or Matty. That was the rule, you had to wake yourself up. 

"Come on, let's go before they wake up." I whispered, stepping over Lee and pushing Oli towards the exit at the front of the plane. 

"Im tryin'" He said, pulling his back pack a little higher on his shoulder as we continued to walk. 

"Oi, yeh wankers. Matt, Lee Jona. Wake yer arses up. We're here!" Matt Nicholls yelled, right when we stepped off the plane.

"Fuckin' prat, forgot teh rules." Oli muttered as we finally reached the terminal. 

"Lets just get our bags Olleh. We 'an get Nicholls back later."  
♠ ♠ ♠
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Title Credit: No Need For Introductions, I've Read About Girls Like You On The Back Of Toilet Doors. - BMTH.