I've Got A Secret; You Make Me Happy

With The Sad, Sad Look You Wear So Well

Thirty minutes into the drive, we arrived at the airport. By this point my excitement for the road trip had worn off a little bit; I was too busy letting thoughts about that stupid band enclose me in a realm of depression. On the other hand, spending a whole summer with Christofer seemed so appealing. The thought of all the time we could spend together filled my stomach with butterflies.

“Cheryelle!” Christofer called from the front of the bus, “Come on, we have to meet the others.” Then he added when I groaned, “Cheryelle, come one. You have to be polite.”

“I'm always polite,” I grumbled, standing up, “So I can have my moments of rudeness.” He laughed haughtily.

“You can't judge someone that you've never met.” He pointed out. I rolled my eyes in response.

“Yeah, but when the whole town of Joplin loves to talk about them it's hard not to judge them.” I retorted,briskly walking past him.

“Ouch,” He said quietly falling behind the rest of the band members. His best friend, and the other tour buddy Carter caught up to me. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye but then continued staring ahead of me.

“Do you even know where we need to go to meet them?” he asked.

“Well I'm sure someone would tell me otherwise if I was going in the wrong direction,” I pointed out, following his right turn down to baggage claim.

“Okay then,” He replied, then tried to ask nonchalantly, “Chris seems upset. Why?”

“I'm not his mother! How am I suppose to know!?” I answered him, a little more venomous than I intended it to be. Seeing the hurt look on his face, I softened my voice, “All I said was that I wasn't too keen on meeting Bring Me The Horizon. If he's hurt by that, that's his problem.”

“This is why other people, who will remain anonymous, didn't want you touring with us,” he said flatly.

“People didn't want me with you guys?” I responded, clearly a little hurt by those words.

“Well, yeah,” he said, “You always complain, and let everyone know when you don't like something.”

“Sorry for letting my feelings be known!” I exclaimed, “Sorry that I'm a girl.”

“Not all girls act the way you do,” he replied, “But some of the guys think your personality is annoying and Chris argued for hours just so they would allow to come. Plus he worked hard looking for a band who'd tour with us. Especially one big as Bring Me The Horizon and then you come along and drag your feet ever since you found out they would be touring with us, completely inconsiderate from everyone else's feelings! It's no wonder why Chris seems upset now!”

“Whatever, Carter.” I sighed, “Lets just pick up that joke of a band and go, okay?”

He rolled his eyes and let out a heavy sigh of his own. We walked side by side in silence. I filled my thoughts with a song to keep me from thinking about anything else, ignoring the stiffness that filled the air.

Finally after the short walk to the baggage claim, we found a group of empty seats and began to wait, and wait, and wait. When several minutes passed by I glanced at the clock on my phone, revealing we had been waiting for a while.

“So, where's the plain? Why hasn't it come yet?” I said, standing up. I looked around at everyone, waiting for a reply that never came. In response to there silence I continued on, “I guess, they couldn't make it? Or maybe they just stood us up.” When I said this a few heads glanced from their phones and other devises to glare or roll their eyes. Still, I could see some of their eyes exchange glances with others. Apparently they were worried about what I just said.

Christofer eventually stood up and made his way over to me, where he whispered ferociously, “Can you stop being so negative!? It's really pissing everyone off.”

“If you knew people didn't want me to be here you shouldn't have invited me!” I snapped.

“Oh come on! I was hoping you would want to come so WE could spend time together in between shows. But if you don't want to do that, just leave now. There plenty of buses that could take you home.”

Before I could respond with something witty and spiteful, a loud and thick British accent rang through the tense air.

“Sorreh for bein' late! 'Ere was a storm er somethin' and theh flight was delayed fer a bit!” I turned to see who the voice belonged to. My eyebrow's raised as I looked the guy up and down. One thing I had failed to do, was ever glance a picture of Bring Me The Horizon. I didn't know which of them he was, but this over tattooed brown haired dude was sort of easy on the eyes.
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Sorry for the delayed update. :\ I've been really busy! But still, read, sub, tell your friends! :)

By the way, her name is pronounced "Sherry-ell (like cherry but with a shh sound and elle as in elephant minus the ephant part. :p)

Title Credit: Gives You Hell; All American Rejects