A Little Less Obvious

Jasey Rae

Nicole always got nervous before a show, Michelle concluded. It's expectable, though, when you're a somewhat shy person, and the lead singer of your band. Michelle just thought it was weird that they played maybe a total of 200 shows this year, and at every one Nicole is still almost peeing her pants.

"Annabell, you're on in 5," one of the venue assistance told them, giving a warm smile to Nicole before disappearing into the scenery.

The group gathered around - the band, crew, and manager - and said a prayer. It was a ritual. Each prayer different, but for the same person, and for the same reason. Then, they proceeded to do what they call the "Power Shuffle" where Drew would squeeze the person's hand who was to the left of him, and they would squeeze the next person's hand, and so on until Drew received the squeeze in his right hand.

And Michelle again found it weird that even with Nicole's clumsy and anxious persona, she still managed to put on a great show, as if she was not just freaking out about it minutes before.

After they were off, All Time Low went on, getting ready to play their own 50 minute set.

Both bands were fond of each other, having toured together twice before this one.

Flashing a smile at Alex, Nicole, patted his back. Really, the only reason she began to befriend him was because of his girlfriend, Lisa, one of her good friends since the last tour.

Nicole never really liked the boys in All Time Low; she always thought that they were full of themselves, and their fame, so when it came time to tour with them again (the second time they toured together), she wasn't exactly thrilled. But soon enough, as odd as it is, she became close with the most cocky of them all: Alex Gaskarth.

Though, as stated before, it was really only because of Alex's wonderful girlfriend.

Drew, on the other hand, instantly bonded with Zack, Kara and Rian, meaning that Michelle also bonded with these three. Of course being as close to them as she had been, Michelle fell for the bassist. Though she wouldn't want to start anything, she had no problem admiring him.

Jake and Jack got close fast as well. They were inseparable the first tour, and the second tour, the only time they weren't seen together was when Jake was with Nicole, his best friend.

"Michelle...I'm tired..." Drew trailed. Though older than Michelle, he loved it when she babied him, and he loved that he was the only one she did it to.

She opened her arms and let Drew cuddle her into the couch, his head rested on her chest and his legs tangled with her own. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, and she ran her fingers through his sweaty brown hair.

"Hey Michelle," Zack greeted, joining them in the lounge room, and honestly she felt bad that she didn't notice them get off stage.

She watched him grab a water from the fridge before downing it in a few gulps.

"Hello," she smiled at him, taking in his sweaty appearance.

He currently had no shirt on, and his brown hair stuck to his pink face. His abs well defined and glistening due to the sweat, and his arm muscles flexed every time he moved them. She was smitten by him.

She looked down as Drew smiled up at her knowingly, and chuckled. Drew didn't giggle like Jake did, she'd come to learn in the 17 years she's been friends with the two cousins.

"Do you want to go for -"

"MICHELLE!" And her head snapped back angrily, prepared to yell at the voice that interrupted Zack's sentence. She was even more annoyed when she found out it was Jack.

"What?" she snapped angrily, resulting in Drew poking her in the side, causing her to calm down a bit, but she still remained annoyed.

Drew had that affect on her. He'd do or say something to her, and she'd be less sad, or less irritated.

"Sorry," she said as she took in the hurt look in his eyes. She kind of got the hint that Jack had a crush on her, and it was only confirmed when Jake told her that he did.

"It's fine," he replied shrugging. She didn't let the conversation continue then, and looked over at Zack who didn't seem as bothered by the interruption.

"You were saying?" she asked, a nervous smile on her face.

"Oh, yeah. Do you want to go for a run tomorrow at the next venue?" she smiled and nodded eagerly. Maybe she'd actually try to get with him, he seemed different enough.
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edited. i didn't like the direction the other way i was writting it was headed.
this shall be different, but similar to what i was thinking.
tell me if there are errors?

oh, and chapter tittles will be ATL songs.
sometimes they'll have to do with the chapter.