A Little Less Obvious

Come One, Come All

When running, Michelle felt at home. During her whole high school career, her life revolved around running, and music, of course. She thrived on the wind whipping through her hair, the numbness she'd feel in her legs after running too much, the ache in her side, and even the sweat she created.

At first she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to keep up with Zack, but as time passed, and they continued to run, she was afraid that Zack wouldn't be able to keep up with her. After running at least five miles, to and fro, she was impressed with him, and she liked him just that much more.

"I'll see you later?" Zack panted out hopefully, his hands on his knees, and his body tinted red. He didn't think it would be that much of a struggle to keep up with her. One look at the girl, and he thought she'd wimp out after at least a mile.

"I hope," she replied, a small smile on her face as she fixed her ponytail. They embraced, basking in each others presence before departing to their own buses.


When Michelle, Jake, Jack, Alex, Lisa, and Chris Kamrada decided that going to Panera tonight was a good idea, Jack couldn't be anymore excited.

Sure he loved Panera, but really he just wanted to spend some time with Michelle, and he knew that since Zack, Kara, Rian, Nicole or Drew weren't going to be there, that it would be easier to grab her attention.

Jack knew that out of everyone there, Michelle didn't really have anyone to distract her from talking to Jack. Jake was all for getting Michelle and Jack together, Alex and Lisa would be busy with each other, and Chris was someone Michelle just met, so she wouldn't be talking to him.

"Hey," Jack greeted, smiling welcomingly at Michelle.

"Hello," she mumbled back, continuing to click away on her phone.

Unlike most people in bands, after she got money, she didn't go out and get a new phone. She was pretty content with her own, so stuck with it. She didn't need a smart phone to make her happy.

"Who're you talking to?" Jack asked curiously. He didn't want to read over her shoulder, that was rude.

"Zachary," she replied nonchalantly.

When saying someones name, Michelle wasn't one for nicknames. She called everyone by their full name, unless she was extremely comfortable with the person. This assured Jack, she still called Zack Zachary, so he had somewhat of a chance.

During dinner, Jack kind of lost all hope; Michelle kept their conversation to minimum and focused on her phone most of the night. Jack was disappointed - he shouldn't have been though, Jake had warned him that Michelle was almost never interested in people, and almost never realized that someone had feelings for her until it was too late.

Michelle, however, already knew that Jack wanted her, she just didn't really care. She never really got to know him over the weeks they toured together, and honestly, at first, she thought he hated her, but then she grew to not care.

The boy had made no attempt at all the first tour to try and talk to her the numerous times that she tried to talk to him. He hadn't even acknowledged her until the end of their second tour, and by then, that was too late - Zack was what she wanted.
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i know it's shit, but i felt like i owed my ONE COMMENTER. =].

ughh, night now.