A Little Less Obvious

The Party Scene

It wasn't unusual for there to be parties on tour, or people getting drunk. It was hard for the bands to actual go out though, seeing as 8 people on tour were underage, and Jack wasn't going to go if Michelle wasn't.

So instead of going out, the boys of All Time Low decided to just throw a party in the venue parking lot when most of the fans had cleared the area. Since they were in charge of the party, they were also in charge of alcohol.

That was an easy task. The hard task was getting Josephine Foreman to allow her "kids" to come to this party since she knew there would be alcohol. Due to Josephine's strictness, Michelle and Nicole had never touched a drop of alcohol before, and they weren't going to be able to until they're legal.

But with the party in full swing, Jack found himself sitting in a fold out chair completely sober and disappointed that Michelle hadn't showed up. He wasn't really surprised though; Jake had said that there was a 99.9% chance that Mrs. Foreman would not let them go.

He had been texting Jack all night telling them that they were all trying to convince her that they would not be drinking. But those texts stopped 20 minutes ago.

And hour later when he looked out into the parking lot filled with sweaty drunk men and a select number of girls, his jaw hit the ground to find Michelle dancing with Chris Kamrada, a guy who she had just met.

Jealousy ran through Jack's body. That was completely unfair to him, a guy who had known her for at least a year and a half now. She was also completely sober.

Michelle just found herself attracted to the cute tan Florida native, but nowhere near how attracted she was to Zack.

"Want to dance, Michelle?" he had asked her, a hand in his long, greasy brown hair, and a smile playing on his full lips. She nodded eagerly, and quickly began moving her body against the drummer.

Her eyes scanned the area, and she found a sober Nicole dancing seductively with an equally as sober Maika Maile. Behind them though, she saw Jack, and he was staring straight at her, a blank look on his features.

As the song changed, her and Chris bid each other farewell, and she made her way over to Jack.

"What?" she asked rudely, gaining a startled look at the once happy Jack. He had been happy because she had made her way over to him, and not the other way around. But now he was just confused.

"Why were you staring at me like that?" she questioned, her fingers brushing against Jack's own on accident. He flushed a deep red before answering.

"I was just-do you want to dance?" was what Michelle had made out of his stuttered sentence.

"Okay," she replied and grabbed his hand moving them to the middle of the dance floor.

An hour later found Michelle's back pressed against Jack's front, and her butt rubbing into his crouch, and her head laying on his shoulder, facing his neck while Jack leaned over her short body slightly with his head on top of her head, knees beant, his hands dangerously low on her hips entangled with her own hands, and their bodies swaying to the music.

Jack loved this; he absolutely adored it. She was with him right now. She could have left when Zack came by, but she stayed tangled with him. He knew she didn't like him that way, but he hoped. And it wouldn't take much for Jack to admit this, but just holding Michelle's hand had his heart in a frenzy.

When Shots by LMFAO had come on, Michelle turned in Jack's arms so she was facing him, and then proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck, and moved her body to the beat.
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short. yeah, yeah. might make this longer later.
might e a ton of errors, don't care.