Status: Finished.

Dear Cheater.

You have no idea what I felt that night.


I really hope you’re happy. I do. I hope that one day you can say “I had love and lost it.” Everyone experiences that at one point in their lives, right? I only have one question for you. Was it worth it? Was she everything you have ever wanted and more? Well, I guess that’s more than one question but please, answer them. I really want to know if she was better than me. Did you have more chemistry? Was she better in bed? Actually, don’t answer. I’m too afraid to know the truth.
For now, I just hope that you and her find happiness. Not that I know her name or anything. I just wish for the best. For everyone, though. Not just you. I guess it’s a quality you never saw in me. Oh well, your loss. Do you even realize how many nights I cried over your sorry ass? I don’t think you do. What a shame because maybe, just maybe, you would’ve helped me get over it. At least you would’ve told me you were sorry. Or are you that shallow and stubborn?
Well, I know I’m doing great now. After I realized that crying over you wouldn’t do me any good, I finally answered my friends’ calls and texts. We went out to my favorite club. Do you remember? Seven. Yeah, I met a guy. He’s really nice to me and extremely good looking. I guess that doesn’t matter to you. But we’ve been talking for the last three weeks and I really like him. He seems like a nice guy. Do you need the definition of a nice guy? I’ll exchange it for the definition of a cheater. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you?
You have no idea what I felt that night. That awful night at that stupid party. When I walked in and had Allie rush to me, my smile grew because I thought she was going to tell me something amazing. But she didn’t and you know that. I can’t bear to write her actual words but I want you to know the full effect of them so I will. Her exact words were “Don’t go into the living room.” That’s it. That was all it took for me to push through the crowd and head straight for the living room, as she warned me not to. And you know what happened next, right? There you were. Sitting on the couch, making out with Ronnie. Now, Ronnie and I were never close. We were never actually friends. But I felt she had enough brain power to stay away from my fucking boyfriend. But, let me tell you what happened next.
I went to Phil and had him pull you off of her. Phil has always been my favorite boy in our school, even when we were together. He’s my best friend and like my brother. And on top of that, he’s more of a guy than you’ll ever be. Anyways, after that, I had a bitch fight with the slut and she went home with a broken nose. I went home with a bruise on my left arm. She obviously had it coming. I’m obviously stronger, smarter, and prettier than she’ll ever be.
I want to know how much you think about me. Because, not being conceited or anything, I’m pretty unforgettable. I mean, we were together for nine months and thirteen days, I beat up your new girlfriend, and I cursed you off approximately five times. You might’ve thought at the time that it meant I still cared enough to think about you but really, I was saving other girls from your bullshit. That’s why I did it on your Facebook wall. Do you realize how many people liked those comments? The list of people grew with each comment. The first one was 30, the second one was on the phone so that doesn’t count, the third one was 50, the fourth was 74, and the last one was 103. Turns out I’m not the only one that doesn’t like you.
Well, I hope you enjoy your new life. I know I’m enjoying mine.

Fuck you,
♠ ♠ ♠
Wasn't as long as I thought it would be.