You Will Suck The Life Out Of Me

I Wanna Break the Spell You've Created

Is it really over? I mean do we really have to go back home? Those were the thoughts running through Nicole’s mind on the last day at Camp Dark Springs. It was an old camp about three hours away from Devil’s Kettle, the place that Nicole and her sister, Ashly called home. Now don’t be turned off by the name, it’s really just a small shitty town that’s named after a waterfall. Nicole’s eyes scanned the camp grounds, observing her surroundings. Watching all the kids go by, overhearing conversations about the not-so-secret plans of the party that was happening by the lake tonight. “Have you bought the keg?” and “who’s gonna keep lookout for counselor’s tonight?” Most of the counselor’s barely watched over us; a few even joined in on the partying. Suddenly, Nicole lunged forward as weight was put on her shoulders from her best friend, Jennifer, jumping on her back.

“God damnit Jenny, what have I told you about doing that? If I didn’t have such amazing balance we’d be tumbling over by now.” She smirked as Jennifer jumped down from her back and gave her that smile that said, “You know you still love me.”

“Since when do I ever follow directions? And besides, the majority of these people would love to see the two of us on the ground tangled together.” Nicole rolled her eyes and laughed.

“Well damn, if Ashly’s shorts were any shorter we’d have a direct view of her crotch,” Jennifer said as her eyes drifted over towards Nicole’s sister and a few other girls circled around none other than Gerard Way. He was a counselor over the Art’s department at the camp, all he had to do was snap his fingers and girls would grovel at his feet. “Well, we couldn’t blame them,” Nicole thought. Gerard had the total package. Long, dark locks that fell at his shoulders, nice toned body, and red-carpet smile. He had the most amazing golden eyes and despite being in the sun all summer, he maintained his signature pale skin. It looked soft and feathery; you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to run your fingers over it.

Jennifer snapped her fingers in front of her friend’s face. “Nicole? I thought you had ventured off into Wonderland again.” Nicole turned back to face her. “Honestly I do not see how you two share the same DNA.” Jennifer shook her head, I nodded in agreement. It’s true, even though they were sisters; Ashly was definitely more extroverted than she was. Nicole spent her time writing and watching horror movies in her room, whereas Ashly was gone half the night, over-exposed, and accompanied by a different guy each night. It’s even worse when she sets her sights on someone Nicole is interested in. She still hasn’t forgiven her for going after Bert, a guy in their grade. He was a bit eccentric but he was one of the sweetest guys she knew. Always in a good mood and loved to put a smile on your face, and Ashly knew damn well that she liked him. What Ashly wants she tends to get…always. Nicole once again snapped out of her daze when Hillary approached them.

“Hello, loves. May I join in on the glaring?” Hillary said as she leaned over and wrapped an arm around Nicole’s shoulders.

“Oh please do, you’re always welcome to talk shit with us,” Jennifer spoke up.

“It’s almost sad how much time Ashly spent this summer following Gerard around,” Hillary said.

“Hah, almost every girl, including a few guys, followed him around. It’s quite sickening.” Jennifer stuck her finger in her mouth and made gagging sounds.

Nicole laughed, “Well what do you expect; they’re like a pack of wolves surrounding their prey, ready to pounce.”

“You are so jealous,” Hillary said, with that knowing look on her face. Nicole scrunched up her face. “Ugh, that’s not even the case.”

“Dude you are jealous, you’re practically lime green jello and you can’t even admit it to yourself.” Jennifer joined in and cocked her eyebrow up at Nicole. Nicole crossed her arms over her chest and tossed her dark hair over her shoulder and turned away. She happened to catch Gerard’s eye as she looked over once more to check things out. The side of his mouth lifted and he gave her a smirk and winked. Nicole fought the urge to smile and turned to face the girls again.

“Don’t think we didn’t see that,” Jennifer pointed her finger at Nicole. She giggled.

“Ugh, whatever let's just go finish packing before the bonfire tonight.”


Nicole was putting her things away in her bag when her sister, Ashly came into the cabin and plopped down on her bunk.

“And how have you been on this fine day?” Ashly asked as she turned over to lie on her stomach and faced her sister.

“I’m tired, although I see you’re looking as lively as ever.” Nicole scoffed.

“Yes well, I’ve been hanging out with that hot piece of ass, Way. That’s enough to put anyone in a good mood.”

Nicole raised her eyebrow and gave her an incredulous look. “Seriously,” holding back laughter, “Hot piece of ass? What are you, a frat boy?”

“Eh, might as well be,” Ashly commented as she rose up to sit on the bunk. They were close at one point. They were practically attached at the hip at one point. They did everything together, from movie nights with their little brother, to Ashly dragging her out to hang with her friends. One night Ashly decided to give Nicole a makeover which ended with Nicole looking like a clown. They took one glance at the finished product and collapsed on the bed with mascara tears running down their faces from laughing. Nicole often thought of that night, it was only weeks before they lost their mom. She had committed suicide, leaving their dad to take care of two teenage girls and one eight year old boy, their little brother Ryan. It was their bond that helped them get through the tragedy that rocked their lives. Now, they barely exchange words.

“Are you done packing now?” Ashly turned her head to get a better look at her progress.

“Yep, just finished. You know, you should get on that, your shit is basically covering the floors.” Nicole shut her suitcase and sat it on the floor beside her bunk.

“I know, I’m a slob. So did you hear? All of us are going down by the lake after the bonfire to get shitfaced with Jeph and the rest of the guys,” Ashly smirked.

“Well, at least pack first? Dad will be here first thing with Ryan to pick us up. I don’t want to have to run around trying to grab your things for you like I did last time,” Nicole said, eyes scanning the room and looking at the mess that covered the floor.

“God, I’ll do it later, mom.” Ashly shot back. Nicole pursed her lips just turned away from her. Ashly’s face immediately softened up when she realized what she had done. “Oh, God you know I didn’t mean it like that,” Ashly said as she stood and tried to meet her sister’s eyes. Nicole brushed it off and told her it was fine.

“Listen, I’ll be back later to pack up, I promise. Just promise me you won’t stay cooped up in here the rest of the night okay? Just…have fun.” Ashly said as she grasped her sister’s shoulders.

“Fine, it’s not like it could kill me.”


Nicole fought her way through empty beer cans and various people passed out on the ground. She was one of the select few that actually managed to stay sober. She was making her way back to her cabin; the only light was the flickering red and orange fire and the silver light from the full moon. She saw a saw a shadowy figure approach her.

“Hello Nicole, I’ve been looking for you.” Gerard shot her that dazzling smirk of his.

Nicole looked up at him in disbelief, “Really?” She said as she took a few steps back as he came closer. Why would he be out looking for me? We barely spoke more than a few words to each other this summer. It’s hard to get to someone that’s constantly surrounded by vultures. Their interactions were few – nothing but exchanged glances and awkward stammering in the mess hall.

“It’s still quite early; you’re not turning in are you?” He asked. Nicole’s eyes were focused on his lips, soft and pink. Gerard had this thing where he sort of talked out of one side of his mouth. It was quite cute. She realized she should probably stop being such a creep and looked up to meet his eyes. He realized she had been staring and that damned smirk was back. Well shit.

“Oh, yes I was just about to head back. You know, gotta get up early and whatnot.” Nicole finally responded. “Nonsense, you should join me on a walk.” Gerard shook his head and offered her his arm. She bit her lip to keep from smiling. It’s the last night of camp; she might as well do something memorable before having to return home. She couldn’t help but get a little thrill out of the fact that he wanted to spend time with her. She caved and slowly linked her arm with his. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite,” Gerard said, looking down at her, a huge grin gracing his face. She felt her lips twitch and then finally stretch into a grin of her own.

“Shall we get started?” Nicole said as she started out onto the camp trail with Gerard.

They started out, glancing back at the party that was still going on. Music was playing from the stereo on the ground, bodies were swaying around trying to match the beat, trying being the key word here. “Could you even classify that as dancing? Damn, I thought my brother Mikey was bad but this definitely tops that.” Gerard said as the camp site grew smaller as we followed the trail.

Nicole gripped his arm a little tighter as the breeze chilled her skin, “They’ve had way too many beers to even care.”

“You don’t drink?” Gerard asked. “Oh no, I rarely even go out. Drinking by yourself at home just sounds kind of sad.” Nicole let out a nervous laugh. She never allowed herself the opportunity to go out and drink and let loose. She was too focused on keeping the family together after her mom’s death. Her dad worked all the time, which left her at home to look after Ryan. Ashly never turned down a good time but even she was slowly deteriorating under that cool exterior. The last thing Nicole wanted was for her family to fall apart so she made that her first priority. “I can understand that,” Gerard said solemnly. He turned to face her, a thoughtful smile gracing his lips.

“It’s such a beautiful night, but it’s a little bittersweet. With it being the last day of camp and all,” He said as he helped her step over a fallen log. “Camp was basically the escape me and my sister needed. It felt nice to just get away and forget, you know?” Nicole said with bitter sadness in her voice. “You wanted to escape your home?” Gerard asked. Nicole looked down, not daring to meet his eyes. She didn’t want to ruin the night by talking about her depressing life. Gerard pressed anyway, “C’mon, you can tell me.” She finally looked up at him; his eyes were thoughtful and bright. For some reason, she believed she could.

She cleared her throat and spoke up, “My uh…my mom committed suicide last year. Since then things have been kinda tough on us. It’s just me, Ashly, my brother and our dad now. My dad’s trying his best to make things work but now that our mom is gone, he’s been working more hours, which leaves me to pick up the slack at home and take care of Ryan. I don’t mind it, but he felt bad, saying that he was depending on us for too much. I wasn’t even going to return to camp this summer but he insisted, saying that we needed to get out and enjoy ourselves.”

The look on Gerard’s face was soft, his hand slid down her arm and took hers and gave it a squeeze. “Loss is never easy, I know that first hand. I know apologies hold little weight in these situations but for what it’s worth, I’m sorry you had to endure that,” he said as he offered her a small smile. The corners of Nicole’s mouth lifted as she returned the smile. She felt her hand tighten around his, “No, it still means a lot. Thank you. It just- it hurts not knowing why she did it, you know? But then again, maybe it would be harder knowing the truth.”

“People take their lives for many reasons, but I have it on good faith that she loved you all very much. Death can take away many things, but that’s something that even it can’t take from you. Physically, she might be gone, but her love is still here with you.” Nicole felt her heart swell, as she heard his kind words. Gerard spoke as if he was an expert on loss, something she was curious about but didn’t dare to ask. “That’s incredibly sweet Gerard, but I think we’ve had enough depressing talk for one night. Thank you though, I mean it.” Gerard smiled at her and continued to tug her along the trail.

They continued to chat about life in a lighter sense, discussing their siblings and their passions.
They sat down on a huge log by the lake. Gerard took her hands and held them in his lap. “It’s so peaceful out tonight. I love being out when the moon is full like this, there’s just something so beautiful about it.” He looked at Nicole, taking in everything. He had watched her all summer, even though she didn’t notice it. He was always watching her. Unlike himself, she managed to actually catch a tan this summer. His eyes scanned her golden skin, which was illuminated by the moonlight. Her dark waves, fell past her shoulders, framing her face. Her face had some roundness to it, but her cheekbones were prominent; her lips, full and pink. Finally, he met her eyes. They were brown, but they were so dark they were almost black. He could never forget those eyes, no matter how hard he had tried. Those eyes were burned into the back of his mind, and for a while he believed he would never get to look into them ever again.

“I wish we could stay out here forever. Never having to go back home, just stay here out by the lake enjoying the time we have together. Let’s pretend we’re not going home tomorrow. Let’s pretend we can stay here forever, Nicole?” Gerard’s eyes shined bright and his grip on her hands tightened. She giggled. “Is he really serious,” Nicole thought? Her hands felt ice cold; she wondered if he could tell how nervous she was?

“The lake looks so peaceful without hundreds of kids’ splashing around in it,” Nicole said. He flashed her that smile again. “I’ve been watching you all summer,” he whispered. She looked at him questioningly, “You have?” Gerard let out a soft laugh.

“I’ve been hoping to spend time getting to know you,” he said sweetly. “It’s the last day of camp, why do I get the feeling I’m not the only girl you’ve fed this line to?” She smirked. Out of all the people at camp, why would he focus all of his energy on her? It’s not like she was anything unique. On the contrary, she felt pretty basic. She had her father’s dark features, and her mother’s curves. Ashly was the one that inherited their mother’s light eyes, big and full of life. She was a bit more slender than Nicole was, with a personality that could light up a room. Nicole was intense, but still pretty easy to read. She didn’t even have the power to pull off the whole “dark and mysterious” thing that others could, not that she wanted to. She didn’t even hate how she looked, she just knew that there’s no way in hell a guy like Gerard was that gung-ho for her. He didn’t say anything, he just lifted his hand up to her chin and brought his face to hers and placed a short, sweet kiss on her lips. “Those girls weren’t like you. You’re special, Nicole, always have been. You don’t even know how special you are,” he said, his hand still lightly touching her face.

Gerard’s hand slid down her body and he wrapped his arm around her waist. He held onto her tightly, and brought her body closer to his as he kissed her again. Nicole made a small squeak, and after about five seconds began to kiss him back. She brought her arms up to his neck and threaded her fingers in the soft hair at the nape of his neck. She felt him smile on her lips as he pressed into her even harder. He began sucking on her bottom lip, causing her to let out a soft moan into his mouth. She responded by gripping his hair even tighter. Nicole didn’t know what had come over her. She’s never even allowed herself to be this close to a guy, now she’s in the middle of the woods making out with Gerard.

“How old are you anyway, twenty?” She asked, finally breaking away from the kiss, slightly out of breath.

“I just turned two hundred last month; I’m much too old for you,” he smirked. He leaned down to kiss her one more time. “Well, you’re nothing like any other guy I’ve ever met before. Where are you even from?” Gerard pursed his lips; he couldn’t give her too much information, at least not right now. She would remember everything soon enough.

“I grew up in Belleville. Nothing special, it’s dirty and dangerous but full of charm, kind of like me,” he winked at her. She laughed. “Basically, I live in a town with a lot of strange people. They had a lot of superstitions about vampires coming in and draining their children’s blood.” Nicole gave him a look of disbelief, “You’re trying to scare me aren’t you?” He laughed, “Is it working?” She doesn’t know where the sudden bravery came from but she gave him a sly smirk. “Not a chance,” she said. She didn’t scare easily. Nicole could handle creepy, creepy things intrigued her.

“Well sugar, I guess I’ll just have to try a little harder,” he grinned. Suddenly she found herself being pulled up from the log, trying to avoid tripping over her feet as Gerard guided her to the tree behind them. She groaned as he pushed her against the tree, he grabbed her hands and held them over her head, tightly. She struggled a bit, trying to push her hips up to put some space between them but Gerard just pressed his hips against her roughly. He ground his hips into her front, the friction causing her the throw her head back against the tree. Gerard took this opportunity to press his face into her neck, he left little kisses as he slid his lips up towards her ear, and his breathing was erratic. She whimpered as she felt his lips against her ear, her right thigh slipped between his legs, her breath hitched as she felt her hips come up to meet his again. A loud sound erupted from Gerard, and his lips curled into a devilish smirk. He whispered in her ear, “Are you scared yet?” One of his hands let go of her wrists and he slid it down the front of her chest, Nicole gasped as she felt his fingers slip past her breast. He continued down her side and grabbed her thigh and pulled her even closer. She finally looked down at him, their eyes full of hunger and lust. He brought his hands up and placed them beside her head, keeping her pinned there between him and the tree, her hands fell to her sides. Her chest was moving rapidly as she fought to steady her breathing. Even though this probably should scare her, she felt every emotion but fear. She lifted her hands to his arms and brought them down to her hips and she placed one of her hands on his chest and the other behind his head to pull him closer. She placed her mouth against his ear, licking the shell and sucking the lobe into her mouth. His arms tightened around her, he gripped the back of her shirt. Nicole grinned as she said, “Here’s your answer.”

He pulled her close again and captured her lips. His body felt like it was on edge, all of his senses were on high alert. His throat suddenly became dry; it felt as if someone had stuck a hot iron rod down his throat. Gerard was ready to make her his. “I thought about you too this summer,” she said, breaking the kiss once again. “Did you notice me watching you?” Gerard asked her. She scoffed, “Not once.” Gerard lightly kissed her again, “I’ve searched so many years for you, and now that I’ve found you I’m never letting you go.” Nicole raised her head to ask him what he meant but she was captivated by his eyes. The swirls of gold, brown, and green seemed to take over, fogging up her mind. She felt as if she was drowning.

“That’s it Nicole, don’t fight it. You don’t want to resist me. Tonight under the full moon, I will drink your blood and you shall drink mine. Two drinks, that’s all it takes and you will be all mine again, sugar. We’ll be together forever.” Gerard moved his lips over her jaw and trailed down to leave a kiss on her throat as her head slowly fell back. He kissed his way to the side her neck; her hands were gripping his forearms so tightly that he could feel her nails digging into his skin. Nicole didn’t know what the hell he was talking about earlier but the only thing she could focus on was the way his lips felt on her neck. She had her eyes shut so tightly she could see swirls of colors as her mouth fell open and soft moan came out as he kissed a particularly sensitive spot. “That’s it,” she heard Gerard say as he applied more pressure. He lightly sucked on her neck and then flicked his tongue over the spot. Nicole felt paralyzed, like her body was telling her to do something but her mind was clouded and wouldn’t listen. She felt like she should move away but all she could do was let it happen.
Gerard lifted his head a little and then two fangs slid down, making a slick sound. He scrapped her neck lightly with the fangs before finally sinking them into her skin. Nicole groaned loudly and she tightened her grip on his hair. She tugged on it, as if she was trying to pull him away from her but instead just tangled her fingers in his dark hair. As he slowly drank her blood her breathing increased and she felt like she was floating. When he was done he lifted his head and ran his tongue over the wound and licked his lips.

“Now it’s your turn, you must drink my blood and everything will be done,” Gerard said as he lifted his wrist to his mouth and punctured it, two crimson lines began to drip from the wound. Nicole couldn’t stop herself from taking his wrist in her hands and bringing it to her lips. Gerard pressed his body against hers and ran his free hand through her hair. Nicole’s nostrils were filled with the sweet, iron smelling liquid as it slipped down her throat. When she was done she crashed her lips onto Gerard’s and her entire body felt like it was on fire. Her hands gripping the back of his neck, she slowly dragged her nails down his back, causing Gerard to hiss. He ran his hands down her side and gripped her hips so hard it felt like they were going to bruise. Nicole responded by pressing herself closer to him, emitting a low growl from Gerard. He licked into her mouth, savoring the metallic bitterness that was left behind from their previous actions. The two eventually broke apart, panting heavily as they leaned on the other for support. Gerard rested his forehead against Nicole’s, looking into her dark eyes. Full of lust, relishing in the fact that their bodies fit so perfectly together.

“It’s done my love. Now you’re mine, forever. I’ll never let anyone take you away from me again.” He said, bringing his hand up to caress the side of her face. Nicole leaned into his touch, bringing her own hand up to rest on top of his. The word “again” kept replaying in her head. There was a slight familiarity in his eyes, something that felt as if it went beyond hot summers spent at camp. Whatever fire was burning inside of her had intensified, causing it to feel like they were engulfed in flames. Her skin was tingling and it was like time had stopped altogether. This lust and intimacy that felt so new suddenly felt like it had always existed, like they had somehow always belonged to each other. It was strange and overwhelming and even though she didn’t quite understand why, she knew Gerard was right. Gerard noticed this change in her eyes, his thumb moving back and forth slowly, rubbing her cheek. She finally understood, and after years of searching he finally had her back in his life.

“Until the end of everything.”
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Re-vamped for your reading pleasure.