‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers
Status: Finished

I've Never Told A Lie


Jack POV

We went on the road and I forgot all about Jasey Rae. Zayden and Alicia kept steady contact as well as Rick and Kara. I had a different girl in bed every night and the parties were sick. Okay, in reality, I missed Jasey Rae. I tried to get back to my old life, but it only made things worse. I wrote so many songs about her and I even dreamed about her. I wondered whether she was still broken or if she'd moved on to a different guy. But I couldn't think about her. We had a huge photo shoot for Bittersweet magazine coming up. But what I didn't know was Jasey Rae was closer to me than I would ever imagine.


"Wouldn't it suck if your skin was purple?" Zayden asked. I rolled my eyes. Zayden always did this when he was bored.

"No, it wouldn't. I happen to love purple." Zach replied.

"But how would you wear red, man?" Zayden asked.

"I'd still wear it. The ladies already love me. What do I care?" Zach replied.

"What about me?" Zayden pouted.

"You're the weird kid everyone thinks abused crack." Zach replied.

"DAMN YOU!" Zayden screamed.

"Can you two please shut up?" I snapped, turning around.

"Lose the 'tude and drive, dude!" Zayden squealed.

We were on our way to a photo shoot for Bittersweet magazine and next week we had a gig at Towson. Tour was nearly over and I couldn't wait to go home, see my dogs, and sleep in my own bed. We finally arrived at the magazine headquarters.

"You go first." I stated, pushing Zayden inside. I followed behind him.

"How'd you know it was me?" Zayden asked someone.

"Your voice and the fact that no one calls me Jello, but you." Jasey Rae answered. Jasey Rae? Shit.

I walked in and saw her. She had changed a lot. She had cut her hair so it was down to her shoulders and straight and she'd clipped it back. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a white tank top, blue skinny jeans, and green Converses. She looked shocked and a little scared. I wondered what my face looked like.

"Jasey Rae?" I asked.

"Yeah." she replied. I sighed.

"Can you just show us to the photographer so we can get out of here?" I asked.

"I am the photographer." she said pointedly.

"Figures." I sighed.

"That's what I thought." she said bitterly.

"Boys, could I have a moment alone with Jasey Rae?" I asked. They all left.

"Let me just say how sorry I am. I really am sorry. Please forgive me." I apologized, looking at her.

"No, I don't. And even if I did, what good would it do you? I have a boyfriend, a job, I'm two months into my first year of college, and I don't need you in my life anymore." she explained. I got mad then. I know I fucked up, but she doesn't have to rub all this in my goddamn face.

"Boyfriend?" I snarled.

"Yes, you might know him. Jake Matthews, drummer of Bring Back Tomorrow, ring any bells?" she replied. Oh my God. She was with him? I was going to lose her even more than I already had.

"He's an asshole!" I snapped, throwing my hands up for emphasis.

"Look who's fucking talking! You cheated on me then left!" she cried. She just had to bring that up, as if I weren't guilty enough about it.

"You know, if you hadn't been such a prude, I wouldn't have done that. And I've tried so many times to apologize to you and I get nothing! And you know our album coming out next week? Every song is about you! I missed you, Jasey Rae Thomas!" I almost yelled.

"You know what, it doesn't even matter." she whispered.

"You're right, it doesn't. Why don't we just get this over with and we never have to see each other again?" I suggested.

"Good." she snapped.

"Good." I snapped back and she strutted off.

"Jase, wait." I whispered without thinking and grabbed her arm, pulling her to me.

"What?" she snapped.

"You look great." I whispered. She slapped my cheek.

"You've got some nerve!" she fumed. I hung my head. Great. I'd just laid my heart out for her and she didn't even care. She looked over the poses we chose.

"You guys sure?" she asked. We nodded.

"Alright." she sighed and we got started. We were on the fourth pose when Jasey Rae finally spoke to me directly.

"Jack." she started. I looked up, hoping to hear her say the words that would give me hope.

"Yes, Jasey Rae?" I asked.

"Either smile or make a face. You're ruining the shoot." she smiled and I felt my face fall.

We got done and left, Zayden staying behind to "talk business". Bull shit. They were going to talk about me. Hopefully I'd still have a best friend when they got through.

"Man, you have to talk to her!" Zach told me.

"Way to point out the obvious, brah. But how am I supposed to do that when she hates my guts? I don't know what to say around her." I sighed.

"That happens if you really and truly love a girl. You're scared to hurt her." Zach told me.

"So what do I do, Guy Who Has All The Obvious Answers?" I asked.

"Go back in there, say you forgot something, and talk to her while you pretend to look for it, Guy Who Asks All The Obvious Questions." he replied.

"Thanks, man. Be right back." I smiled and walked back in. "Jasey Rae, I think I forgot-" I started, but trailed off when I saw her on the floor and Jake standing over her.

"Jay, what happened? You." I whispered, glaring at Jake.

"You want a piece of me, Evers?" Jake snapped.

"No, Matthews, I want the whole damn thing." I snapped back.

"Stop, you guys." Jasey Rae whispered weakly.

"Jasey Rae!" Jake and I said at the same time.

"You know what? I'm outta here. Have fun being a fucking slut." Jake snapped and walked off.

"Jase, you okay?" I asked.

"No." she whimpered. What had he done? She still looked terrified.

"Oh my God." I whispered.I helped me up and into my arms.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here." I whispered, rubbing her back.

"Jack, you were right! I'm sorry!" she sobbed. Those last two words were the ones I'd been saying and the ones I'd hoped she'd say to me. If only it didn't have to happen like this.

"It's okay. I didn't expect you to believe me of all people, but I hoped you would." I whispered.

"Zayden said it, too." she whispered.

"He's right, you know." I whispered back.

"I know! What should I do?" she asked.

"Break up with him." I stated.

"I can't." she said weakly.

"And why the fuck not?" I asked.

"I love him." she whispered. That stung.

"He's hurting you and you won't break up with him because you love him? Wow, Jasey Rae. That has to be the most masochistic thing I've ever heard." I snapped.

"Well, what if he hurts me more?" she asked.

"I'd protect you and so would the guys. We love you, Jasey Rae. We don't want to see him beat you up." I whispered.

"Thanks." she whispered back and hugged me.

"Am I forgiven?" I asked.

"You're earning your Brownie points." she smiled.

"But I don't want Brownie points! I want my Jasey!" I whined.

"Okay, you're forgiven!" she laughed.

"Yay! Thank you!" I smiled. She walked off. "Hey. At least think about breaking up with him. It's the best thing for you to do. I wouldn't suggest it if that weren't the case." I said.

"Thanks Jack." she smiled and left.

We were finally cool. If I couldn't be her boyfriend, then I'd be like the big brother she never had. It was my only choice and I was more than happy to be there for her. Maybe I could ease her towards a relationship between us like before. But for now, I'd be happy as friends.