‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers
Status: Finished

I've Never Told A Lie

Jasey Rae

Jasey Rae POV

Things were good over the next few days. Jack and I were becoming closer and closer. He’d come by Bittersweet headquarters quite a bit to help me out and keep me company.

“I-I should get going.” I said quietly one evening.

“Okay. ‘Night Jase.” He smiled.

“’Night Jack.” I smiled back as he hugged me. To my delight, he smelled the same. If I closed my eyes, I could fool myself into thinking everything was good. “What about you? Don’t you have a girlfriend to go home to?” I asked.

“No. I haven’t had a serious relationship since you. I’m scared I’ll make the same mistake.” He admitted.

“So no girls?” I clarified.

“Not exactly. I’m kind of doing what I did before we went out.” He confessed.

“What? So you would rather have a million nameless girls than one you know would’ve stayed with you forever if you hadn’t fucked up?” I cried.

“No! Once you broke things off and told me to leave, I didn’t want a relationship with anyone else, so I just got girls in bed to satisfy my needs.” He explained.

“Well I should go.” I sighed and picked up my bag. A drunken shirtless Jake was waiting for me when I got home.

“Where’ve you been?” he snapped, pushing me against the wall.

“W-W-Work.” I stammered as I bit my lip to hold back tears.

“Damn workaholic.” He snarled, kicking me. “NEVER ANY TIME FOR ME!” he yelled, pushing me to the floor.

He looked at me while I was shaking and tearful on the floor, and got down on the floor as well.

“I’m sorry, babe.” He mumbled. He kissed me roughly, shoving his tongue down my throat. He tried to take my shirt off, but I stopped him.

“Not tonight. I’m tired.” I whispered weakly.

He punched and kicked me several times in the stomach and walked off. I felt too weak to get up, so I just lay there. I felt my phone vibrate several times, but I couldn’t find it in me to reach into my pocket and get it. I finally sat up, every bone and muscle in my body screaming. I looked at my phone.

11 New Messages

From: Jack

Received: 8:25 PM

Message: Hey Jaseykins!

From: Jack

Received: 8:30 PM

Message: You know its not nice 2 ignore people

From: Jack

Received: 8:33 PM

Message: If u dont want 2 text, tell me. Is evrything ok?

From: Zayden

Received: 8:34 PM

Message: Y u not answerin ur phone, Jello? Y?!?!

From: Zach

Received: 8:35 PM

Message: Are you ok? Do you need us to come over?

From: Rick

Received: 8:36 PM

Message: Answer 1 of us please Jasey Rae.

From: Kara

Received: 8:37 PM

Message: Jase, baby cakes! Txt backk!

From: Amanda

Received: 8:38 PM

Message: Where r u? Getting down n dirty w/ ur man?

From: Alicia

Received: 8:39 PM

Message: WHERE THE FUCK R U? Pls don’t ignore us. We wanna help.

From: Jack

Received: 8:40 PM

Message: Jase, please text 1 of us saying you're alright. I'm getting really worried.

From: Jack

Received: 8:45 PM

Message: That’s it I'm comin over. Be there in 10 baby. Hang on.

It was 8:46 now, which meant he was on his way. I texted him back.


Jack, hurry! Jake beat me up and it hurts like hell.

He called me.

“Did he really?” he asked when I picked up.

“Uh huh.” I whispered.

“Shh, calm down. Stay with me now.” He said soothingly.

“Can you sing to me?” I asked.

“Sure. What do you want me to sing?” he asked.

“No More Room To Breathe by There For Tomorrow.” I whispered.

“Okay. You’ve got to know by now that stepping in and out will bring you down until you make it definite.” He sang. I listened to his sweet, sarcastic, seductive voice. “We’ll make ‘em see, if your education brings you home, why are you still away?” he finished.

“Wow. I forgot how beautiful your voice was.” I whispered.

“Aw, shucks. I’m almost there, sweets.” He coaxed.

"What about Jake?” I asked.

“Where is he now?” Jack asked.

“Passed out in the bedroom, I think.” I replied.

“There you go. Neither of us have to deal with him. Why are you worried?” he asked.

“He’s a light sleeper.” I told Jack.

“Obviously you’ve forgotten I have a whole high school career’s worth of one-night stands and sneaking away. It’ll be fine.” He assured me and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“What if he does wake up?” I asked.

“Then you run out the door and leave him to me.” He replied.

“I don’t want him to hurt you.” I whispered.

“Don’t worry, love. Okay, I’m here.” He replied.

“Okay. Should I bring anything?” I asked.

“Anything you want or need.” He replied. I got my stuff and Jack came in.

“Jasey, who’s there?” Jake asked, coming out of the bedroom. “You again?” he snapped at Jack.

“Don’t you touch her.” Jack snarled, pushing me gently behind his back.

Jake punched Jack in the mouth. Jack punched him back and Jake fell to the floor from the impact.

“Come on.” Jack muttered lowly and rushed me out.

“Are you okay?” I asked Jack.

“I’m more worried about you.” He replied.

“I’m okay now. Your lip’s bleeding.” I told him.

“Really? Huh.” He said bemusedly. I kissed him.

“Better?” I asked.

“Uh huh.” He mumbled.

“Good.” I smiled.

“Now will you break up with him?” Jack asked.

“Of course.” I replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the slight text language, Mibba. Please don't ban me.

Hah, when I spell-checked this, the word Mibba came up as one of the errors. Silly.