‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers
Status: Finished

I've Never Told A Lie


Jack POV

I tried to treat Jasey Rae the best I could. I came by where she worked to help her or just be there for her.

“I-I should get going.” She told me one evening. She seemed kind of nervous.

“Okay. ‘Night Jase.” I smiled.

“’Night Jack.” She smiled back as I hugged her. “What about you? Don’t you have a girlfriend to go home to?” she asked.

“No. I haven’t had a serious relationship since you. I’m scared I’ll make the same mistake.” I admitted.

“So no girls?” she clarified.

“Not exactly. I’m kind of doing what I did before we went out.” I confessed.

“What? So you would rather have a million nameless girls than one you know would’ve stayed with you forever if you hadn’t fucked up?” she asked. Ouch. When she puts it that way, it makes me look shittier than I already am.

“No! Once you broke things off and told me to leave, I didn’t want a relationship with anyone else, so I just got girls in bed to satisfy my needs.” I explained.

“Well I should go.” She sighed and picked up her bag, and left.

I texted her later to make sure she got home okay, but got no answer. The band was practicing acoustic and Alicia, Amanda, and Kara were there. I winked at Amanda and she smiled back seductively.

“Guys, Jasey’s not answering her cell.” I said worriedly.

“So?” Amanda asked.

“So, she has an abusive douche for a boyfriend and he could’ve gotten to her.” I retorted.

Everyone took out their phones to text her, but no one got answers. I finally grew restless and got up to see her.

“What’s going on?” Zayden asked.

“I’m going to find Jasey Rae. If he did beat her and she’s too weak to reach for her phone, she needs help.” I told them and left. I finally got a text from her, which confirmed my fears. I called her. “Did he really?” I asked, referring to Jake abusing her.

“Uh huh.” She whispered, sounding broken.

“Shh, calm down. Stay with me now.” I said soothingly. If she lost consciousness and never regained it, I wouldn’t know how to live with myself.

“Can you sing to me?” she asked suddenly.

“Sure. What do you want me to sing?” I asked.

“No More Room To Breathe by There For Tomorrow.” She whispered. I sang to her. “Wow. I forgot how beautiful your voice was.” She whispered when I finished.

“Aw, shucks. I’m almost there, sweets.” I coaxed.

“What about Jake?” she asked.

“Where is he now?” I asked.

“Passed out in the bedroom, I think.” She replied.

“There you go. Neither of us has to deal with him. Why are you worried?” I asked.

“He’s a light sleeper.” She told me.

“Obviously you’ve forgotten I have a whole high school career’s worth of one-night stands and sneaking away. It’ll be fine.” I assured her, smirking.

“What if he does wake up?” she asked.

“Then you run out the door and leave him to me.” I replied.

“I don’t want him to hurt you.” She whispered. She cared? About me, Jack Ryan Evers? Amazing.

“Don’t worry, love. Okay, I’m here.” I replied.

“Okay. Should I bring anything?” she asked.

“Anything you want or need.” I replied and hung up. I went in.

“Jasey, who’s there?” someone asked and I saw Jake. Fuck. “You again?” he snapped, spotting me.

“Don’t you touch her.” I snarled, pushing Jasey Rae behind my back. Jake punched me in the mouth. I punched him back and he fell.

“Come on.” I muttered lowly and rushed her out. My face hurt, but I found myself not caring.

“Are you okay?” she asked me. Me? She’s asking about me when she just got hurt ten times worse.

“I’m more worried about you.” I replied.

“I’m okay now. Your lip’s bleeding.” She told me. Seriously? I couldn’t believe her.

“Really? Huh.” I said bemusedly. She kissed me. She kissed me. Score.

“Better?” she asked.

“Uh huh.” I mumbled, her scent taking over every part of me.

“Good.” She smiled.

“Now will you break up with him?” I asked.

“Of course.” She replied. This was great. She kissed me and I might have another shot with her. Things were looking better already.
♠ ♠ ♠

Bet you thought it was the end. Gotcha!

lil_angel666, I like how you said please. Manners get you everywhere :)