‹ Prequel: Dark Eyed Dreamers
Status: Finished

I've Never Told A Lie


Jack POV

I thought Jasey Rae was going to break up with Jake, but I saw him standing outside her building. I stormed in. She shrank back into her chair out of fear.

“W-What’s the matter?” she asked nervously.

“You said you’d break up with Jake! Why is he outside the headquarters?” I snapped.

“I-I tried to, b-but he wouldn’t let me!” she sobbed.

“Sure. Come to me when you’re thinking straight.” I snapped and stormed out. Wow, that was harsh. And I’ve pretty much blown any chance I had of getting her back. Great.

I went home and locked myself in my room and didn’t come out unless it was to use the bathroom or get more alcohol. Until one day, when I was woken from a dizzying half-conscious state by someone banging on my bedroom door.

“JACK! Let me in!” Zayden yelled. I opened the door. “What are you thinking!” he yelled. I shrugged casually and went to get a bottle of Jagermeister. He grabbed it from me. “Seriously, man. What happened?” he asked.

“I yelled at Jasey Rae because she didn’t break up with Jake and I think I blew any chance I had with her.” I told him.

“You gotta get back out there! She could be in worse shape because you left her! Go get a shower, put on some clothes, pop a breathmint, and go! She needs you!” Zayden coached.

“I can’t.” I sighed.

“Then me and the guys will go with you.” He said. That convinced me. I did everything he said to and the guys and I headed out.

We found Jake and Jasey Rae naked in her office and he was coming on to her. She looked scared to death. I knew what he was going to do and I had to stop him.

The guys and I pulled him back and they began taking turns using him as a punching bag. I held Jasey Rae, wrapped her in a blanket and tried to get her to stop crying. She passed out.

I got her dressed and we took her to my house. I undressed her and put her in some of my old clothes, trying not to look at her body as I did so. I put her in my bed and left. The guys were on the couch and I joined them.

“Where is she?” Zach asked.

“I put her in my room in my bed.” I replied. I put my face in my hands, rubbing my cheeks.

“What’s wrong, man? You saved her.” Zayden asked.

“Yeah, but not before she almost got raped. I can’t believe I left her to face that. I don’t know how I’m going to face her when she wakes up.” I whispered.

“Just apologize and try to be good to her. She’ll need it.” Zach advised.

“Okay. Thanks, man.” I smiled weakly.

“Well, I better get home. Allie will want to know what happened.” Zayden said, walking out.

“Yeah, same with Kara. Peace.” Rick said, leaving too. It was just Zach and me.

“So…you and Amanda?” I asked.

“I really like her and I think she likes me, too.” He replied. I nodded.

“Okay. I’ll stay away from her then.” I told him.

"Thanks, man.” Zach said and left. I made myself dinner and watched sports until about midnight.

Then I went into my room, stripped down to my boxers, and climbed into bed next to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She smelled like vanilla and some type of flower I couldn’t recognize. It was wonderful. I really wondered what she’d do if she woke up and saw me. Oh well, I just had to enjoy it. I slept soundly, hoping I didn’t snore and wake her, or hog the covers, or kick her in my sleep or anything like that.

I woke up before her, so I got up and got myself some cereal. I sat on the kitchen counter, eating it while reading the latest Alt Press issue.

“Jack?” Jasey Rae asked tentatively. I looked up and smiled at her. I jumped down from the counter.

“How are you?” I asked softly.

“Okay.” She answered.

“I’m really sorry. I gave you a load of shit for absolutely no reason. Jake was kicked out of the band by the way.” I told her.

“What?” she asked.

“Yeah. Turns out his bandmates weren’t in on how Jake was treating you, but they found out and took your side. I told her.

“But they’re short a drummer.” She pointed out.

“It doesn’t matter. A disgusting monster like that doesn’t deserve the perks of being in a band. He did try to rape you.” I replied.

“I know.” She sighed. I saw her look me up and down and I did the same to myself. I noticed that I wasn’t wearing clothes.

“Shit! Be back in five!” I called, rushing to my room. I came back, dressed properly. “Hey.” I mumbled.

“Hi.” She whispered. We cuddled on my sofa. I longed to kiss her, though. “Are you going to hit me?” she asked tentatively.

“No, never. I know I’ve done a lot of low things, but I’d never do that to you.” I told her. She looked at me. I couldn’t believe she’d think that of me. She hugged me closer.

I nuzzled my face in her neck. Suddenly, to my delight, she kissed me. She took off my beanie and v-neck. She tried to unbutton my skinny jeans, but I stopped her. Call me a stupid douche, but I couldn’t let her do this.

“Jase, no.” I mumbled.

“Why not?” she asked quietly, looking dejected. My heart hurt.

“You just almost got raped. I don’t want either of us regretting anything because of that. I want you more than you want me, but wait. I don’t want rush into anything and end up hurting you…again.” I explained.

“But we can still kiss?” she asked. Oh, my God, I love this girl.

“Of course!” I smiled. Just then, Zayden burst in.

“WHAT THE FUCK, ASSHOLE?!” he roared. It must’ve looked really wrong. Me, shirtless, my hair messier than usual, and us leaning in to kiss.

“Zayden, it’s not what you think!” I yelled.

“It sure as hell looks like it! I swear, you have no shame! She almost got raped yesterday and you’re trying to fuck her over yet again! I knew you were a manwhore, but this time you’ve gone too far!” Zayden yelled.

“Zayden! It’s not his fault! I wanted to, but he said to wait, but he still wanted to kiss me!” Jasey Rae cried. Poor girl, she had to take the shit.

“Then why is his shirt off?” Zayden asked, losing steam.

“I took it off and went for his pants, but he stopped me.” She replied.

“Okay. I’m sorry, man.” Zayden sighed. Thank God.

“It’s cool.” I replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two more chapters left! Fo serious this time.