I Can't Dream Alone

I Can Never Dream Alone...

The sound the rain softly hitting the large window, echoed through the room. She lay on her bed with her eyes staring off at nothing towards the ceiling. Her usual grey-blue eyes looked black and almost dead. Grey wet streaks ran down her face as the light from the bedside lamp shinned on them.

I cant’ dream alone,
In the middle of this place,
The bed next to me was empty,
I can’t even see your face.

She slowly turned her head to the side and her blank eyes settled on the empty part of the bed beside her. Her hand lifted from beside her and reached out to the emptiness. She closed her eyes lightly and tried to remember his face. But all she could see was a blank screen behind her eyes. Her hand dropped into the mattress and blankets.

Your eyes were always,
Glowing bright and so kind,
You bright smile,
Almost always made me blind.

A small sob escaped her lips and she opened her eyes slowly. Though she couldn’t picture his face in her head she could still remember his eyes. His eyes were always bright with life and happiness and they were the gates to his soul. Every time she used to look in his eyes she could see everything as he stared back. She also remembered his bright smile. It made her heart do a back flip every time she saw it.

But now your smile,
Is never there,
Your spot next to me,
Now is bare.

She closed her eyes once again and moved so she was on her back again. She knew he would never be there again beside her, to hold her, to smile. Her heart ached and broke into more bits, bleeding.

Small silent tears,
Fell down from my eyes,
People say that ‘time heals’,
That is all complete lies.

Small quiet tears fell from her closed eyes lids. They ran down her face making more grey streaks. It had been almost 6 months since he had gone and her pain was even worse. Her heart was in a million tiny pieces. Small little pieces that could never be put back together again.

So here I lay,
By myself, alone.
I can’t sleep,
I can never dream alone.

She lay on the bed alone and whished she could sleep. But at the same time she didn’t want to; as she couldn’t not dream without him by her side, even if she knew he was watching from above.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was something I had written ages ago, just though I would put it up here since it was already on my quizilla account.

Comments on this would really be loved, it was quiet hard to write.
Please and Thankyou? :]