Moving On . . . .

Day 2

"Fire! Fire!" A familiar voice shouted.

Fire? I thought as I lay there on the sofa not caring. My eyes shot open my mind functioned perfectly. I stood up in a hurry.

"Where's the fire Joey?" I said as I scanned the room for the fire extinguisher.

He didn't answer, he only stood there with a stupid evil grin.

"Joey! Where's the fire?" I asked.

"There's no fire!" He said as he chuckled.

I then realize that he tricked me. I hit him hard on the arm.

"Ow. Are you sure your a girl Ellie?" He asked with a mocking smile.

"Ugh! Joey! You are so lucky my parents aren't here." I said as I lay back down on the sofa.

"Get up little missy!" He said as he pulled me up again.

"Joey! I'm still sleepy!" I said as I tried to lay back down again.

"Were going jogging," He said proud.

"I don't think so. Not at this time of morning." I said.

"Come on Ellie! You have to lose all that fat you've put on yesterday." He said.

"I don't think so." I said as I closed my eyes once more.

Two hands suddenly were carrying me, bridal style. My eyes shot open.

"Joey! Put me down!" I complained.

"No way little missy!" He said as he carried up stairs to my room.

As he put me down to my feet, I looked at the wall clock.

"Joey! Are you crazy?! It's only 4:30! Who jogs this early!"

"I do!" He said so proud.

"So that how he keeps his hot body." I muttered to myself.

"Excuse me?" He pardoned.

"Oh nothing, I said I'm going back to sleep." I said as I was about to crawl on to my bed.

"I don't think so missy!" He said as he carried me once more to my bathroom." He puts me down on the cold tiled floor. "Now take a bath and change into sporty clothes." He smiled as he waked out the room.

I sighed heavily and did what I was told. After I took a shower and change into some running shorts, and some shirt I went down.


We walked to the park.

"Okay, we'll run for 2 miles. No stopping" He said with an evil grin.

"Joey! 2 miles! Are you insane!?" He knew I wasn't the athletic type.

"Nope." He started running, I followed after him.

After 1 hour and 20 minutes, I was breathing heavily. I was tired. I sat down.

"Hey! Ellie! No stopping!" He said, still running but he stayed on a spot so I could catch up with him. "Only a half mile and were done." He bribed me.

"I can't finish. I'm too tired." I said breathing really heavily.

He ran to me and pulled me along, making me suffer once again.

After running for two miles I collapsed on the grass, breathing heavily. Joey was perfectly normal, but he was full of sweat. He lay down beside me.

"I want water." I said.

"Me too." He said.

"I'm going to buy water, you want one?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He said as I walked away.

I bought water on a near hot dog stand. I drank half of my water. I had a revenge plan. I walked to where Joey was, I stood above him.

"Joey!" I said as I poured him the rest of the water that I had on my bottle.

"AHHH! Ellie!" I giggled as he wiped the water of his face.

Joey stands up and grabs his bottle of water from me. He drinks it all. But as he was finished he kept water in his mouth.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused.

He then spits water on me.

"Joey! Eww! Gross" I said wiping the water off my face.

He laughed evilly.

"Pay backs a bitch, babe." He said.

I frowned.

"Sorry. Piggyback ride home?" He asked.

I giggled as he carried me from his back, he knew just how to make me happy.

On our way home I realized that I didn't think about Shane not even once this morning.

I smiled to myself, I was lucky to have Joey. I don't know what I'd do if I'd lost Joey. He meant everything to me now.
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See you on day 3 :)