Moving On . . . .

Day 4

Joey woke me up early in the morning to jog. After that I took a shower when Joey was showering, I fell asleep on his bed.

3 days before Shane and Ellie broke up.

"Ellie, I'm going to ask you something." Shane said.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"What if our love didn't survive, What will happen to both of us?" Shane asked.

"Shane, I don't want to think about those things. Let's just enjoy what we have right now." I smiled, not showing how hurt I was.

Ellie, I just want to know. Do you still love me?" Shane suddenly asks.

"Of course! I love you more than ever." I said as I kissed her on the forehead. "Shane, do you still love me?" I asked hesitatingly.

Shane's eyes looked down.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked worried and scared.

"Of course I love you." She said still looking down.

I hugged her. I was relieved, but I knew she was getting tired of me.... but she said she still love me, so believed her.

I opened my eyes. My face was wet once more again. The door suddenly opens, to reveal a Joey with a tray and Hogan following from behind. When he saw me, his smile went away.

"Baby! What's wrong?" He said as he hurriedly put the tray down on a near table.

I couldn't answer. My tears just kept on falling. Joey jumps to the bed and hugs me tightly, I felt instantly comforted and safe. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

"Joey, I was so stupid. She wasn't in love with me anymore, she showed a sign. She looked down when I asked her if she still loved me." I said after sobbing.

"Babe, Shane is nothing but trouble and a stupid heartbreaker. You can do better than her. You can get a guy any day. Your more beautiful than you think you are." He said as he drew circles on my back with his finger, trying hard to calm me down.

I let my head rest on his shoulder, I sniffed and sobbed a bit more till I was fine.

"You ready to eat your breakfast in bed?" He asked excitedly.

"You made me breakfast?" I said, unbelievable.

"Of course." He said as he stood up from bed and took the tray he was carrying before.

He puts down the tray in front of me. I smiled.

He even designed it. I giggled, it was like a child made it for his mommy.

He made pancakes, then there was half sliced strawberries making a circle around the pancakes. Making it look like it was the sun or a flower. Then he made the eyes and a curve smile with chocolate syrup.

I looked at him. I smiled.

"You know I can't eat this all, eat with me?" I said with a playful grin.

"You know it princess." He said so happy.

We sliced the pancake in half. Joey was acting dramatically again. As I was slicing the pancake, he was talking for the pancake.

"Ellie! Please don't eat me!" Joey said, pretending he was the pancake.

I smack him playfully as I finished slicing the pancake on half. After eating the pancake, we made a contest. Who can put strawberries in his\her mouth more. Joey won of course.

He was good at fitting things in his mouth. Its weird.

Later that afternoon, we were watching tv. Then suddenly Joey turned the channel to Mtv. It was "Telephone" By Lady Gaga. He suddenly stood up from the couch and then started copying the dance moves.

I laughed at how stupid he look. Suddenly he pulled me up and made me dance with him. He said he was Beyonce, because he had hot buns. I giggled.

Then night came. I looked for Joey, I went around the house. Then I saw him in the terrace, I went out the terrace and we both looked at the stars. He suddenly asks....

"Ellie, do you think I'll ever find love?" He suddenly asks.

"Joey, you'll find love. You know that. Every girl would die to have you." I said with a sure smile.

He smiled, then looked down.

"Ellie you want to dance?" He suddenly asks out of no where.

"There's no music. You know I'm a bad dancer." I said shyly.

"I'll teach you. It's only slow dance." He said as he took my hand.

He takes both of my hands and he puts them on the back of his neck. Then he puts his hands on my waist. I blush; I haven’t been this face to face with Joey.

“Keep your hands there.” He said as we both started swaying.

“Okay.” I said, as we kept on swaying. “Joey, how can we dance when there’s no music.”

He suddenly sings "Smother me by: The Used", we danced till he finished the whole song.
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See you on day 5! :)
Thanks for reading, it means so much to me.