Moving On . . . .

Day 5

Yet again me, Joey and Hogan jogged 2 miles this morning. After that he took me home. I took a bath while he watched TV. I called him after I took a bath. I didn't understand why he was stuttering when he saw me in a towel. I just shrugged it off and dressed up in my parents room. When I was done, I went down and played with Hogan.

After Joey dressed up he went down and played with me and Hogan.

"Hey! I have an idea. Let's play daddy mommy like we used to when we were kids." Joey suggested.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

"We have to dress up like we used too!" He said childishly.

I giggled. "Sure, why not." With that we ran up stairs and to my parents' room.

I put on my mom's clothes. Which were a turtle neck with long sleeves color rose pink, then I wore a freely skirt until my knees color soft white. Then I wore some flats that were soft white too.

Joey was wearing a business suit from my dad. It was kind off too big for him. Since my dad was really tall and built. He was wearing chucks. He looked so cute.

"Joey. business men don't wear chucks when they go to work." I pointed out.

"Well I beg to differ." He said proud as he took one briefcase, from my dad's closet.

My dad has 5 briefcases, he said "a man who's serious with his job, takes his suits and briefcases serious too." it makes no sense to me.

"Okay! I'm of to work." He said as he ran down stairs.

When we were kids we didn't used the front door. My mother wouldn't let me or Joey out because there was no one to watch over us outside.

I went down Hogan following me. The front door opens as I entered the kitchen to start cooking lunch.

"Babe! I'm home!" Joey said. Hogan went to Joey.

I took out a box of mac and cheese and put it down on the counter. Joey enters the kitchen as I put water on the pot.

"Hey, honey munchkin!" I said putting the pot on the stove.

He kisses me on the cheek. I felt myself blush.

"Mmmm! Mac and cheese! My favorite!" He said pretending he could smell the aroma already.

"Joey baby, why are you sniffing, there's nothing to smell yet." I said with a grin.

"Honey bee, I don't know."

"Your weird." I giggled.

I took the box and pretend it was hard to open the box of mac and cheese.

"Let me help you there, love." He said as he took the box from me.

He opened the box easily. I took the box from him and pour all the macaroni on the pot.

"Oh! I am so lucky to have a man, who's strong and handsome!" I said with a smile.

"Well, I'm so lucky to have a sweet and gorgeous wife!" He said looking at me dearly.

I giggled.

Hogan suddenly came rushing to Joey's arms.

"Honey bunch! How could you leave our baby running around the house, he might hurt himself." I laughed.

"I'm so sorry deary!" I said acting ashamed.

Joey carried Hogan as if he was a real baby. He started to cradle Hogan.

Then it got me thinking. Joey was the perfect guy for me. But I couldn't. He was just too perfect for me and I think he could never love me. I wasn't pretty, his last girlfriend looked like a super model. I don't have a chance.

"Hun, what's wrong?" Joey asks.

I realized I was staring at him. I snapped out of it.

"Nothing." I said putting on a fake smile.

"Okay. I'll just put little Hogan to his 'crib'." He said emphasizing the word crib.

Joey went to the living room carrying Hogan with him.

10 minutes later, the macaroni was ready.

So I put the macaroni on a strainer to take the water out. I took the strainer and pour the macaroni back to the pot. I added butter and stirred. Then I teared open the cheese powder and pour it on the macaroni. I then added milk then stirred.

I put the mac and cheese on a bowl, so it would look presentable. I took two spoons and took the bowl to. I walked to the living room and sat next to Joey. We ate the mac and cheese while watching spongebob.

When we finished Joey took the empty bowl and spoons to the kitchen. He even washed it. I fed Hogan his dog food.

When Joey came back he had a smile on his face.

"What's with you?" I asked.

"You want some ice cream?" He asked.

"Your treat?" I asked with a grin.

"My treat." He said with a smile.

"Are we going like this?"

"Like what?"

"What were wearing."

"Oh, yeah!"

I giggled.

We waited for Hogan to finish. Because we were taking him for a walk and maybe for an ice cream too.


While walking Joey was the one holding the leash of Hogan. Hogan kept on barking on other dogs, he was so cute! He thinks his so tough but when the bigger dogs were barking at him he'll hide at the back of Joey.

We reached the ice cream shop. I ordered strawberry while Joey asked for peppermint with chocolate chips. It was Hogans turn.

"What will it be Hogan?" I asked.

"Vanilla?" Joey asked.

Hogan shook his head.

"Strawberry?" I asked.

Yet again he shook his head.


Hogan shook his head once more.


Hogan shook his head again.

"Rocky road"

Hogan barked this time.

"Do you like that?" Joey asked.

Hogan suddenly shake his head no.

I sighed.

"Neapolitan?" I asked.

Hogan barked in a happy way.

"One Neapolitan." Joey said to the ice cream man.

He then gave the Neapolitan to Joey and he gave it to me. Joey paid while I licked my ice cream and I fed Hogan his Neapolitan. He finished faster than me.

While walking I and Joey weren't finished with our ice creams yet. I wanted to taste Joey's ice cream.

"Joey, can I have a lick?" I asked.

"Sure." He said.

I licked his ice cream.

"You wanna lick mine?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" He said.

I let him lick mine. Suddenly he licks more.

"Hey!" I said taking my ice cream away. "No fair! You lick 3 times!"

"Well, I like strawberry too!" He said.

"Let me lick yours two more times!" I said childishly.

"Uh uh!" He said as he ran off.

I ran after him. Hogan chased him. He caught him, Joey tripped and his ice cream was now on the grass. Hogan ate it. i came rushing to him as he stood up.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried.

"I'm not. But I think I will if you let me lick your ice cream." He said pleading.

"Yeah right!" I said sticking out my tongue.

Joey pouts, he looked adorable.

"Okay!" I said i let him lick. But he suddenly licks the whole thing."Eww! Joey!" I said.

He laughs.

"Now how am I suppose to eat this with your saliva all over it."

"If you don't want it I'll gladly take it." He said with an evil grin.

"As if I going to let you." i said eating the whole ice cream.

I swallowed and I instantly felt cooled.

"Ellie, do you know we like 'kissed?' "

I suddenly felt my cheeks were burning.

"Whatever!" I said.

"You lick my ice cream, I lick your ice cream, you even swallowed the whole thing!" Joey said grinning.

Suddenly an image of me and Joey popped into my head. I shook my head.

"Joey! We didn't kiss!"

"Ookkaaaayy, but in my head we did!" He said emphasizing the okay.

"Psh! Whatever!" I said as I walked off Hogan following me.
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See you on Day 6.
Thanks for reading! :)