Moving On . . . .

Day 7

I moaned as I rolled on my bed. I looked at my alarm clock. Shit! It was already 7:00 am. Where's Joey? I asked myself as I stood up from bed.

i took a shower faster than ever.Then I put random clothes on me. Maybe he overslept. I need to see if his alright.

After I ate my burnt toast, I walked to Joey's house. It was a couple of blocks away. I didn't mind walking, it was for my health ya know?

As I arrived on the in front of the lawn, Mrs. Wright saw me.

"My dear, what are you doing here?" Mrs. Wright asked as I went in the house.

"Well, I wanted to know where's Joey?" I asked.

"Well, his sick today. He got a cold. Very bad." She said sad.

"Well, I was wondering if I could stay and take care of him."

"I would gladly allow it. I have to go to work. Just ask help from the maids." She said as she went out the house. I just realized she was wearing a business suit.

I went up stairs. As I was walking the halls, I heard terrible coughing. I rushed to where I heard it. It was Joey. He was facing terrace in his room. Then I noticed he was attempting to reach his phone.

"Joey! What are you doing?" I asked as I went to the side.

He had a shocked faced.

"W-what are you *sneeze* doing here?" He asked shocked, his voice was sore.

"Well, I didn't think you were sick. I went here to check up on you. I thought you overslept." I said as I lay beside him.

"What are you doing! You might get my cold too." He said trying to push me off the bed.

I laughed at his weakness.

"Ellie, stay away from me. I don't want you to get this cold. It's really bad." He said, his nose was stuffy.

"Whatever you do I'll stay here with you." I said.

He coughs. "Elie, I want you to go home." He ordered me, trying his best to look tough.

"Don't act tough. Anyways I already told your mom, I was watching over you!" I said with a slick smile.

He sneezes then coughs. I stood up and took a tissue box from the corner table. I took one and put it against his nose.

"Blow." I ordered.

He blows then I felt the mucus.

"Eww." I said as I hurriedly threw it on the trash can.

I lay next to Joey again. I kept my arms around him. He was seriously hot. He snuggles to me closer. He sighed in peace. We both fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and looked at the wall clock. It was already 12:00 o' clock pm. Joey had to eat something. I unwrapped my arms gently, so I would not wake him. But I failed.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to get your lunch." I said with a sweet smile.

"Let the maids do it. Stay here." He pleaded.

"To bad. I want to do it. Chicken or pea or tomato?" I asked.

"I want Ellie hugs." He said with a weak smile.

"Not in the menu." I said with an evil grin.

He frowns. I smiled.

"Ellie hugs are reserved for desert." I said with a smile.

He smiled weakly, chuckling softly.

"So what will it be?" I asked acting like a bored waitress in a diner.

"I'll have the tomato soup with crackers. And for desert I want Ellie hugs." He said pretending holding a menu.

"Coming right up." I said as I kissed his forehead.

I went down the stairs just in time. Lucila saw me, the head maid of the house.

"Ms. Johnson, I knew you were here." She said.

"Well, did you cook tomato soup for Joey already?" I asked.

"Well, yes. What crackers would sir Joey like?" She asked.

"The regular." I said.

"Okay, let's just put all of that in a tray." She said as we both headed to the kitchen.


I headed to Joey's room. I carried the tray, holding the tray with both of my hands. I reached Joey's room without spilling anything.

"Joey, wake up. Time to eat." I said shaking him a little.

He moaned then sat up gently.

I fed him. He fad me once or twice. After that I gave him his desert, a hug. It was already 2:00 o' clock pm. I turned on the flat screen, which was hanging up on his wall. We watched some cartoons, while I kept my arms around him.

After one hour of watching...

"Ellie, I'm tired. Can we just sleep?" Joey asked.

"Sure, anything for you hun." I said hugging him tightly. I took the remote ans turned the flat screen off.

He smiled gently as he closed his eyes.

"Ellie, would it be okay if you sing me a song to help me sleep?" He asked his eyes still closed.

"It would be alright. What song would you want me to sing?" I asked.

"Hear you me" He mumbled.

I giggled at his choice then started to sing.

As I was singing I kept thinking. why would Joey want me to sing? I have a terrible voice.

As I was finishing the song Joey had already fallen asleep. I kissed his forehead and a little while I fell asleep holding him in my arms.
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Sorry, didn't update for the past few days. I had sunburn. It hurt like hell.
See you on Day 8