Dead Is The New Alive.


The building works around my school meant we couldn't use the usual, safe, concrete path to the front doors. So when everyone got off the buses to get to the secondary school we had to use a strange, uncared for walk way. It looked horrible and smelt even worse. Pieces of litter were scattered everywhere and every now and then you'd spot something dead lurking in a bush. Usually it would be a fox or a dead bird. You wouldn't notice it though because you'd be walking with your friends, talking to them after just getting off the local school bus.

Not me though, I'm late everyday.

So when I got off the late bus, you wouldn't have thought I would walk casually along the path. Of course I took my time, who wouldn't when they wanted to avoid stepping on pieces of broken bottles and other pieces of rubbish?

You would have also thought that when I saw the pale, flesh bitten face peering out from one of the blueberry bushes at me that I would have screamed and told someone. I didn't, I just thought it was my paranoia and early morning blues. Although, it wasn't exactly early, it was about quarter past nine. I told you it was late.

The time didn't stop me having a second glance when I saw the face though. It had gray, filmed over eyes and it had no nose. But that was all I saw. For the second time I went to see it was gone.

Admittedly, I was a little spooked. But again blamed it on the fact that I was very paranoid when I was on my own. I sped up my pace, my ears now picking up every noise there was to hear. I heard small tweets of baby birds and the scattered paws of stray cats. What I found to be unusual though, was the sound of no building work going on in the construction site. Usually, the workers did alot of their building in the mornings so they could take it easy later on.

But today there was no drilling, no hammering, no cranes moving. It was eerily more quiet this morning. My pace sped up a little more and I eventually got away from the walk way I had seen a dead face in and to the deserted court yard that was usually swarming. This was normal for me, I was late so everyone would be in their first classes.

Running to said first class, art on the second floor, I gazed out of windows on my way up. Over a metal reinforced unclimbable painted white fence I could see the construction site. Builders were there. But they were all moving slowly.

"Must be a slow morning for them too," I mumbled under my breath as I hung my coat up on my peg. 'Tanya Skyll,' was above my peg, because that was my name. I walked into class proudly.
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Okay, I like this already.
Thought it up while walking along said path to my workplace.
Katie x