Dead Is The New Alive.


I was sat in English with my arms crossed. Miss Edlin had given us heaps of homework, you could see why she wasn't married. She was so annoying. Constantly writing down lists of homework, shouting at people for opening windows when her sauna-like room was too hot. There was no chance that I was going to write down the homework, nor was there a chance that I'd be writing down six paragraphs on how the lead pig made the other pig look bad. I mean, in summary, all you have to say is : "The mean pig was mean and kicked the little pig out of the farm," and thats all you need to know.

Slumping back in my seat I wondered why English teachers found books to be more deep and important then the actual author did. I coiled some of my hair around my finger and looked stupidly at her. I made my eyes look foggy and my mouth hang open a little.
"But, like I so don't understand miss," I whined, hitting my pen on the paper in front of me miserably. I smudged my writing and scowled harder. Of course I wasn't this dumb, it was obvious what you had to do. Miss Edlin looked at me and crossed her arms, she knew me better, she knew I was more then capable of writing out more then six paragraphs. She tutted and gave me a detention slip.

The lesson ended little after that. Chloe walked over to me as we left the yellow room and we walked together for a bit.
"Wanna skip the next lesson Tanny?" She asked me, chewing on her pink bubblegum. How stereotypical.
"Yeah sure, I never did like technology anyway,"
"Cool, wanna go by the smoker's corner?"
"We don't smoke,"
"True, but no teachers ever really go there." I agreed with her and we left the school. The field wasn't there anymore, but a little way to the left of it there were small alcoves of bushes and trees that the 'cool' kids used to hide in and smoke themselves stupid.

It took us about four minutes to get there, meaning the third lesson was just starting. We huddled up together and sat down behind a bush. It was wet, and muddy, and annoying. So I sat on my bag and pouted. Then I remembered there was still no noises. Usually, while in the smoking area you'd ave to shout to one another over the clanging of metal on metal. But that wasn't today. Chloe didn't seem to notice this.
"Have you noticed how the builders aren't doing anything today?"
I was right.
"It's weird,"
"Is it?"
"Yeah. I mean, they're in there walking around and stuff but they're not doing anything." I ranted, crossing my arms and huffing.
"What do you know about building?"
"Er...fair point." I pouted, leaning against Chloe. We were going to wait it over and then lunch would start.

Lunch was the only break we had, so it was the only fun we could really have without getting into 'trouble.'
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Hehe. I loved updating this story! I adore this so muuuch.

Zombies are the sex.

Love; Katie x