Dead Is The New Alive.


I had been waiting a total of fifteen minutes and I knew teachers would start showing up soon. Apparently Chloe had been flirting her inch long eyelashes off as grunts and groans were heard behind the fence. Did I look in to see if she was okay? No. I don't want to see a whore in action. Would you?

I was fed up with waiting and closed the door to the fence gently. I didn't want the teachers to know I had escaped through there. For there would be dire consequences. I knew I couldn't go straight home, my big brother would be there, as would my lovely mum and my little sister. Meaning, I'd get into deep shit, which wasn't what I needed these days. Luckily for me, there was a park across the road I could use. Bunkers went there everyday to hide from teachers and the teachers never suspected it. Maybe I'd find someone over the park to talk to for a bit anyway.

As I double checked the road before crossing it I heard a scream. I wasn't startled, I knew Chloe's actress scream and I knew she was putting it on for her new boyfriend. I found Chloe to be disgusting sometimes and I wasn't sure as to how we had become such good friends. The screams kept on as I walked along the little paved path towards the pretty much broken gate of the park. Graffiti littered the walls surrounding the parks interior and I quite liked to read it as I walked. Although, some of it was just childish. 'Charlie sucks cock' was on one wall in bright pink and another said 'Billy likes bum' a little way next to it in the same bright pink. I mean, it was as though who ever had written it had problems with homosexuality but was probably gay anyway.

I pushed the gate open as the graffiti ended and I walked into the park. I had to be careful though, sometimes people in parks walking dogs would feel the need to be a helpful citizen and report people skipping out on lessons. So I had to keep a low profile and stop people from seeing any features that could single me out. Like my school tie or my hair colour.

Looking through my hip bag I pulled out my striped blue hoodie and put it on, lifting said hood and masking my hair. I kept my eyes to the ground as I walked along. I was wearing school trousers and a school shirt because, for England, it was a fairly warm day. I kicked a pebble along the path as I walked. Not many people were around but then I wasn't usually in a park so I don't know if it was meant to be teeming with people or what.

Then I saw someone, leaning against a tree with a cigarette in their mouth. I think I recognized them. Freddie I think his name was. I skipped over to him happily.
"Hey Fred,"
"Hey..Tanya?" He asked, as if he had forgotten my name. He probably had, he looked pretty high. "Are you bunking?" He asked, his left eyebrow raised.
"What if I am?"
"Thats a bit unusual."
"No it's not," I countered, crossing my arms as he eyed me. I pulled the zipper of my hoodie up subconsciously.
"Right..well wanna walk?" He asked, stubbing his fag out on the gravel path. I shrugged and we started walking together.
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Coming Soon
Yes! I'm making super cool videos like that. If you want one, request it and I shall make you one. Don't worry, I'll put lots of effort into it.

Oh! And my special thank yous go to:
My Haunted Miracle
Mrs Gey

Speak to me, I'm not too frightening!
Katie x