Dead Is The New Alive.


"How did you manage to bunk anyway Tanya? Doesn't Mr Mundy come after you, like straight away?" Freddie asked me, pulling his trousers up from around his thighs. He was one of those boys that tried to be mean and rough, but he had a childish face and gap teeth. So he just looked rather foolish, he was nice once you spoke to him though.
"Went through the building site." I replied strongly, not at all ashamed as I tugged behind a strand of my chocolate brown hair behind my left ear.
"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice climbing a few octaves. I hated false accusations, they tore down friendships.
"The builders don't let anyone through, I know someone tried it and they got caught so quick!" Freddie informed me, eying me up suspiciously as if I really had lied to him.
"I'm serious! I mean, if I was lying then where's Chloe?" I spat, pouting at Freddie's disapproving glare.
"Probably off shagging someone?"
"Correct. Only she's shagging a builder, a pretty good one by the sounds of it. She screamed well loud." I wrinkled my nose and Freddie laughed. I think he had experienced Chloe.

"Subject change," Fred smiled. "Have you heard about all them mysterious deaths they're talking about on the telly?" The older boy asked me, looking at me.
"Since when did you watch the news Freddo?" I asked, casually using his nickname on him. He looked at me sideways and smirked.
"Right, well have you?"
"No I haven't." I replied firmly, I was a little interested but I didn't want to say anything.
"They're saying, right?, that some sickos are suspected of stealing the bodies and performing some sick voodoo or somethin' on them." Freddie told me, looking at me full on now. We had stopped walking and a cool breeze floated by. I kept my hoodie up but still felt the delicate hairs on the back of my neck prickle up.
"Wow." I mumbled, looking down as we sat on a bench. "Creepy huh?" Freddie nodded. We sat in silence for a bit before Freddie had to leave. I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Chloe. I hadn't expected her to be gone so long and I was beginning to get a little worried. She was my best friend, I worried about her. Even if I was severely pissed off.
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I love this <3