Dead Is The New Alive.


The next morning I was walking up the same, miserable, uncared for path I had done the day before and was taking more care. For once, I wasn't late, but if I didn't hurry up I could be. Over the fence I could hear metal work and I could smell cement mixing, but it still seemed weird to me. I knew why too, I was even more anxious then I usually was. The results I had found on the web had corrupted my mind and had kept me up through out the night. Of course, some of the results were gibberish, others were just film reviews but what had really freaked me out were the news results.

A record high in missing bodies -dead and alive- was all over the BBC website. Not only in Britain either. America, Europe, Australia. All of the large places had record highs of missing bodies. However, Britain, a remotely small area, had the highest amount of missing bodies. I didn't usually watch the news so I didn't notice anything on there saying anything about missing bodies, but now, walking up the path and nearing the great old building that was my school, I realized that no other late kids were about. Usually, I would be able to see at least one other person that was late and didn't care. But there was no one. It was weird.

To top it off, I hadn't heard back from Chloe. That only had me more worried. The path came to an end and I climbed the stairs leading to my school grounds. Still no one was around, but as I walked in and walked by the reception area, a teacher spotted me.
"Ah, miss Skyll, why are you not in the school assembly?" He asked me, Mr Stanojevic, a very annoying teacher with a stunningly British accent for someone with such a unique last name.
"What school assembly?" I asked, I genuinely had no idea what he was talking about. I looked up at the bald man, confused as he rolled his eyes.
"Just go to the hall miss Skyll." He told me, pointing a large hand to the right. I did as I was told and walked towards the hall, the doors were shut but as I creaked them open I saw every student in the school sitting in the hall. It was an ocean of different coloured hair and black school uniforms, I couldn't see a spare seat anywhere. I could feel plenty of people's eyes on me though. Coughing self consciously I ran a hand through my hair and went round to the side to sit on a seat by the wall.

The head teacher was at the front of the hall and seemed fairly annoyed that I had walked in on him on one of his important speeches. Whole school assemblies were rare, so I suppose it was a bit out of order to have walked in just like that.
"As I was saying," started Mr McKinlay. "We have students missing from our schools." Just as I was putting my bag down his words actually caught my attention for once. My head snapped up, sending my hair into a mess. "We can't stretch this enough," the old, silver haired man with the stern face looked around the hall, into all of the students eyes. He was stood up on the stage used mainly for drama performances. "Please be as careful as you can be." He said, his eyes were watered over, as if he really cared. I looked at him pitifully as he stepped off of the stage and the next teacher got on stage to babble on about how English was good for us but chatspeak wasn't.

I was even more worried. I didn't think I could be, Chloe hadn't replied to me, I hadn't seen her. What had happened?
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Okay, sorry for the delayed update, I've been a bit occupied with an RP site. *blush*
Anyway, I hope you like it, I loved writing it. :)

Katie -x