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Build Myself a Wall Up on Happy Highs

He's Not Where He's Supposed To Be

Brendon had been down on his luck the last few months. He had tried so hard to get over the things that were happening, but it only ate him up inside more. The break-up had been difficult to say the least. His and Ryan's "lover's quarell" had reached more than just a personal level, and that wasn't good at all. At first, Brendon was going to leave and start up a solo project, but he watched as Ryan started packing up and saying that he didn't want the band, that it was tainted with Brendon's legacy. A thing Brendon didn't understand, most of the girls were in love with Ryan and his jutting hips, mezmorizing eyes and lazy smile. Brendon was on the backburner for the most part.

It wasn't just the band's break up that had him losing sleep and banging his head against walls, it was the relationship that Brendon had finally felt happy with with Ryan. It had taken Brendon such a long time to get Ryan to go on a date with him, and all that hard work for love was ruined. If only Brendon knew how to shut his mouth, maybe everyone would still be together. But that's not how it works, because both Brendon and Ryan are stubborn, hard headed boys who need to get their opinions out there and take nothing less than a yes for an answer. It was a fault, and Brendon knew that. Now all he had was Spencer, the new bandmates and songs about how much he missed Ryan. Oh, and not to forget thefew multiple one night stands that Brendon brought home after a night partying at Angels & Kings, or some other bar he stumbled into.

Spencer hated being one of the two people in between Ryan and Brendon. He and Jon had helped convince Ryan to go out with Brendon, because they both knew how much he wanted to say yes. He and Jon talked for hours on end, filling each other in on touring, song writing and, the topic of choice, how Brendon or Ryan were holding up. It was horrible that Spencer had to shovel Brendon off the dancefloor, or off the most recent fan girl he happened to bring home every night, and he felt bad for Jon, who had to pry every feeling (or lack there of) from Ryan. The boys were getting out of control and Spencer couldn't take it for much longer

Spencer knew that most of the fan girls would have a field day if it got out in public, which is why he kept it a secret. There was no need for Brendon and Ryan's relationship to get out, leet alone his and Jon's. He had read enough of the fan fictions to know how much the girls wanted them all to be together. There was no way he was going to deal with the press or the random fans freaking out every time he wanted to hold his boyfriends hand. At least not yet. Spencer made a deal with Jon, who also wasn't keen on going public, that if they got Ryan and Brendon back together, that they would tell the media about their relationship.That way, Brendon and Ryan would be able to have a little time with reconstructing the fragile blocks of what was left after their relationship fell apart. He hoped that not only Jon backed this decision, he was going to need some big help if he had any hope for this plan to go through. And with big plans, came a big person. Pete Wentz
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Sorry this is sorta confusing. It'll work out and make sense, I promise. Hopefully. I have a co-writer soon. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story. I love the plot and where it's going, I hope you will to.