I Hate Love Stories Because I'm Never in One.


When girls have arguments, they usually bitch and whine about the person they've fallen out with despite the fact they miss being friends with them. It was all about pride though, no one wants to be the one to have to fall to their knees and beg for forgiveness.

I was being the stubborn 'no-way-in-hell-am-I-saying-sorry' one. Kat had managed to find her mature side for once and approached me during tutorial a little sheepishly. I glared up at her as she stood nervously by my side.

'Can I sit there?' she asked, pointing over to vacant seat on my right hand side.

Not wanting to look like the petty one, I grudgingly nodded my head once and pulled the seat out for her to sit in.

'Look Teri, I'm really sorry about like, that whole argument thing we had the other day.' she said bluntly, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she stared at me. 'I've been thinking about what you said about Dean and...I guess I never really thought about how you would feel.'

That was quite sincere...for Kat.

I could have made a sarcastic remark, I could have suddenly decided to become deaf at her apology...but instead, I rolled my pen between my hands on the desk in front of me as I replied to her.

'Kat, you don't have to say sorry.'

Another thing about girls. They pretend to not care when their friend has fallen out with them but when the friend apologises, they feel like screaming happily and throwing their arms around the friend, which is generally what tends to happen. I'm not like most other girls though, so I tried to downplay it.

Kat looked like she was about to burst into tears so I quickly held up my hands to stop her. I'm not one for mushy moments so I brought up a subject that I knew Kat would love to gossip about.

'I had a date with Matthew Saturday night.'

'What! Oh my God!' she screamed, the whole class turning around from their daydreams. 'What happened? You have to tell me...like now!'

I smiled. I knew that would do the trick. 'It was actually really fun, he was an awesome date.'

'Did he kiss you?' she demanded, slapping her palms on the desk.

I thought about telling her. I decided not to. 'No, it was just a date for saying sorry...you know, after he spilled paint on me.'

'Oh.' she said. She sounded disappointed. 'Where did you go?'

We went on like that through the rest of the school day. Kat had managed to conjure up every single question to ever ask me about the date, she was still going even after we'd walked out of the school gates at the end on the day.

'Oh, that is so adorable!' she squealed as I repeated to her (yet again) the dance that me and Matt had shared to Aerosmith.

'Yeah, it was just peachy.' I sighed, tired of having to go over the same story about ten times.

'So have you seen him since?' she fired at me.

Uh oh. She was probably going to go on one of her rants if I told her that I hadn't. In truth, I'd avoided Matt for as long as I could. It was Tuesday afternoon now, so that would be a whole two days since I'd last seen him...well, two and a half.

'No.' I admitted, speeding up my pace as I saw her jaw drop.

'What? Why not? Don't you like him?'

'Ugh, I don't know Kat!'


'Because I don't know!'


'Because I think I like someone else too!' I finally shouted.

Silence. A rare thing for Kat, which made me start to feel a little jumpy. I saw her from the corner of my eye as she caught up with me, I ignored her as she shook her head.

'Who else do you like?' she shot at me.

'You don't know him...we met in the book store. I'm not even sure I do like him, I just...sort of feel...a connection?' I muttered, pondering over my own words.

Could my obsession signify me liking Kieran? It was...logical, at least.

'A connection? Wow.' Kat laughed. 'W-O-W.'

'What?' I ordered, slightly embarrassed with how the conversation turned.

'You love two people.'

I froze as we reached my house. Wait...she couldn't of just said what I thought she just said...could she? I mean, I swear she just said that I loved two people.

'Excuse me?' I said slowly.

'You love two people. I never thought that you would fall for two guys.' she shrugged, walking off as I stared after her. The shock was pretty thick on my face from what I could feel.

'I can't love two people...' I whispered to myself. I mean, I just couldn't. I'd never loved anyone before.
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Long time since I last posted. Gah!
But it's here now so I hope you enjoy this chapter :) I can't wait to write the next one, eep!