I Hate Love Stories Because I'm Never in One.


Monday, Monday, Monday. The worst day in existence, the hardest day to get through. It was even tougher after the awful day with Matt yesterday and the fact that I was stood up by Kieran.

I hadn't gotten over it yet. I loved him...like I loved Matt. But...who did I love more? For some reason, I didn't feel any hate towards Kieran even though he hadn't shown and as for Matt? I just wasn't sure any more. Maybe I should have let him kiss me, what did I have to lose?

Except Kieran.

I went back to sketching out a heart locket. Miss Doolittle had wanted us to bring in a personal item and draw it out onto paper. I'd chosen the heart locket because I'd loved wearing it when I was a kid. I lost the chain for it a while ago though and there was a small crack that almost split it into two.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" asked a nervous voice. I glanced up from my drawing and saw Matt shuffling beside me. I sighed and stood up, feeling as if I sort of owed it to him after leaving him alone yesterday.

Quickly striding out of the door of the classroom, Matt beckoned me to follow him into the corridor before Miss Doolittle spotted us. I pulled the door shut behind me and turned to face him, feeling apprehensive.

"Yeah?" I said quietly.

"Look, I just...I wanted to say sorry for yesterday. I keep trying to kiss you when you don't want me to. I'm just...ugh!' he moaned, hitting the palm of his hand against his forehead. I bit my lip as I watched him, feeling horrible for making him feel this.

"No, Matt...I-I should be the one saying sorry. I just can't...I don't know what to do." I sighed, leaning against the wall.

Matt stood staring at me with pleading eyes. "You can tell me, Teri."

Should I tell him? I guess he had a right to know, after all. I did love him, it was only fair to tell him that he was one half of the reason to why I was feeling so confused.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself. "Well...I...I think I love you."

Matt froze and gaped at me, I don't even think he was breathing. I started to feel a bit worried, I wouldn't know what to do if he passed out. Quickly, I rushed into explaining myself.

"Well, it's not just you. It's...it's some other person I know too. I don't know who I love more and I can't figure out what's happening!"

Still, nothing from Matt. Okay, maybe admitting my feelings had been a mistake...

"You...love me?" he choked out. "How long?"

"W-what?" I stuttered as I avoided eye contact with him.

"How long have you loved me?" he said again, this time his voice more steady. I could see his eyes glistening and I wanted to burst into tears myself.

"A while. I guess your date won me over..." I confessed with a small smile.

I'd never seen a boy cry before. Not when David Smith was dumped by his girlfriend in year ten, not when Jason McDonald had been forced to do twenty whole laps of the school field on a sweltering summer day and not even when Richard Sampson broke his leg after he'd been playing football in P.E. But here was Matt, letting his tears fall down his face right in front of me.

To be honest, I had no idea what to say.

"Y-you love me? Why didn't you...why didn't you let me kiss you then?" he demanded, wiping hastily at the tear tracks. I could see he was turning a bright red from letting himself cry in front of a girl.

"Because I was confused? I didn't know who I loved...I still don't." I said, hanging my head.

I thought he would say he hated me. I thought he would storm away and never talk to me again. But he didn't...he gently placed a hand on my shoulder and I stared up at his face in amazement.

"Don't you think I'm the worst person in the world now?" I muttered.

He hesitated a moment before ploughing on. "I could never hate you." he said softly.

I was overwhelmed by gratitude for Matt. I guess I couldn't control myself as I grabbed the front of his blazer and yanked him toward me. I planted one on him right there, in the corridor. When he finally pulled back, he gave me an awed look.

"Oh...crap." I whispered, still clinging onto Matt's blazer. "I guess I couldn't help that..."

"No...no, it was..." he coughed a little before carrying on. "It was absolutely fine. If that's what I was missing out on, I should have made more attempts to kiss you."

I could feel myself blushing. "I shouldn't have done that..."

"Is it about the other guy?" he asked calmly. I nodded shyly.

"It's okay. I'm not going to hate you...just remember that, whatever you decide." he told me, raising his hands to cradle my face. I gave him a weak smile and gently kissed him once more before moving away from him.

"We...we should get back to class now." I mumbled, turning away and grasping the door handle to the classroom.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened and especially about Kieran.
♠ ♠ ♠
Forever by Papa Roach. The song I have been listening to throughout this whole chapter. I quite like it. I reckon it's influenced this chapter so there you go.
Hope you enjoyed it :)