I Hate Love Stories Because I'm Never in One.


Over the week, all I could think about was that boy in the book store. I didn't know why, we didn't even speak to each other all that much...it was just that there was something about him.

So I thought and thought it through. He couldn't be a regular customer. He had to be new there, I'd never seen him before in my life until that day...I visited the store every weekend so I was pretty sure he'd started to go there recently.

I had to see him again...maybe I could even get him to talk to me. That would be kind of creepy though, stalking some guy I'd only-

'Hey, Teri? You there?' asked Kat from the side of me, breaking my train of through. Her hand was waving frantically about before my face, as if demanding my attention.

I zoned back in and stared at her, giving her a wide smile to prove I was listening. Casually, I picked up my pen and started to write in my notebook, trying to make it look as if I was actually trying to learn. Kat rolled her eyes at me and went back to focus on the teacher.

I wondered what his name was. Was it normal to become this infatuated with someone who I didn't even know?

There was only one thing for it. I was going back to the book store tomorrow, in desperate hope that he would maybe be there again.

The next day, I woke bright and early. I tried to sneak out of the front door, my mum would probably be suspicious if she caught me wandering about the house this early on a Saturday.

Just as my hand clasped the front door handle, my mother called out in a shrill voice.

'Teri? Is that you?'

I cursed in my head and spun around, just in time to see my mother shuffle around the corner. She placed her hands on her hips in a motherly sort of way, her face showing exactly how much she didn't trust me.

'Where are you going this early in the morning?

It was lucky that I'd thought about a cover story for this sort of occasion. I shrugged my shoulders a little bit and stared into the familiar face.

She looked a lot like me, except with a few wrinkles and the odd silver hairs she gained from old age. Her forehead creased even more as she frowned, her eyebrows knotted together.

'Now don't you go lying to me, Teri!' she clucked in a disapproving voice.

I let out a tired sigh. 'I'm sorry, mum. I just can't get much sleep lately, you know? All the homework I've been getting, I feel like I just can't keep up with it.'

Instantly, her face softened and she opened her arms out to me. I guiltily stepped into them and hugged her back tightly.

'Oh honey! I never knew! Do you want me to talk to your teachers for you?' my mother cooed as she stroked my hair.

'No!' I cried out, wincing as my mother pushed me away so she could see my face. I quickly lied again. 'I don't want to cause a hassle...I'm sure I'll manage to cope soon.'

I felt awful lying to her but it was better than the alternative. I don't think I'd be comfortable talking to my mum about how I was sneaking off to possibly stalk a boy I never knew. Even in my own head, that sounded terrible.

'Alright then, dear. How about you come into the kitchen so I can make you some breakfast?'

I shook my head fast. 'No, I really just felt like going for a walk...'

My mother tutted loudly and gave me a curt nod of approval. 'Fine, you can go on your walk but make sure that you keep to the streets! I don't want you walking about on your own in those forests!'

The forests were close to my house, they were adjoined to the local farm and fields. About three years ago, a girl in my year named Amy ventured into the forests. She came out with a broken arm and a black eye. Turns out that she climbed a tree and managed to fall out of it when a bird took flight near her. My mother has been touchy about me going in there since that happened.

'I promise I won't.' I told her.

'Okay then. Come back soon!' she called after me as I swung the door shut.

Finally, I could go to the book store. I had to admit, it was sort of ridiculous for me to even be doing this. I'd never before lost my head over some boy, especially a random and unknown one.

'He might not even be there.' my mind intervened.

But there was a small, spark of hope that he could be and I wouldn't believe that he wasn't there until I saw it for myself.

Even so, I could feel the dread and anticipation as I reached the shop front. The owner had officially opened for the day and I drew in a sharp breath to calm myself down a little. Slowly, I stepped in and glanced around the almost deserted store.

Only me, the owner and an older woman were in the building. My heart plummeted into my stomach and I closed my eyes with unexpected grief.

'How could you feel this way about a boy you don't know?' I thought, trying to talk myself out of the absurd emotions I was feeling.

I looked over to the owner and wondered whether I should ask him about the boy. He might know who he was but it wasn't guaranteed. Still, there was no harm in asking.

'Hello?' I mumbled as I walked up to the till. The man's eyes shot up from the book cover he was staring at and he met my face with a warm smile.

'How can I help you, m'dear?'

'Erm...I was wondering whether you knew who that boy was the other day? He knocked into me and all the books he was carrying kind of scattered all over the place.' I said, feeling ever more stupid with each word I spoke.

The man scratched his chin as he thought, his face suddenly lighting up as he remembered.

'Oh, that boy! Well I'm afraid I don't know who he is, dear.' explained the owner, giving me an apologetic smile.

'That's...um, okay then.' I sighed, waving goodbye as I moved away from him.

I should have known that seeing the boy again was a million to one chance. How could I have been so idiotic?

As the owner shouted out a goodbye after me, I left the shop dejected.
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I think this is sort of a weak chapter?
I just can't wait to start getting into it and this is sort of a necessary chapter before anything can even start happening.
Still, I hope you're enjoying it so far :)