I Hate Love Stories Because I'm Never in One.


It was Monday morning. I'd spent the rest of my weekend pining over a boy I didn't know and to be honest, I was getting sick of myself.

How could I feel like this about him? Surely it just wasn't possible. I seriously needed to get a grip because, lets face it, I was never going to see him again. Miserably, I slithered into the gleaming bathroom, the tiles of the walls nearly blinding me.

Stupid mother, being a stupid clean freak. I'd have to invest in a pair of good sunglasses, that was probably the only way I'd manage to walk around my own bathroom without hissing like a vampire.

My day got even worse as I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror.

'Good Lord.' I whispered, leaning forward to grab a closer look at myself. 'I look like the walking dead!'

Annoyed, I twisted my chocolate brown hair up into a ponytail seeing as I was having one of the worst mornings to date.

'Teri! Breakfast!' my mother shouted up the stairs.

As long as it wasn't anything greasy, I could probably remain calm. That was the last thing I needed, feeling as if I were going to heave every time I moved. Just the thought of greasy food made me want to throw up.

'We're having fried eggs!' she added and I could hear her light footsteps retreating back down the stairs.

Somebody, somewhere was obviously trying to get me pissed off.

I pinched the bridge of my nose between my thumb and index finger, trying to stop the increasing eruption of anger from exploding out of me. So not only was I the creepy girl who was trying to track down a guy she was inexplicably obsessive about, I was also the creepy girl who had some serious anger problems and awful bad luck since meeting said guy.

'Okay, so it's not a good day. I get that. So can somebody please clean up the spillage of bad luck that's managed to leak all over me?' I muttered under my breath as I made my way down the stairs.

'Mum, I'm not hungry! I'm just gonna grab an apple from the school cafeteria when I can, okay?' I called to her, already moving out of the front door before she could give me a reply.

I glared up at the sky to check the weather, glowering when I realised that grey clouds were rolling over head. This was just perfect!

'I swear to God! If you even think about raining on me now, I will personally make you regret it!' I yelled up at the sky. 'Just...rain on me some other time, alright?'

Great, I was talking to a bunch of clouds. Maybe I was losing it? For all I knew, I probably was.

Well, at least the walk to school wasn't that long. I shuffled through the park gates, a short cut to the school, and kicked every stone that was in my path. It felt like it was helping me calm down, so I just kept on kicking. By the time I'd made it through the park and over the road to my school, I was almost composed.

'Hey, Teri!' giggled a voice to the right of me. I glanced over and saw Kat waving manically at me. I hauled myself over to her.

'How come you didn't reply to my text message on Saturday?' she asked, showing a brief expression of concern. She didn't give me much time to answer though, she was already launching into a story of her own. 'Oh my gosh! When I went to Dean's the day we left you, we were just sat there like hugging and stuff and then guess what!'

I resisted the urge to drag a hand over my face. Wait to go and make me feel better, Kat. Just go right ahead and remind me again on how lonely I really am. Instead of expressing my vehement feelings though, I urged her on with a forced smile.

'What happened?' I said as casually as I could.

'Dean said he loved me!' she squealed, her voice so high pitched I nearly couldn't understand what she had said. Nearly.

I faked another smile, this time making it wider. 'Wow! That's great!'

'I know right! Oh my gosh, I am so happy!' she said, voice going an octave higher somehow.

Ouch. I think my ear drum had just blown up. I reckon that a few dogs in the vicinity had started barking as she squeaked at me.

'That's awesome. Just....awesome.' I replied, trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

If any sarcasm had shown through my voice, Kat hadn't noticed it. Instead, she grabbed my arm and started tugging me to lesson which happened to be art. The farthest building away from here.

I had to spend at least another three minutes listening to her go on and on about Dean and how romantic he was. I found that hard to believe though, Dean being romantic. I'd totally seen him pick his nose the other day when Kat hadn't been looking.

'And after he said he loved me, he pulled out these two necklaces right...and guess what?' she beamed as we stepped through the doors of the art department.

'Don't tell me. They were matching right?' I sighed, rolling my eyes when she stared over to me with a shocked expression.

'Did he tell you?' she asked in a hushed whisper.

'Just call it a lucky guess.'

She nodded once and then carried on talking about how Dean had the cutest pair of socks with green turtles on. I rolled my eyes and pushed my way through a group of year nine students to reach my class.

Even as I dropped my school bag to the floor, Kat was still babbling on. I just gaped at her with a bemused expression, trying to figure out whether she was doing this to annoy me or whether she genuinely thought I was interested in Deans socks.

Thankfully, the teacher spoke over the muttering class of students and glorious silence had finally arrived.

'Okay, you lot. Today we're going to be working with clay, so go grab a clump of it and take it to your work stations.' ordered our batty art teacher, Miss Doolittle. 'I want you to express yourselves through it, make me feel what you're feeling!'

I shook my head and tried to hide my smile. Miss Doolittle was probably the most insane person I had ever come across in all the years of my education. She was probably my favourite teacher though, with her eccentric ways.

Even her outfit displayed her overall craziness. Today, she was wearing a slightly too big t-shirt with one of those cats hanging from a washing line with the sentence 'Hang in there kitty!' emblazoned underneath in livid green. Probably to go with the green text, she had chosen an ankle length, ivy green skirt that swished about just above her bright red sandals.

The shoes completely threw me. She looked like a tall leprechaun...except for those red shoes. They were something entirely random.

As I was admiring Miss Doolittle's outfit, I hadn't realised someone had approached my desk.

'Mind if I work here?' mumbled a deep voice.

I glanced up and saw a boy there. He was about the same height as me, 5'6, with a choppy blonde hairstyle that suited him perfectly. Underneath his fringe, I could make out his bright blue eyes peering at me. Altogether, not bad looking. My eyes stopped short when I saw what he was wearing on his feet...a pair of scruffy old converse.

I decided immediately that this kid was unbelievably awesome, he was already in my good books just by wearing those shoes.

'Sure, be my guest.'

He smiled and sat down opposite me, dropping a lump of clay on the desk between us. It splattered out and I fought the urge to giggle.

Kat slid in the seat next to me, also having fetched a handful of clay. She looked at it in disgust and quickly turned to face me, disregarding the clay as soon as she could see that it was going to mess up her nails.

'You know what I didn't mention about Dean?' she told me brightly.

I shook my head and slid further down in my chair. There was only so much of this that I was going to be able to take.
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Fairly long chapter here. Hope you enjoy it :)