Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change

First Day of Summer

First day of summer and I have no plans. How lame am I? I rolled over in the comfy, depths of my bed. I haven't felt this comfortable in a while. It was twelve noon and the round, golden sun peeked through my window blinds. I yawned climbing out of bed and walked over to the single window and opened the blinds. Instantly my whole room was bright and lively. I peered across to the window across from me and instantly was in complete shock.

He can't be back. He's just can't.

I rubbed my eyes and blinked to see if it was really true. There he was. He was unpacking a suitcase of his belongings. He seemed to notice my stare because all of a sudden a big pair of brown, gorgeous eyes met mine. Oh, how I've missed those eyes. His expression was blank and he just stared straight back at me.

I closed the blinds and breathed heavily. I need to show him I've moved on. That he doesn't still have the same, magical charm he has on me. I climbed into the shower and rinsed myself in a soft, vanilla scent. He was on my mind the whole time. I dried myself off and changed into a pair of shorts and a simple white tank top. I applied a thin amount of eyeliner and grabbed my cellphone and car keys.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and greeted my mother. "Good morning."

"Morning was a few hours ago sweetie." She chuckled and began to stir a dish she was cooking on the pot.

I smiled sheepishly and replied, "Oh yeah. Sorry." I continued. "So.... mom."

"Yes, its true. He's back." She switched the stove off and told me to sit down. "Hunnie, I know this may be hard for you. But things have changed now. Maybe you two could start over and be friends like old times? Surely, you're over him. Correct?"

I nodded. "Of course I am." But even I could hear the uncertainty in my voice. "I just don't want to be friends with him anymore mom. Besides, he is probably busy with him being a huge star and everything." I concluded.

She shook her head, "He's not. I talked to his mother and they're coming over for dinner tonight." She gave me a warm, motherly smile.

I groaned loudly, "Mom. Please don't make me face him." I whined. Yes, I whined. "I'll do anything!" I coaxed.

"I'm sorry Hailey, but its already been planned. I want you to see this as an opportunity to make amends. Just try?" She pleaded.

I nodded and left the kitchen. I opened the front door only to find the one and only at my doorstep. Startled, I stepped back a little. I caught him with his hands in a motion, as if he were rehearsing. I looked at him for a couple of seconds.

I closed the door behind me, and swiftly brushed by him. His arm crashing into my shoulder. His scent filling my nose. His touch sending a spark through out my whole body, leaving a tingling sensation.

Almost an inch away from him, a cool hand was placed on my forearm. I could feel the butterflies flutter around in my stomach. I stopped and turned around to meet his eyes.

He spoke, his voice soft and gentle. "Hailey." His eyes pleaded as if asking for forgiveness. He was different from what I knew. The Justin I knew. Or at least, the Justin I thought I knew. "I- I missed you." he stuttered. "I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I was a horrible friend."

You don't know how badly I have wanted to hear that. After all these years, I thought that was all I needed to hear to move on. It turns out, it wasn't.

I slowly pulled away from him and walked over to my car. I got in and drove off, tears flooding down my eyes. I didn't know where I was going or what I was going to do, but the only thing I did know was that Justin Bieber was back.
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So, what do you think?