Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change

Danny's Back

I felt my jaw drop down to my feet. My eyes widened as I ran up to a grinning Danny and enveloped him into a giant hug. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, twirling me around playfully. I laughed once he set me down to my feet. An uncontrollable smile formed on my lips. Its been so long since I last seen him.

He looked completely different since the last time I saw him. He had chocolate locks piled messily on his head instead of his old Nick Jonas curls. He grew a few inches and looked as if he were working out or something. He didn’t have glasses either as I assumed he wore contacts. Either way, he was completely different but he still was the same kid I know and love.

“What are you doing here?!” I practically screamed out of shock and excitement. Danny moved away a few months back to his mother’s home about ten hours away from here. His parents divorced and his mother got full custody.

“I’m visiting for a few days and I just had to see my best friend!” He ruffled my hair as I swatted his hand away. I playfully stuck my tongue out at him as he squished me into another bear hug. His hugs were comfortable, but not as comfortable as Justins’.

“She has to breathe Danny boy.” My mother interrupted jokingly and walked past us. “I’ll be home around 9. Don’t kill her please?” She directed the question towards Danny with a pair of stern eyes.

Danny smiled, “Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of this little one.” He lightly messed with the hair on my head. I laughed once more.

“Oh yeah Hailey we’re going dress shopping tomorrow for Mr. Judson’s annual banquet.” She reminded while waving her hand and left. Mr. Judson was my mother’s boss. He throws a banquet every year honoring his employees and celebrating promotions and such. It was a very formal event. I didn’t really like attending these parties, but anything for my mother.

“So, my name is Justin now?” He joked and laughed.

“Oh! That reminds me! You have to meet Justin!” I pulled his hand leading him towards the door. My best friend needs to meet my boyfriend. Danny and I became close friends a year after Justin left me. I never told him about Justin because it wasn’t like it would have helped getting over him. I never liked to talk about myself anyways.

“Wait.” He paused, gripping onto my wrists firmly causing me to stop in my tracks.

I looked back, curiosity in my voice. “What? What’s wrong?”

“I just really missed you Hailey.” Danny’s eyes shined. My heart almost melted as he pulled me into another hug. I will never get tired of this boy.

“I missed you too Danny boy.” I lightly laughed, I pulled away and smiled up at him. He simply placed a kiss on my forehead. I flushed red and looked down at the ground. Danny would always do that to me in a friendly way. I couldn’t help but feel guilty about it now that I have Justin.


I turned around and saw Justin standing there eyeing Danny with his arms folded across his chest. He walked over and Justin placed a kiss on my cheek. “Justin what are you doing here?“ I smiled widely.

“I heard screaming. I came to see if you were okay babe.“ He explained, his eyes full of worry. He held me tightly. He’s the greatest. I love how he cares about me so much. I pulled away and motioned between Justin and Danny.

“Justin this is Danny, my close friend. Danny this is Justin, my boyfriend.” I introduced.

Danny looked shocked and almost taken back. "Your what?"

"Her boyfriend." Justin repeated sternly and wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. I saw the look on Danny’s face sadden. An awkward silence danced around us as I cleared my throat.

“Let’s um..” I stuttered over words, “go watch a movie?” They both nodded their heads as we piled into the living room. I chose a random flick and put it in. We all sat down on the couch with Justin to the right of me and Danny to the left. There was an awkward tension in the room and it was obvious.

Danny asked, “Do you have any popcorn?”

“Oh yeah, come help me.” Danny and I walked into the kitchen as I began to dig in the cupboards for the popcorn.

“I don’t like him.” Danny stated out of the blue. I turned around the popcorn in my hands.

“What? Why?” I lightly laughed as I placed the packet into the microwave. It began to rotate and heat up.

“He just doesn’t seem like the right guy for you.” He simply explained. “Remember when you went out with Jason and I told you he wasn’t right for you? And then I was right? Well this is the same gut feeling I have about this guy.”

“You don’t know him enough to have a gut feeling about him Danny,” I poked his gut and chuckled. I turned around to see how many seconds were left until the popcorn was finished.

Danny turned me around by my hips and stared into my eyes. He warned, “Trust me Hailey. I’m one thousand percent sure he isn’t the right guy for you.” His tone was low and cautious.

I didn’t know what to think. I mean, sure Danny has been right before but.. I know Justin. He would never do anything to hurt me. I trust him and he cares about me. My mind began to spin and I had nothing to say.

“Danny. I know you’re just trying to look out for me, but Justin would never hurt me.” The timer went off on the microwave and I grabbed the popcorn bag and began to pour the puffy, yellow popcorn into a bowl.

“Hailey. Just trust me on this one. He doesn’t seem like your type.”

“Which is?”

“Your type? You go for nice guys who can make you laugh and has a good sense of humor. A guy whose smart and sensitive. You go for someone who cares about you and someone who you can be comfortable with. And lastly you go for a guy who loves you just as much if not more, than you do.”

Okay he was right on that one but Justin is all of that! He always makes me laugh and has a wonderful personality. He’s smart and sensitive and cares a lot about me. I can be comfortable around him and Justin does love me. Well, he never told me he did but I’m sure he does.

“And that’s Justin.” I simply answer as Danny followed behind me into the living room. Justin smiled as I sat beside him. Danny let out a sigh once he sat down and Justin’s eyes flicked back to him in a glare.

Justin threw his arm around me and I snuggled closer into his chest. The movie began as Danny sat to the left of me munching away on his popcorn angrily. I know he cares about me, but he doesn’t have to be protective over me when I’m with Justin.

The movie ended and it was quiet once again. Danny spoke, “Hailey remember that time we went to the water park on Harrison road?” he laughed.

“Oh! Yeah! And I begged you to go on the Super Slide?”

“Then instead of going by myself -”

“I sat on your lap and we rode down the slide-”

We both spoke in unison, “And then we got kicked out for ‘disobeying’ the rules!” We mocked the worker at the water park and began to laugh about the memory.

“That time at the old diner! That was a laugh!” Danny continued to bring up old memories.

“Oh!” I shot up from Justin’s arms and leaned forward towards Danny. “When we ran all over the restaurant and loosened all the salt and pepper caps?” I laughed at the outcome of every customers’ meal.

“Yeah!” We both roared in laughter and began to bring up old memories and such. It was great catching up with Danny. He was my best friend and I truly missed him. He was always there for me. I felt bad about not listening to Danny now. He’s only trying to look out for me.

Danny suggested, “We should go back there! Its been a few months, he won’t recognize us.” I nodded my head and turned around to Justin.

“Do you wanna go?” I asked turning around to a sad Justin. What was wrong with him?

“Wherever you are, I wanna be babe.” I smiled widely as I heard Danny mutter something under his breath. Justin glared in his direction. I ignored it and got up.

“I’m going to change. Be down in ten minutes.” I climbed up the stairs and left the two. Maybe it’ll give Danny a chance to see how Justin really is. I smiled as I began to find clothes to wear.
♠ ♠ ♠
I made this chapter long :)
What do you guys think of Danny?
I'm gonna write the next chapter in Justin's Point of View.
I love feedback so tell me what you think :)