Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change


Justin’s Point of View

A deadly silence radiated around the room between Danny and I. He stood there with a smug smirk placed on his lips. It made me absolutely sick. I could feel my blood boil under my skin out of anger. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. The only time I’ve been this angry was probably when I was a little kid fighting over a toy, but twelve times angrier.

“So Jason is it?” Danny turned towards my direction and questioned.

“Its Justin.” I lowered my gaze at him in a glare. I folded my arms across my chest in annoyance. Its not that hard to remember. What was this guy stupid or something? I flipped my hair off to the side continuing glare at him.

“Oh yeah I knew that.” He continued, “So, you go to the same school as Hailey?” This guy just loved asking questions, doesn’t he?

I chuckle sarcastically, “I’m Justin Bieber.” I plainly answer,

“What? Does that make you special or something?”

“You seriously haven’t heard of me?” I asked in disbelief. Everyone’s heard of me! What is this guy a caveman or something?

“No..? Should I?” He stood there with a clueless expression plastered onto his face. I studied his face to see if he was trying to play it off or something but this dude really didn’t have a clue of who I am or what I do.

“On the radio? On TV? On magazines?” I listed, expecting it to jog his memory. He stared me blankly in confusion. Really? I let out a breath, “My song? ‘One Time’? ‘One Less Lonely Girl‘? ‘Baby?’”

“What?! Wait! That song that goes, ‘Baby, baby, baby ohhhhhh‘?” he exclaimed and loudly laughed, “No way! That’s you, who sings that?”

I nodded my head sheepishly. Maybe this guy’s not too bad. He likes my music, that’s good enough for me to get to know him better.

“I totally thought that was a girl!” He busted out laughing. Okay, its official. I hate this guy. It took so much of me not to smash his face with my fist. Before I could retaliate, Hailey walked downstairs.

“You look great,” I kissed her cheek and hugged her close just to spite Danny. He could throw as many insults he can but I have Hailey and he doesn’t. I smugly smirked as we piled into Hailey’s car and off to the diner.

The radio played my song “One Time” as I began to sing along to it. Hailey smiled widely in the driver’s seat singing as well. I glanced at the mirror to see Danny roll his eyes in the backseat.

We arrived at the diner as I quickly ran to Hailey’s side and grabbed her hand. The diner has an old school retro feel to it. Red mounted chairs, black and white tiled flooring, and a black and white wallpaper. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had roller skater waiters.

We sat at a booth with Danny sitting across from us. I placed an arm around Hailey. She simply smiled up at me and back down at the menu in her hands. Danny simply rolled his eyes and began to scan the menu as well. A waitress came by and we ordered. Danny and I ordered two cheeseburgers and Hailey ordered a large basket of fries. For desert, we ordered milkshakes.

“It feels like forever hasn’t it Hailey?” Danny questioned. I rolled my eyes at his attempt for small talk.

“Yeah it sure has,” she giggled adorably and looked around the diner. “Oh, Danny! Remember when you threw fries at the back of people’s heads?” She started to laugh and smile widely. Did I mention how amazingly gorgeous her smile was?

“Remember when you dine and dashed?” Danny laughed. I looked at Hailey in shock. She never seemed like the type of girl to do that.

She shrugged her shoulders, and looked down ashamed. “It was a dare.” She admitted sheepishly. I nod my head and smile.

Danny added while rolling her eyes, “Yeah and she did pay the next day and apologized. You‘re such a goody two shoes! ”

I kissed the top of her forehead, “You’re my goody two shoes then.” I smiled glancing from the corner of my eye at Danny’s face. His expression was priceless as he rolled his eyes and looked away.

Hailey flashed her amazing grin at me and nodded her head. “Yes hehe.” She softly giggled. Danny began to speak.

“So, how do you guys know each other?“

“Oh, well we’ve been friends since we were kids and I was there for Justin when his parents divorced.” It still hurt thinking about why they split. I really loved both of my parents but I guess they didn’t love each other. Still, I can’t help but blame myself.

Hailey rubbed my back to comfort me as she flashed a smile. Hailey really was an amazing person. She’s been with me through a lot and I still can’t believe I left her like that. A tinge of pain surged through my body.

“Why’d they split?” Danny asked.

I looked down at the ground and avoided the question. Hailey replied with a look towards him, “Danny.” She simply warned. The waitress appeared with our orders and placed it in front of us, along with three glasses of water.

“Are you okay Justin?“ She continued to comfort me. I smiled and nodded my head. She placed a kiss against my cheek, making me happy. I let the thought of my parent’s divorce leave my mind and the only thing floating through my head was Hailey’s smile. If there was anyone in this world that could make me feel this way it would be Hailey.

The waitress came by a few minutes later with out tall milkshakes. I picked up a French fry and dipped it into the milkshake holding it up to Hailey’s lips. She smiled as she ate it and began to feed me. We shared a large milkshake together and sipped it down slowly.

I could hear Danny mutter something under his breath as I grew happier. I’m sure Danny was a nice guy and all, but a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. Hailey’s mine and I’m never going to let that change.

I kissed the corner of her mouth softly, her lips tasting like vanilla. I didn‘t want to have our first, real kiss right now. I wanted to save it for some time special. She pulled away and whispered softly. “You taste good.” Her warm breath hitting my lips and a soft sugary scent filling my nose.

“You taste good too.” I pressed my lips against her cheek and placed my forehead against hers, rubbing our noses into an Eskimo kiss.

“Kill me now.” Danny rolled his eyes for the hundredth time. His voice breaking the moment we had been sharing. Hailey pulled away looking down at the ground with an ashamed look.

“Gladly.” I simply say with a smug smile.

“I can’t believe you’re really with this asshole!”

“Really? Is that the best you got?”

“Oh trust me. I can go on and on about you!” Danny stood up glaring me down. He didn’t intimidate me. “You girly voiced, untalented, and self absorbed ass hole!”

I stood up from where I sat and glared him down, taking a strong grip on the table between us. Everything grew quiet and everyone in the diner looked in our direction. Hailey gently placed her hand over mine and soon enough the anger inside me disappeared.

I looked down at her as she simply frowned. “Babe don’t do this please.” I nodded my head ashamed I let my anger control me.

“You‘re the reason why you‘re parents divorced.”

Everything flew by so quickly I didn’t even know what happened. All of my anger just came out at once and I’ve never felt so offended in my life. All I know is that Danny was now on the diner tiles with blood gushing out of his nose. I looked down at my clenched fist which was now covered in blood.
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