Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change

Hospital Aftermath

We were now in the hospital. I honestly didn’t think I punched him that hard, then again I was really angry. I had no respect towards Danny nor did I ever plan on building a friendly relationship with him. Hailey comforted Danny by his side and ignored me. I let out a breath and she glared in my direction.

Hailey was upset with me. I know she was. I honestly have no idea why. Couldn’t she see that Danny’s trying to tear us apart? What he said really made me angry and I just lost control. Couldn’t she understand how I felt?

The doctor dressed in a long, white coat and black slacks walked in with a clipboard in hand and an envelope. He walked over to Danny’s side and began to check the technical machines. “Well Danny, I’m sorry to say this but you’re nose seems to be broken.”

I couldn’t help but smile widely but I held in my laughter. Okay, I was going too far now. I continued to listen in on the news hiding the feelings inside me.

The doctor pulled out x-ray photos from the envelope and began to point to Danny which part was broken and what not. Hailey took the only seat beside me and didn’t face me. I glanced in her direction and placed my hand over hers, which was on the arm rest. She let out a breath and held it giving me a weak smile.

I knew she couldn’t stay mad at me for long. I had the right reasons for hurting him but then again no one deserves to get their nose broken. I lightly leaned towards her and whispered. “I’m sorry.”

“You shouldn’t be apologizing to me.” She simply says and lightly kissed my cheek. I nodded and understood. She stepped out of the room after the doctor had. It was once again only Danny and I. Or should I say a broken nosed Danny and I?

I walked over to his bed side and looked down at him. He was laying there avoiding eye contact with a large patch over his nose. I wanted so badly to touch it and cause him more pain but I opted against it.

“Danny..” I start off, “I’m sorry for punching you. I didn’t mean to break your noise.” I try and apologize with the kindest and most sincere part of me. “If you want, I’ll pay for the medical expenses and-”

“Its okay JB.” He replied with a smile. What? Did he just call me JB? Did he just smile? “You got me pretty good there,” he laughed lightly.

I simply nodded my head and looked at him with a shocked expression. What? Was I in an alternate universe or something?

“Listen dude, don’t worry about anything. I honestly really love Hailey and I want what’s best for her. I don’t blame you for hitting me - I would have done the same thing, “ he lightly chuckled, “She loves you. Not me.” The look of pain fluttered across his face and I instantly dropped my smile.

“Just promise me you’ll love her and treat her like she’s your world?”

I nod my head and kindly grin. “Of course I will bro.” I hold out my hand for a handshake as he gladly accepted it. It was actually pretty comforting how understanding Danny was. I still didn’t like him though, I would call our relationship more of a civil kind.

We began to talk some more and this guy was actually a pretty awesome dude. No wonder why Hailey was friends with him. “So, have you kissed her yet?”

“Psh!” I threw my hand out, “Of - of course I have - psh.” I lied.

“Are you serious bro?” He laughed loudly, “You haven’t kissed her yet?” His voice dripping in disbelief. I rolled my eyes and side glanced at him.

“I’m just trying to make it special.” I admitted. Trying to be romantic and sweet is unmanly to guys. I didn’t’ know why. It just was I guess.

We continued to talk for a few minutes until a nurse entered informing me that Danny needs his rest. I nodded and waved goodbye and exited the room. I walk out into the white hallways and find Hailey staring out the window at the very end.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around her. “Hey.” I press my lips to the side of her cheek lovingly. I glanced over at what she was looking at. There was a bright, crescent moon in the pitch black canvas. It was breathtaking.

She turned around and looked up at me. “How did it go?” Her eyes were filled with hope and a slight ounce of sadness. I slowly brushed a stray hair behind her ear and smiled at her.

“It went great actually.” I continued, “He forgave me and we actually began to talk and stuff.” I assured her. She grinned like a child and hugged me tightly. She smelled so sweet, I lightly kissed her neck.

“Really?” Her face in total disbelief. I chuckled and nodded my head.

“Thanks, I really appreciate it Justin.” She flashed her gorgeous smile at me. We began to walk out of the hospital when a woman bumped into us in the middle of the entrance. She looked very worried.

“Oh, Danny’s on the third floor.” Hailey directed, “I’m sorry about what happened.” She rolled her eyes and rushed between us and into the hospital building. “Really sorry!” Hailey called out and frowned a bit.

“Danny’s mom hates me now.” She pouted.

“Awe, its okay.” I lightly pressed my lips to her forehead, “Come on let’s get you home beautiful.” She smiled and nodded.