Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change

Perverts Nowadays

I waited for Justin to get done changing. This guy takes forever! Its not that hard to find comfortable clothes. I stood waiting in his drive way, dressed in a pair of black basketball shorts and a white racer back.

He finally comes out and is dressed in his fancy custom made jersey. Oh this boy is so going down.

"Loser has to do whatever the winner says, WITHOUT complaints?" Justin waged, dribbling the basket ball around his feet. I thought for a moment and agreed. He's been gone for a while how can he get better at basketball, if he's been busy stealing every girl's heart and preforming for his fans anyways?

Oh, how I was so terribly wrong.

We went back and forth in his drive-way. Basket after basket. The hot sun was really getting to me now. Even though I was completely exhausted, I pushed myself forward to score this winning basket. He was quick.

But I was quicker, or so I thought..

Justin won. I have to do whatever he says now. I groaned in agony. He then began to cheer... for himself. "Oh yeah! Bieber wins! In your face! Aha!" He just loves to rub it in my face doesn't he? He tossed the basketball towards me, "What's wrong Hails? I thought you were 'the best'?" He mocked.

I shoved him a bit, and accepted defeat. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay so what's your first order?"

"Tonight. Let's go out for ice cream or something. Or we could watch a movie?" He offered with a big, amazing grin. I was sort of taken back, I stayed silent and blankly stared at him. "Earth to Hailey?"

"Huh? What?" I shook my head and questioned him. He simply chuckled and walked towards his house. I followed him, and found him sitting down and relaxing. I took this opportunity.

I ran and jumped on him, completely taken him by surprise. I sat on his lap. "Oh hey Justin, I didn't see you there!" I fixated my view on the television screen.

"Sure you didn't!" He chuckled. He placed his hands around my waist and leaned me back against him. This action made my hear flutter.

I panicked and quickly sat beside him, and started flipping the channels absent-mindedly. I could feel him stare at me, so I glanced slightly at him. He has a small frown placed on his lips. I didn't know what to do, so I turned off the TV and looked over at him.

"There's nothing good on, what do you wanna do now Jay?" I elbowed him, flashing a smile in his direction.

"I'm not sure." He looked puzzled. Which was so adorable. "Oh! Come with me!" He grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs into his bedroom. Tell me why I saddened when he let go?

"Check this out." He started shuffling through his suitcase and found a small teddy bear that looked all too familiar. My heart sank. He kept it.

He held my hand, the bear in the other. I was speechless. I stared blankly at it, completely in shock. This was unbelievable. He pressed the bear against my cheek. "Muah!" he chuckled. His beautiful laughter that I have missed so much.

I instantly hugged him tightly, letting a few tears drop down from my eyes. I pulled away, but he pulled me in again. I loved being so close to him, it made me feel like it was only him and I that mattered. He finally pulled away and smiled meekly at me.

He offered the bear to me and beamed.

"No, its yours. Besides I have mine too." I grinned in his direction.

He wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb and inched closer to me. Is he going to kiss me? His eyes were close, and his lips were pursed. Yup, he is definitely going to kiss me.

I moved away and coughed awkwardly. He laughed nervously, "I slept with it every night on tour." I smiled and looked away trying to avoid his eyes landing on my red rosy cheeks.

I looked out his window. Wait a minute..

I stood up and walked over to the window. "Justin?" I questioned, anger in my tone.

"Yeah?" he came up from behind me, his arm around my waist as he tried to peer to where I was looking.

"You can see everything in my room." I told him in a stern way.

"Yeah? What about it?" He asked contently.

I grabbed the pillow on his bed, and started whacking him with it. "You saw me change! You pervert!!"

"Ah! No I didn't I swear! I'm not that kind of person! Ah! I swear!" he pleaded as I laughed and continuing to whack him. I know he's not that kind of person, which why hitting him is so much fun! Besides, I needed something to break the awkwardness. What was that anyways? I mean, you can't just go kissing your best friend out of nowhere? There must be some sort of rule! Show me the rule book!
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