Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change

Wet and Soaked

"Hey so do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Ryan offered pointing over to the rack of dvds. We sat on the floor of his living room our backs leaning against the couches. Justin being dangerously close to me, his arm around my shoulders with his thighs resting against mine.

"Sure." I got up away from Justin and began to scan the different cases for a good title. I don't want to be too close to him and let my guard down. Last time I did that, he ended up shattering me. He'll always be my best friend but unfortunately from now on I have to be careful not to get attached to him. He is leaving next year.

I glanced book for a few seconds as a sad expression seemed to take over his appearance. I chose an old Japanese movie. "Is this any good?" Ryan looked at me surprisingly and nodded.

"I haven't seen it yet, it just came in. Its supposed to be the scariest horror film out." Ryan explained. I thought about it for a few seconds. Justin will probably be into the movie to try flirting with me. I nodded my head and handed it to Ryan, who put it in.

I sat down a couple of inches away from Justin, his expression not getting any happier. The previews started and Ryan turned the lights down. It was dark and all you could see was the black main menu of the movie on the flat screen mounted onto the wall.

Ten minutes into the movie, I hugged my knees close to me as my eyes stared straight onto the screen. I could feel Justin staring at me but I ignored it. Ryan was constantly making predictions, screaming, "Don't go in there!" and "Turn around!" I was too afraid to move and once a piercing scream was played I buried my head into my arms and didn't want to look up.

I felt a pair of arms scoot me closer, Justin held me tightly through out the whole movie. I looked over at Ryan who was sitting on the couch hiding behind a cushion. It made me smirk until another loud shriek was heard, I buried my head into Justin's chest.

For some reason, it helped a lot. Knowing that I'm with him, close to him just made me feel so much secure. I looked back at the screen, and rested my head against his shoulder. His arm around me stayed until the end of the movie.

I let out a breath, "That was..." My voice trailing off trying to find a word to summarize the movie.

Ryan finished for me,"Awesome! You guys wanna see an even better movie? " He disappeared upstairs and called downwards. "Its awesome!"

I laughed as I tried to get up from where I was sitting. Justin stopped me by pulling my arm down. I looked at him as he simply smiled. I sat back down, as he pulled me closer. "Did you like the movie?"

I shook my head, "Way too much scary in it, not enough plot." I laughed as he joined in.

"Ugh! I think my brother took it! " Ryan called out once more. We could hear him shuffling through his room.

"Hailey." Justin called my name, he had a gentle grip around my wrist.

I blinked, "Yeah?"

He began to lean closer and closer. He licked his lips slightly and I could feel his hot breath against my lips. I didn't know what to do, I didn't have a plan. Crap...

"Check this out!" Ryan jumped from the top of the stairs and landed at the bottom. I pulled away and looked over at Ryan. Justin didn't seem too pleased, and I was thankful for Ryan for once. He had a super-soaker in his hands and from what I can see, had a full tank. He squirted a line on me and I instantly got up and ran towards him.

We all ran into Ryan's backyard and ran away from him trying to not get wet. Instead they teamed up on me. Justin picked me up by my waist and Ryan soaked me until I was drenched in cold water. He set me down, and I smacked Justin's arm. "What was that for?!"

He looked down at my chest. I could feel my cheeks turn red and I folded my arms across my chest and turned around. Justin took off his shirt and handed it to me, I put it on happily. "Thank you." But, where did Ryan go?

"Come with me, I know where his brother keeps his soaker." He smiled mischievously. It turned out into a full out water gun war and I was the one who was weaponless. We ran around for hours in his back yard aiming, shooting, and reloading. It was the most fun ever, the plus side getting to see Justin's body.


"Yo, it was nice meeting you!" Ryan waved goodbye, as we made our way out through the doorway. I smiled and replied, "You too!" Justin threw his hand in the air in a backward motion, waving goodbye. Ryan simply grinned and closed the door.

It was dark already. It must be well over eight or nine. Truth is, I had a blast hanging out with them. Ryan wasn't a bad guy at all. The cool, night air flew by us causing me to shiver. We started to walk towards Justin's car.

The radio played as background music as Justin drove in silence. We started to talk about random things always ending in a small laughter. I couldn't really be myself. It was hard knowing the truth about someone. Usually, I would tell my best friend but how can I in this situation?

"Night Jay." I waved goodbye and started to cross the lawns to my home.

"Wait." The seriousness in his voice stopped me. I turned around slowly.

"Yeah?" I flashed a tiny smile.

He returned a small smirk and stepped closer to me. "I've had a really nice time with you this week."

"So have I," I added, "You're Justin Bieber!" I giggled mocking his cocky attitude he seems to sport so well.

"Your amazing." He complimented.

I laughed, "Haha, your fake charm is really funny Justin but I'm pretty tired." I motioned, pointing backwards to my home. I took off the shirt he let me borrow, and handed it towards him. "Thanks again."

"I just want to ask you one quick thing." He pleaded. His eyes were so wonderful. I nodded and waiting for his question.

He was dangerously close to me and I didn't know what would come next. "Do you still have the same feelings for me you did four years ago?"
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think she should say? Updating this in a few days, so I can get comments. I want to know what you think! (:


( Only because this made me go, Awe! )