Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change

Only Kidding

I turned frozen stiff as if every limb in my body has turned numb. I couldn't move. It was a silent hush between us for only a few seconds, which felt for hours. The only thing speaking was his light pupils. They were so passionate and lighthearted. I didn't have a clue on what to say. I honestly do have feelings for him, I always have and I can't deny it.

But is it worth losing him again? I know he feels the same way. Which is just completely shocking to me. If we were together, he'd have to go on tour eventually right? He'll forget about me. I'm certain he will. He'll move on. He'll break my heart again.

Is it worth it?

He radiated an uneasy laugh, scratching the back of his head slightly. "Haha, I- uh.. I was just kidding Hails!" The unsteadiness in his chuckle floating around me. He turned a flushed crimson and looked down shyly. My heart ceased its constant fluttering and I instantly sulked.

I held a fake content expression and responded. "Oh yeah, of course haha." I lightly laughed.

An awkward silence fell between us and all we could do is gaze downwards at our feet. I had to glance up and admit my affection to him. I had to tell him, "Yes of course I still feel the same way about you! I love you!" But I didn't.

"So-" we both repeated at similar times. We exchanged another chuckle as I started to fiddle with my fingernails. He continued to scratch the back of his head nervously.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" He lightly smirked. I nodded my head, words couldn't escape through my lips.

He held his arms out expecting a hug, I slowly ascended closer and placed my arms around him snugly. He scent fleeted around me, taunting me. I didn't want to pull away but I did. I lightly pressed my lips to his cheek. "Goodnight Jay."

"Goodnight Hails." He beamed as I smiled warmly. We walked our separate ways as I closed the door behind me.


I didn't wake up to Justin beside me. Which I think should be considered a good thing? I rolled out of bed lazily and climbed into the shower. The cold water splashing all over my body, as memories of last night flooded back to my attention.

I sighed once I was finished and wrapped a warm towel around myself. I straddled my arms on the bathroom counter and stared at myself. What on earth is this boy doing to me? I took this position for a couple of seconds before getting dressed.

We didn't plan anything today I dressed casually. A tee shirt and a pair of shorts that were an inch or two higher from my knees. I grasped my phone in my hands and contemplated whether or not to text Justin.

I shuffled my feet towards my window and peered across to find Justin still sleeping. I smiled to myself and took this opportunity to wake him up. I made my way downstairs and I walked over to Justin's house. I knocked lightly and it was his mother.

"Good morning." She warmly greeted while opening the door and letting me inside.

"Morning. Is Justin up yet?"

"No, but if you want you could go wake him up yourself?"

I nodded and thanked her as I made my way up the stairs and into Justin's room. He lightly snored and I stifled a laugh. I jumped on top of him and laughed, "Wake up Jay!"

"Ah!" Justin woke up loudly, as I sat on his lap with an uncontrollable grin plastered onto my lips.

"Why hello to you too Bieber."

"Hailey," he groaned placing a pillow over his head. "What are you doing here?!"

"I thought I would return the favor from yesterday's wake up call."

"I didn't jump on top of you like this!"

"I know." I attempted to climb off, he stopped me. "I didn't say I didn't like it." He winked.

I poked his cheek and ended up laying down beside him instead. "So how was your sleep Jay?"

He put a finger to my lips, "Sh... more sleep." He placed his arm around me and buried his head into my shoulder. He instantly fell back to sleep, his slow breathing hitting the nape of my neck. It was soft and soothing. I could feel shivers running down and up my spine and I haven't been this comfortable since almost an hour ago.

"Justin wake up!"

"Why? I'm tired Hails!"

"Let's go do something, please?"

"Too tired..."

"Justin, if you don't get up. I will wake you up the Hailey way."

He simply yawned, "Yeah.. yeah... yeah... whatever. Pillows don't talk."

I warned him. I licked his face hoping it would wake him up. "Pillows don't lick either."

I groaned, this boy is unbelievable. "Then what do pillows do Justin? I questioned, annoyance dripping in my tone.

"They stay silent and be comfy."

"Good thing I'm not a pillow."

"That's right. You're my pillow."

I rolled my eyes as I awkwardly lie in his bed with him. "Jay?"


"Are you only wearing boxers?"


"I can tell."

His eyes widened and sheepishly blushed, he began to sit up as I laughed at him.

"I don't know what your talking about..." He started to gather the sheets around him to block his....area.

"Get up loser! I'll be down stairs." I climbed out of his bed beginning to exit his room.

"You don't wanna stay for the show?" He called out.

"Oh please!" I answered as I started to descend down the staircase. I met up with his mother in the kitchen. She was in the middle of making breakfast as I offered to help. About ten to fifteen minutes later, no more like half an hour later he came downstairs. He was dressed in a pair of black basketball shorts and a wife beater. His hair was all wet from his shower. It looked incredibly attractive in my opinion.

He sat down at the kitchen table and began to chomp down all of the bacon, eggs, and waffles. His mother kissed Justin's cheek and mumbled something about getting to work. She closed the door shut and I cooked the rest of the eggs on the pan. I turned the stove off when it was done and walked over to Justin at the table.

"You sir," I stole a strip of bacon off his plate and began to munch on it. "Eat like a pig."

"A very cute pig?"

"Haha, a very self centered pig is more like it."

"As long as I'm your very self centered pig. I think I'm okay with that."

I simply ruffled his hair and sat down beside him. I began to eat off of his plate. "So, what are we doing today Bieber?"

"Let's just kick back. My arm still hurts from holding that water gun all day."

"Haha. Your so weak."

"This is weak?" He flexed his arm out.

I rolled my eyes.

"That's what I thought." He responded cockily.

"Its too bad."

"What is?"

"Your huge ego and cocky attitude makes you unattractive."

"Me? Unattractive? Stop lying, you know you want some of this." He pointed to himself.

"Haha, I'd rather be with Ryan. He's down to earth."

He looked hurt but retorted. "I'm down to earth."

"Sure you are." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I was kidding Bieber."

He simply smiled. "I like when you call me Jay better."

"Whatever you want, Jay." I played with his hair once more as I collected the dishes off the table and placed them in the sink. We climbed upstairs to his room and got under the covers.

He switched on his TV as a music video of his started playing. The TV shriked, "Baby by Justin Bieber!" He let out a breath and tried to change the channel. I snatched it away from him. "No! I wanna see!"

My eyes were glued to the screen but I could feel Justin's stare on me.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you really think I'm unattractive?"

"No, of course not! Look at those cheeks." I pinched his cheeks lovingly and giggled.

"Do you really think I'm not down to earth?"

"Jay, I was kidding!"

"Would you really pick Ryan over me?"

"Of course not!!" I threw my arms around him and squished him. "You're mine!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Mainly just a filler.
What did you think? :]