Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change


"Hello mother!" I sang happily once I reached the bottom of the stairs. For some reason I was in a good mood. Even though Justin and I couldn't hang out today. He had to do something, I believe it was a photo shoot? Or an interview? Well, I still feel incredibly sorry for him. He's on vacation and the media still finds a way to ruin that for him. He told me he would come over around 4 when he was done.

I found my mother lounging on one of the couches reading a magazine. She looked up and returned the happy attitude. "Well, someone is just peachy today? Isn't she?" She chuckled softly at her own joke as I plopped down next to her.

"Well why not? Today's a beautiful day," I gestured to the clear, patio sliding doors. "The clouds are out, so its not to hot? I'm spending quality time with my mother before she heads to work. And, I'm so grateful to have a roof over my head, clothes on my body, food for me to eat, and a loving mother who has provided me with all that she can!

She eyed me suspiciously, but simply shook it off. "Okay Hun," she placed the magazine on the coffee table and began to get up. "I'm heading to work now. I'll be home around 10 so I expect you to be here before that."

She grabbed her purse and her keys. "I made dinner for tonight, its in the refrigerator. All you need to do is heat it up." I nodded my head. She waved goodbye and left through the garage way. I sighed and threw my hands up in the air.

"Today sucks!" I stared up at the ceiling fan as it rotated around and around. I started to think of what to do. I ran upstairs to my mother's room and found an old suit shirt my father left after he left us. I was going to reenact the popular scene from Risky Business staring Tom Cruise. I grabbed knee high socks and put them on. I didn't button it all the way so you could see my lacy bra.

I walked downstairs in my new outfit and turned the music on high volume. I grabbed a hair brush and began to lip sync to the song. "Old Time Rock and Roll" by Bob Seger began to play throughout the whole house. I danced happily and air-guitared to some of the parts. to it as I jumped onto the table and jumped off. I fell onto the couch and shook my legs in the air and sprang up and continued to dance along to the rest of the song.

Once the song ended, I hear an applause. I turn around and there was Justin laughing up a storm. I instantly flushed red and went up to him. "What are you doing here? You said 4!" I looked up at the clock and it was only 2.

He answered in between breathes. "It.. ended.. early!" He started to laugh even harder as I simply rolled my eyes. I placed my hands on his shoulders and began to give him a strong warning.


He held his hands up in defense and laughed. "I wouldn't even think of it." He still continued to laugh as I stubbornly sat on the couches with my arms folded against my chest.

He walked over and handed me the hair brush. "Here's your mic!" He laughed harder as he sat down beside me. A few minutes later he stopped and I asked, "How much did you see?"

"Everything." He admitted.

I groaned and leaned back into the couch next to Justin. "Kill me now."

He gave his last laugh. "I thought it was pretty sexy." He purred.

I rolled my eyes and tried to button up the shirt, his hand hovered over mine and winked. "Don't."

I shoved him softly and laughed, "Shut up." I buttoned it up all the way for his disliking.

"I wonder what else you do when I'm not around." He hinted.

"Oh yes Justin, I dance around naked in my room listening to your songs and thinking about you." I responded sarcastically and laughed.

"Oh really?" He took it seriously, "I wanna see that." He joked.

"Oh please. Your not man enough to handle all this woman!"

We shared a laugh and continued the whole day just hanging out until it reached about six. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Want something to eat?"

He nodded his head and looked in my direction. I nodded and bent over to find some food. I started to call out, "Sorry Bieber. Your gonna have to settle for less than caviar." I joked, I stood up and found Justin right behind me.

His eyes were dark and I could tell he liked what he sees. I grew a little nervous but didn't think too much into it. "So what do you want?"

He smirked and walked closer towards me pinning me up against the fridge. His face brushed past my cheeks as his breath crawled into my ear as he whispered. "You."

"Haha, very funny." I laughed nervously as he pressed his lips against my neck. I instantly let out a soft moan. He pulled away for a second and smirked, "You like that don't you?"

I tried to play it off cool, but I feel like I just melted in place. I pushed him slightly, "No." I teased as I walked out of the kitchen. He followed and placed his arms around my waist. He turned me around and I could once again feel the tension between us.

I feel as if a burst of wind flew by, it would close the gap between us. I saw him inching closer as I panicked and turn my head. The kiss landed on my cheek and I could hear Justin let out a breath. He let me go and ran through his hair angrily. He began pacing, just worrying.

"I'm sorry." He blurted. I was frozen and I didn't know what to do. He began to explain himself, "I - I just get so caught up and I keep forgetting we're just friends. Even though I want to be something more, I just can't force myself on you. I love you so much. You deserve to be treated better. I fucked up again, didn't I?" He ended his rambling and let out a frustrated noise and plopped down onto the couch. He looked away in shame.

I can't believe he just said that. I don't even care if he goes on tour, because I love him too. I love my best friend. I love Justin Bieber. I wanted to be with him just as much as he wants to be with me.

I sat down on his lap with my legs on either side of him. My heart was pounding and it just felt so right. He instantly glanced up at me as I gave him a warm smile. I placed my hand over his cheek and started to come closer. His eyes were closed and his lips were pursed. I could feel something poking in between my legs. I realized he was only saying that because of his hormones. Its his little friend that wants me, not the real Justin. I got up from his lap and stepped away from Justin.

I could feel the tears build up in my eyes.

How could I be so foolish? How could I think that he could ever love me, for me? How could I feel so much love for him and never get any of it back? How could I fall in love with my best friend, when he doesn't love me back?
♠ ♠ ♠
Dramatic or what?
Tell me what you think in the comments.
I tried to keep it as PG-13 as possible, but it was hard.
I mean Justin is a guy.
Comment and Subscribe maybe?
I'll try to improve on my writing. :D