Status: Somewhat active. Don't worry (;

Things Can Change

With you

My eyes fluttered open, I scanned around my room and rubbed my eyes. They were so sore from the tears yesterday. I rolled over in the comfy sheets and groaned. What have I done? I ruined everything between Justin and I. We were doing so well, just being friends and all. It was just like old times. I regret everything yesterday. Should I apologize? I’ll do whatever it takes. I just need my best friend back…

I hopped into the shower, letting the water clear my mind. I just wish it could clear what had happened yesterday.. I frowned slightly when I climbed out, and wrapped the towel around me. I should go over and talk to him.

I dressed into a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white shirt. It wasn’t too hot outside anyways. I slipped on a pair of flip flops and climbed down the stairs. My heart changing its pace. It quickened as I turned the door knob and walked across the lawns between us. I could feel my palms starting to sweat and I rehearsed what I was going to say in my mind a few times.

I let out a breath and rang the doorbell. It was Justin who answered.

I smiled nervously as he looked at me in a strange way and opened the door. He ushered me into his home and another breath escaped my lips. “Hi.” I simply said as we awkwardly stood in front of each other in the foyer of his home. I looked down at my feet attempting to avoid eye contact.

Justin was wearing a pair of shorts and a wife beater. It made his chest look bigger and showed off his body. He replied softly. “Hey..” It came out almost as a question. He shifted slightly.

“Can we talk?” I asked folding my hands together out of nervousness. He nodded as he led me upstairs into his bedroom. My mind instantly went blank and whatever I rehearsed wasn’t coming up.

We sat down on his bed as he glanced at me to start. His whole room taunted me, it smelled exactly like him. He sat a few millimeters away from me. It was silent and I swear I could hear his heart beat in sync with mine. I let out a light breath as my voice managed to sputter out. “I’m sorry about what happened yesterday..”

“Don’t be. It was my fault, I should be apologizing.” His lips slipped downward into a small frown. I hated seeing him upset, especially knowing it was because of me. I just want him to be happy. I’d do anything for him to smile. He continued, “I’m sorry.”

“I’m still sorry.” I gazed into his amazing eyes. They were light and wide, like a little boy. The little boy I fell in love with. I placed my hand gently over his hand and gave a tiny smile. He seemed to catch it and smirked at me back.

“Let’s just forget about it?” I offered hoping for him to agree. I continued to speak, “I like this. I like you. I like where we are now. I like being friends with you.” I half-admitted, too afraid to tell him my true feelings. Truth was, I would love it if we were together.

An uncomfortable silence danced around the atmosphere and all I could do was look down at our hands. It just felt like they were meant to be there together. I waited a few minutes for his reply and all I could imagine was what could his thoughts be. Finally he opened his lips.

“But, I want to be something more..” his eyes slowly looked up from our hands. He inched closer and paused. “I’ve always wanted something more with you Hails.” the way his lips formed when he spoke made my hear wrench.

I blinked twice at him as he continued to speak. “I can’t be your friend. I want you to be mine. Nobody else’s.” Every word he said added a butterfly to the party that swarmed in the pit of my stomach. This was like a dream coming alive. “I want to be there for you when you’re sad or lonely. I want to be the one making you laugh and smile. I want to hold your hand and hold you close. I want all of that..” he pressed on, “I need all of that..”

“Why?” I uncontrollably responded. It came out raspy and dry.

“Hailey..” he began to explain, “You’re perfect for me in every single way. I can‘t explain it in words, but believe me. You are.”

His eyes were so gentle and loving. I could feel a tear start to roll down my cheek. Justin swiftly placed his thumb on my cheek, wiping it away. He placed his hand on my face and stared deeply into my eyes before saying, “Hailey.. Will you be mine?”

My heart stopped and my mind couldn’t find an answer. My throat was dry and I thought I had lost my voice completely. I opened my mouth to answer and a sorry little, “Yes.” came out.

The expression on Justin’s face was priceless. His wide grinned reached to his ears, he was happier than a young boy on Christmas morning. He enveloped me into a snug hug, and he pulled away slightly keeping me into his arms.

“You just made me the luckiest guy alive.” He smiled and held me once more. I loved the feeling knowing I was his. That he was mine. Even though I could feel something in my gut screaming and yelling at me, “What if…?” and “He will…” I ignored them all and focused on the most important thing at this moment. And that was Justin and I.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, tell me what you thought! ;)
By the way, I'm gonna be experimenting with story layouts for this.
Tell me what you think about this one, I made it myself haha :D
Haha and thanks for all the comments and love.
They all made me smile and I can't believe I have over 85 readers with 31 subscribers and four stars! =D