Sequel: Angel's Child

Golden Angel

Chapter 30

Artemis had fought tooth and nail to keep her Sky Bison from staying in the warehouse above ground.

It was damp, dark, lonely, and she refused to be separated from her friend for any period time.

So Mitsukai stayed in the main room, and had to move out of the way for training and such.

That night, she was the nice ‘seat’ for Artemis and Mizu as they watched Indiana Jones movies.

They were finishing up The Last Crusade when Mikey marched out of the room he was sharing with Raph, and headed to his own.

April was in there, packing her things up, but Artemis noted that her youngest brother looked cranky.

Though she often poked fun and smacked her orange-banded brother around, they were the closest siblings, and could tell when lines were crossed or when the other wasn’t to be messed with.

It was a weird sibling connection that they shared, and she often thought it was because he was the youngest.

She’d always been the one to save his shell, and they often made a good tag team when he wasn’t playing around.

The gold-banded turtle ALWAYS got in trouble when they were younger, taking the fall for her brother even though Splinter knew it wasn’t her fault.

Mizu noticed Mikey as well, but turned back to the movie.

Mitsukai lifted her head slightly at the footsteps, but rested it on her front paws again with a yawn.

Turning back to the portable TV they’d settled on their laps, Artemis yawned.

Mikey came out again, heading for Leo and Splinter, who were watching the news together, and then to Don.

They heard him startle his purple-banded brother, and both giggled as the movie came to an end.

Putting away the movie and player, both went to see what the two youngest brothers were up to.

Mikey had on a diving helmet, and was going to help Don reinforce a structure for the access way below the water.

“Isn’t it dangerous?” Mizu asked, looking down worriedly.

Water may have been her element, and she was truly fastest underwater, an unsafe structure falling on someone or running out of air always frightened her.

“Mikey will be fine. And if there’s any trouble, I’m sure Artemis will be the first to jump in and rescue him.”

“You’re darn right I will be!”

“…To save me?”

“…MAYBE…” She teased, smiling.


“I’m kidding!”

She tapped his diving helmet with her knuckles, giggling.

“I’d save your little shell, alright? What are sisters for?”




“…I’m not saving him…”

“Oh, I know you will…”

“Maybe I’ll let him drown a little-.”


“Calm down, Mizu! JEEZE…”

Shaking her head a bit, Mizu crossed her arms over her chest.

“A life and death situation isn’t a joke!”

“I know-I know! Calm down!”

Huffing, the Waterbender gave a small glare as her long hair, unbraided and reaching the floor, moved over her shoulder as she shook her head.

Don blushed a bit, especially considering she was wearing an over-sized shirt and short shorts as nightwear.

When the line started shaking wildly and bubbles of air came up, Artemis cast it a worried glance…


“What’s that boob doing now? …My guess is, he’s drowning!”

The gold-banded turtle tensed, and Mitsukai roared before the Airbender jumped into the cold river water.

She saw a dark SOMETHING, and her eyes adjusted enough to spot Mikey.

With a growl rumbling in her chest, she brought up the rocks from below to shield her arms, and tackled the much larger form.

It seemed to roar, showing large teeth, and the two tussled underwater as Mikey tried to get away.

He stopped, however, when he saw his sister get her shell smashed into a wall.

A large hand was over her chest and stomach, and she was losing breath thanks to the shock.

He couldn’t just LEAVE her…

‘She wouldn’t leave me, even if she’d had her legs bitten off…’

The cables were growing taut, and he swam forward quickly, grabbing her arm.

Both flew through the water, one getting a nasty cut on her side from the crocs teeth, and were soon above the water.

Don and Mizu jumped into action, especially once they saw the blood dripping down the female turtle’s side.

Leo jumped up, especially when an agitated Sky Bison basically toppled him over as she tried to get his attention.

Once her side was bandaged, Artemis let the earth crumble from her forearms and hands, and she breathed out.

“What happened?” Leo asked worriedly.

He’d heard her jump in, and had only suspected Mikey was having trouble with something.
BLOOD and SEMI-CONSCIOUSNESS didn’t seem possible at the time…

“…Giant crocodile…”


“GIANT-CROCODILE. Did I slur my words? I don’t think so…”

“I saw it, too! It almost drowned her!”

“If it was just Mikey, I wouldn’t believe ‘im…But princess don’t lie…”

“Darn right I don’t!”

Mizu sighed, looking curious.

“Why do you call her that?”



“It’s from when we were little. She’d ‘lways have ta be the ‘damsel in distress’ in our games.”

“At LEAST I could beat up the evil dragon when Mikey got too scared…”


He pouted, looking indignant.

“I’m going back there and find him! I’ll PROVE it to you!”

“I’m going with you!”

“You’re injured!” Don reasoned with his sister.

“I’ll be fine! It wasn’t that bad!”

“He BIT you!”

“You learn from your mistakes! It won’t happen again!”

“Not happening!” Leo said determinedly, grabbing her wrist.

Mizu sighed, standing up.

“If you two are going, so am I.”


“It’s my element, Donnie.”

She smiled reassuringly, and he seemed to blush.

“If they can’t handle themselves, they’ll need me.”

“Well…You guys will need these porpoise devices. They’ve got a built-in camera and transmitter, and I put a two-way radio in the mask.”

Artemis flinched a bit as she stood up, grabbing one.

Leo, obviously worried for her, still helped it onto her.

Mizu tied her hair up into a bun before pulling on the mask and tank, trying to keep calm.

“Stay tuned, guys, as Mikey TV takes you on a croc hunt!”


“OW!!! ARTIE…”

“Get your shell in the water…”

The three slipped into the freezing cold water, one flinching in pain, before they submerged themselves in the liquid fully.

The two girls followed Mikey through the tunnels, and, though the turtles were naturally faster underwater, Mizu used her Waterbending to keep up just fine.

They went into a junction, and were looking around when a growl alerted them to company.

Hiding in a pipe, the three watched the croc look around as well.

‘Holy crap and a pond full of piranha…We’re SCREWED…’ Mizu thought worriedly.

The large creature ripped the grating off a pipe before swimming in, and the three shared a glance.

“…The chase is on.”

They swam after the crocodile, coming up in a different section of the sewers, and Artemis breathed out as her side ached.

The large crocodile pulled himself from the water, and walked through a hole that seemed to have been blasted through a wall.


“Got it.”

They followed as silently as possible, and hid behind mounds of debris when they felt it necessary.

When they were led into the turtle’s old, partially-demolished lair, the two turtles were a bit surprised.

The humanoid croc pulled on a slightly-torn lab coat and small spectacles, and Artemis couldn’t help thinking how small and fragile they looked against his large snout.

Mizu, however, was the only one to notice that his pupils dilated, losing that animalistic look.

“You were right, my friend. The remaining component was exactly where you said. Now I can complete my task for you, and you can aid me in mine, as per our deal. I am so glad I made your acquaintance. I don’t mind telling you that I have a lot of experience repairing these units. Child’s-play, really, once you understand the basic principles.”

‘WHOA…He’s starting to sound kind of like Donnie…’

“Well, what do you know? It’s just a big crocodile version of Don.” Mikey muttered.

“I was JUST thinking that…”

“It is finished, my friend. Why don’t you take it for a test drive?”

Something moved, and Artemis narrowed her eyes.

“He’s got an exo-suit…”

“I think he’s talking to an Utrom…” Mikey added.

“AN UTROM!?!?!”

All three jumped at the sudden shout, and Mikey yelped.

It caught the croc’s attention, and his pupils narrowed again.

“An intruder!”




The three scrambled for an escape, and their pursuer pounced for them.

Mikey jumped onto his sister’s shell as she Airbended to speed herself up, and both would have worried for Mizu if she wasn’t using water to speed herself up as well.

They flew into the water, and immediately started swimming as fast as they could manage.

“We’re in our home turf! And if I remember right, there should be an access cover right around…HERE!”

Mizu froze a muzzle around the crocodile’s jaws, giving them time to swim through before the ice shattered.

They seemed safe for now, and went above the surface.

“You guys still there?” Mizu asked, breathing heavily from the adrenaline.

“Are ya guys ‘kay?”

“We’re alright…I think…”

Something shot up from the water, heading for a stunned Mikey and Mizu, but the crimson-eyed turtle tackled the croc in midair, no earth-gloves to protect her as she tussled bare-handed.

She was dragged underwater, where Waterbending helped give her somewhat of an advantage, but he totaled her tank, and she was forced to pull it off, smacking him on the head with it.

Thrown to the water in pain, she groaned in pain as her side protested, and Mizu brought up a small wave of water to hold their assailant back.

Mikey was thrown into a wall, and his tank broke upon impact, as Mizu was smacked away by a powerful tail.

“GOOD crocodile…GOOD crocodile…”


Artemis jumped onto the larger mutant’s back, using ice claws to dig into his scales.

“Leave my little brother alone!”

Rearing and roaring in rage, she held on like the beast beneath her was a bucking bronco.

She was thrown back, brick shattering and crumbling under her shell, causing another pained sound to escape her.

Mizu used a large amount of water to knock the croc back, and froze it around his chest and arms to keep him slightly-immobile.

The ice shattered like glass, and she pushed Mikey away before his tail smacked into her stomach.

Instead of flying, she froze the water around her feet to keep steady.

“I’m sorry…We didn’t mean you any harm…”

She wrapped her arms around her abdomen, flinching in pain.

There was a moment of tense silence, and his pupils rounded.

“…I am sorry. Sometimes, I get carried away…”

Artemis came up, biting back the pain, and tried for an easy smile.

“What do you know…So do I!”

“I forgive you, though.” Mizu stated, straightening painfully.

“Everyone makes mistakes…”

A loud engine pulled everyone’s attention to a tunnel, and the Sewer Slider flew in, stopping before the three turtles on board jumped out.

Weapons drawn, a sai flew through the air and imbedded itself in the stone between them and the large crocodile.


Artemis was cut off by the massive tail smacking into her already-injured side, and she cried out in pain and surprise as she hit the water.

Mikey was hit back in the same swipe, and knocked the Waterbender over.



The three turtles jumped into action, and Artemis tried to roll onto her side.

Needless to say, seeing her brothers getting their shells knocked around made her scramble to find her feet.

The large reptile was soon brought down by the three determined turtles, and Raph raised his sai, ready to finish the job.


Water froze over his hand, catching him by surprise, and the gold-banded turtle took hold of Leo’s wrist.


Mizu caught hold of Don’s hand as well, begging him with blue eyes not to strike again.

Mikey had to make sure Raph didn’t do anything either, and the Waterbender bent down beside the mighty head.

“Sorry…Sometimes, we get carried away, too…”

Mikey nodded.

“How about a truce?”

Pupils rounded now, the croc nodded.

“You may let go of me…I accept the truce.”

They all got off, the gold-banded turtle now leaning on Leo so she wouldn’t put weight on her injured side.

“Allow me to introduce myself. I am Leatherhead.”




“I’m MIKEY!”


“OW!!! ARTIE…”



“Come. It is so very drafty in these sewers. Let us return to my temporary laboratory so we can talk in relative comfort.”

The turtle’s shared a glance, but the Waterbender followed without hesitation.

Not worried at all, Artemis soon followed, Mikey behind her.

He totally trusted her to make safe choices, like he trusted Leo, but she was that permanent shield to make sure nothing tried to hurt them.

The others soon followed, and they were led to their slightly-dilapidated old home.

“Ah…There’s no place like home…”

“My sentiments exactly.”

“WHOA…You’re building a Transmat?” Don asked in wonder.

“A Transmat?” Mizu muttered, looking thoughtful.

“You are familiar with the Transmat? Then you know of the Utrom…”

“Actually, us and the Utrom go way back.” Leo answered.

“Really? The Utroms…are my family. It is a long story…It began when I was little more than a hatchling. I assume I began life merely as an exotic pet, that, for some cruel human reason, was cast into the sewer. Fortunately, I was discovered, not by humans, but by Utroms, who deemed me worthy of further observation. During the course of this observation, I was accidentally exposed to a mutagen the Utroms had created. The mutagen not only changed my physical form, but greatly accelerated my mental development, and, when the Utroms realized I had become sentient, they adopted me. I was happy living with the Utroms. They taught me much. Life was good until…the humans discovered our base and tried to destroy us. My family barely escaped…And I was left behind…”

The girls immediately felt bad for him, Mizu understanding the separation from a loving family and Artemis being her empathetic self felt his pain almost as much as her hurting side.

“But once I finish building this Transmat, I will be able to rejoin my family once again.”

“I’m glad for that.” Artemis stated sincerely.

“Ah, my friend has returned.”

They turned to see this ‘friend’, and crimson eyes seemed to glow at the head she spotted in the exo-suit.

“Gentlemen, ladies, let me introduce you to my new friend-.”

“Baxter Stockman!” The turtles chorused.

Mizu looked a bit puzzled, getting the feeling that this guy was bad news.

“Hey, Stockman. LOVE the new look.” Raph teased.

“What was wrong? The spider look not cutting it with the ladies?” Mikey joked.

“DANG, Mikey…Lame, much?”

“I’m not lame!”

Both girls gave him a blank look…

“…Okay, maybe a little…”

“Nice to know you see your stupidity. Now, let the MASTER try…”

“…Someone needs to make fun of someone better than her soon…”

Artemis glared at them before turning back to the target of her sharp wit.

“So Stockman…Long time no see…”

She smiled slyly.

“Isn’t your master yanking at your collar yet? Or is Hun too tired to take care of his bitch?”

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!! BURN!!!!!!!” Mikey shouted, jumping around and grinning like a loon.

“Third DEGREE burn!” Don agreed.

“You sure you didn’t take it too far?” Mizu asked worriedly, backing up, and at least Leo had to agree.

Sometimes, other than with her brothers, Artemis could go a bit…over the top…


“I’m wit’ ‘er…”


Sticking out her tongue, the gold-banded turtle smirked.

Stockman stepped up to Leatherhead, ignoring the glares he received from the group.

“Leatherhead, my friend, do you recall the traitors I told you about? It was these turtles that sabotaged the TCRI building. It was these TURTLES who destroyed the Transmat! It was THEY that caused the Utroms to leave!!”


“Yes! YES! Them! THEM!”

“Can’t just say it once, can you?”



“Not now…”

“…You can be a killjoy sometimes…”

“Baxter Stockman telling lies? Who would’ve thought?”

“I know who…me.”

“THEM…” Leatherhead growled.

“They were the reason I made you built our special little ‘you know what’…”

‘I have a BAD feeling about this…’ The gold-banded turtle thought.

Stockman picked up a box, and smirked.

“And now we can put it to work.”

He tossed out three strange pieces of metal, and they glowed before arranging themselves into…

“A giant metal turtle? Yeah, THAT’S imaginative…copycat…”

“Donnie, what in the SHELL is that?”

“I’m not sure. But it doesn’t look good!”

The robot scanned the purple-banded turtle first, and he jumped into action.

“Allow me!”

His opponent drew a Bo staff, easily defeating the turtle and knocking him back.

A ‘pillow’ of water saved him from a painful fall thanks to Mizu, who looked worried for him.

Leo was scanned next, katana drawn.

“Batter up!”

Pulling out katana of its own, the robot met the blue-banded turtle head-on.

Leo was thrown as well, but Artemis managed to at least soften his fall…

With her body…

“OW…Might I recommend a nice diet? Or a lighter shell?”

“Sorry, love…”

Raph charged, being scanned in midair, and was taken down only moments after clashing with his opponent.

Mikey was scanned next, and was fighting the robot off rather well.

Artemis stood up, cracking her knuckles and sharing a glance with Mizu.

“Ready for this?”

“I’ve been ready since you were.”

The two mimicked stances, and the robot scanned both of them.

“Do you truly believe you can defeat him?”

“He can’t copy what we can do…”

With smooth, sharp movements, water came up to cut up the robotic turtle from two angles.

Trying to defend itself, it threw sai at them, but water came up, freezing to protect them.

Moving in sync, going through smooth, deadly movements, they started cutting the enemy apart piece by piece.

With a little smirk of triumph, Artemis made a sharp movement with her hand, cutting off the head.

“Playtime’s o’er.”

“You are SO right. I AM done playing.”

Mizu dropped the water, and Artemis slid into an Airbending stance instead.

Stockman threw a chunk of wall at them, but the gold-banded turtle got in the way, barely getting into the right stance before the bricks shattered against her forearms.

She tried catching her breath, but a metal fist smacked into her face.

Flying back with a cry of startled pain, her shell shattered the brick to stop her ‘trip’.



“I’ll be happy to finish you off PERSONALLY. Especially YOU, you little whore!”

Stockman knocked the turtles and Mizu around roughly, but when Mikey flinched from an impending blow, a harsh grip stopped the startled scientist.

“What is this-?”

Baby blue eyes widened.


She had a nasty cut over her brow, leaking blood over her closed eyes, and the same liquid seeped from her mouth.

Her open eye was narrowed in rage, beginning to glow, and she was beginning to crush Stockman’s wrist.

“Knock me around all you want, you basturd.” She growled lowly, starting to pull him away from her brothers.

“But when you go after my family, you’ve crossed the line.”

“Oh, I’m SO scared.”

Arrows appeared on her body as her eye glowed a bright white.

“You should be…”

Wind whistled around them a moment before it was filled with a rushing sound, like a flood of water.

It swirled around her feet and waist angrily, like an agitated serpent or dragon, and seemed sharp as daggers on the edge.

She snarled, looking more filled with hate than ever, and the water raged up higher, like a cobra ready to strike.

“ARTEMIS, WATCH OUT!” Leo shouted.

Her eyes snapped down, seeing the incoming metal fist, and caught it easily.

What she DIDN’T expect was the sudden electric shock…

Crying out in pain, the glow died, and Artemis fell back in near-unconsciousness.


“I can’t count how many times you meddlesome freaks cost me my revenge when I was working for the Shredder!” Stockman ranted, picking up her limp body by her mask tails.

“This time, nothing will stop me!”

“The Shredder?!”

Leatherhead grabbed hold of Stockman, and Artemis was dropped in the shock, spread on her shell.

Mikey moved toward her first, shielding her as the crocodiles rage seemed to boil over.

“YOU worked for the Shredder?! He was the Utroms most hated enemy!! You weren’t intending to help me with the Transmat!! You USED me!!”

Pupils narrowed, Leatherhead growled savagely.

The two fought, and Mizu covered the two closest turtles with water to protect them from any repercussion damage.

“Very well! All you pathetic freaks shall perish together! Believe me, I am doing evolution a big favor!”

Chucking a tank at them, it exploded on impact with a wall, and Leo picked up the gold-banded turtle as everyone struggled to stay on their feet.

“Leatherhead, look out!” Don warned.

The roof started caving, but the mighty reptile managed to hold it up enough for them to escape.

The turtles ran for it, but Mizu stopped beside Leatherhead, looking worried.

“Come with us!”

“No. If I do not have the Transmat…If I can not be with the Utroms…Then life is meaningless.”

“WE’LL be your family!” She pleaded, tears in her eyes.

“I just can’t leave you to die!”

“MIZU!!!!” Don shouted, starting to climb back in to bring her out.

“You have a life to lead! You must go!”

His pupils rounded, and she saw the sadness.

“…My friend…”

Nodding, she turned as her vision blurred, but Don took hold of her wrist and led her out at a run.

The ceiling gave out once they were a safe distance away, and Mizu rubbed at her eyes as the tears escaped.

“Mizu?” Don asked softly, wiping away the wet drops with calloused fingers.

“I’m sorry…”

She didn’t pull back, however, and managed to control her breathing.

“It’s just…It hurts so much to be alone…”

He seemed to understand, pulling her into a soft hug.

Burying her head into his shoulder, she tried to stop the tears.

“You’re not alone anymore…”

Leo smiled a bit, adjusting Artemis in his arms.

She seemed fast asleep, breathing deeply, but she seemed to churr when she felt his heartbeat.

‘None of us will ever REALLY be alone, will we?’

Mikey smiled as well, feeling a bit proud of himself for having protected his sister, when something dawned on him.

‘She’s always protecting US from danger…But who’s protecting her?’