Sequel: Angel's Child

Golden Angel

Chapter 61


Kasai squealed in laughter, dodging the stream of water.

Artemis and Mizu merely moved it away from their bodies, and Chi always managed to side-step the clear liquid.

The other turtles, however, were soaked…

Leo, wielding the hose, was driest, and thus the target of the others attention…

A blast of water smacked the blue-banded turtle onto his shell, and the group surrounded him, liquid weapons at the ready…

“Have a nice bath…”

A strange, glowing portal opened above them, and Artemis rolled out of the way before someone landed on the others.

It seemed to be a teenaged girl wearing a strange blue suit and cape, holding a strange scepter in her hands as she whined.

‘Oh GREAT…another adventure…’

“That wasn’t any fun…”

“It ain’t fun gettin’ crushed, either…SO MOVE!”

Chi shoved the girl off onto the concrete, looking miffed, and slid off the pile herself.

“I’m totally sorry!”

“I’m sure you are…” Artemis muttered.

“Are you guys okay?”

“W-We’re fine.” Kasai assured, brushing her wet bangs from her eyes.

“Let me guess…You’re not from around here, are you?”

“It’s pretty obvious, baby…”

“Well, DUH. I’m from the 79th level of Null Time. OBVIOUSLY.”

“…I’m sure it’s obvious to crazy people…”

“…Good one, Artie…”

“Thanks, Chi.”

“And your name is?” Leo questioned.

“Oh, right! I’m really bad at introductions. Hi, I’m Renet, an apprentice timestress, and this is the Time Scepter. It brought me here.”

“…Time Scepter?” Mizu asked, looking a bit curious.

“Um…so…why did you pop out of wherever and land on us?” Mikey questioned.

“I was bored. And…you guys were in the Orb of Hindsight, and it looked like you were having fun.”

“The Orb of Hindsight? …My life is too complicated…”

“Totally. It shows time when EGS happen.”

“…Ya mean like chicken eggs?” Chi asked, confused.

“No, silly. E-G-S. Events of Great Significance. Sometimes it’s a bummer, because people are about to be destroyed and stuff, but you guys seem okay.”


“Sorry, love…”


Everyone turned to the booming voice, and stared at the glowing, floating, GIANT head…

“Uh…Guys? I hear a loud voice, but I don’t see anybody…”

Mikey pulled his girlfriend behind him as Artemis quirked an eye-ridge at the glowing head.

Many crazy, unexplainable adventures had made her calm in the face of such things until she deigned it dangerous.

“Oh bummer! It’s him! He found me! You’ve got to help me!”


“It’s Lord Simultaneous! He’s gonna kill me!”

The four girls shared a glance…

“Why do I have to be so nice?”

“It’s in your nature, Artemis…”

“Ya can’t change that…”

“Stay behind us. We’ll handle Chrome Dome here.” Mikey assured.

“Bro, I don’t think it’ll be that easy…”


“WHAT did you call my little brother?!”


“Bring it on!”

He shot strange lasers from his eyes, but she brought up a wall of earth, though it shattered upon impact.

“…OKAY…I didn’t expect that…”

“We’ve gotta bail! Scepter, get us out of here!”

“Destination?” It questioned in a robotic voice.

“Anyplace, just go! GO!”

They were gone in a flash of light, and landed in a pile on dirt ground…

“Next time…BE SPECIFIC…”

The place was dark and barren, with naked, jagged-looking trees and a cruel-looking castle in the distance.

“Where the shell are we?”

“I think the question is WHEN the shell are we…”

“Let me check.”

Renet checked over something, and finally found what she was looking for.

“We’re in the year 1406!”

“…Can I just go home? I can’t take this anymore!” Mizu complained.

“Calm down, sweetie…It’ll be alright…” Don soothed.

“An’ we’re ‘ere BECAUSE?” Chi demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

“I have no idea…It felt like…I don’t know…something reached out and pulled us here…”

“…I say we go home, then.” Artemis stated.

“If something wants us here, it’s probably not for a good reason.”

A strange red ring seemed to come from the sky, surrounding them and seeping into the ground.

“…Um…That isn’t good, is it?” Kasai wondered, looking nervous.

The ground shook, and rotting bodies pulled themselves from the earth, wielding weapons as dirt fell from their armor.

“…Are those dead guys?”

“Why do you ask?”

Chi seemed to give Mikey a blank look.

“’Cause they just came outta the ground…”

“DO something, you stupid thing!”

“Uh, Renet? I think it’s broken…” Kasai admitted.

The Time Scepter glowed, and everyone was covered in medieval armor.

The girls were in short, leather-strip skirts covered in metal, and the helmets had visors to cover their eyes.


“…That doesn’t sound good…” Artemis muttered.


The two groups clashed, and the zombie’s front lines were knocked back.

Mizu brought up tentacles of water, lashing out at the zombies and cutting them into savage pieces.

Chi was throwing boulders and bringing up waves of earth to slam into the ones heading for her.

Kasai tried not to actually TOUCH the zombies, but she shot balls of fire and beams of heat to keep them back.

The jade-skinned she-turtle jumped up, Airbending and such to keep the undead bodies back.

Raph kicked one down, and the earth came up to swallow the zombie whole.

“…OH, I think I’m gonna like this…”

Chi smirked evilly, bringing up earth easily.

“Can I just say…EW!!!”

“I agree with you, Mikey…”

There still seemed to be quite a few, and the teens were stunned when Kasai signaled them to stop.


She breathed out steam, and a crackling blue light appeared on her fingertips.


A stream of blue lightning flew out, striking the zombies and knocking them back, painfully, onto their backs.

As they were swallowed by the earth, she swayed a bit, and was grateful when Raph moved to steady her.

Renet was basically yelling at the Time Scepter and whining, and Mizu growled as more zombies came to stop them.

Leo was caught, and the poor little undead things were ripped apart by a seething Artemis.

“That’s IT! I HATE zombies!”

“I think that’s the last ‘a ‘em…” Chi mumbled.

Renet cried out, and everyone whirled around as a large four-legged dragon flew through the air towards the apprentice timestress.

“The Time Scepter will be mine!”

A strange demon was upon its back, and the scaled beast dove and caught Renet before flying back up.

“SHELL!” Artemis cursed.

Before her wings could come forth, Kasai had jumped up, using beams of fire to propel herself into the air.

She flipped over the beasts lashing tail, and grabbed a wing with both arms.

The dragon shrieked, bucking, and soundly kicked the girl in the stomach.

With the wind soundly kicked out of her, Kasai couldn’t force out a scream as she started falling.

“KASAI!!!” Everyone shouted as Raph bolted to catch her.

However, a large hand wrapped around her waist, jarring her to stop her descent, and the strange demon-man smirked.

“Well, well…What do we have here? The lightning-shooter?”


“Now why would I? Maybe I want to keep her…”

“…Chi, shoot a boulder at him…”

“It would be nice if I could see ‘im…”

Artemis grabbed the Earthbender by her shirt.

“Shoot. NOW.”

The Firebender was already unconscious, and the demon took the Time Scepter from Renet’s struggling hands.

“At last, the Time Scepter is mine!”

The dragon seemed to glare at them, roaring, and dove for the group.

Artemis’s wings burst forth and she bull-rushed the dragon in midair.

It shrieked again, biting down on her metal-hard wing as she pulled up a rock-encrusted fist and punched it across the face.

Claws dug into her skin, freeing blood, and she almost threw up when its teeth threatened to clamp onto her shoulder.

Instinctively, as if this same creature had done so before, she kneed it in the chest and kicked it in the throat.

She fell free, trying to stabilize herself with her massive wings as the dragon tried to catch its breath.

The demon immediately steered it towards the castle, and Artemis landed a bit heavily on the ground.

“…Remind me why I do crazy things?”

Mikey grinned, hugging his sister from behind.

“Because you LOVE us!”

“…No, that’s not it…”

“Well, then-! HEY…”

She just smiled, standing up straight.

“You know what? I’m killin’ ‘im when he gets on the ground…”

“I’m killin’ ‘im first…”

“…We have to go get Renet too, don’t we?”

Don nodded, and Mizu rolled her eyes.

“Oh, dear…”

“…Can we just get Kasai? PLEASE?”

“ARTEMIS…” Leo scolded.


“Let’s go…”


Kasai moaned a bit, feeling sore and tired, as she forced her eyes open…

‘OW…Did Mitsukai kick me?’

Sitting up, she found her hands were bound, as well as her ankles.

‘Uh oh…’

Noticing that no attention was being put on her, she tried to pull the ropes apart.

Fire slowly came up from deep within her, and started burning through the rope.

Renet’s voice caught her attention, and the gold/red-haired girl turned her head to spot the timestress.

Her hair fell over her shoulder, revealing that her helmet was gone, and doe-like eyes blinked innocently.


“You’re awake!”

The teen seemed relieved, but this brought attention to Kasai…

“So, you’re awake…”

“D-Don’t mind m-me!” She stuttered, trying to hide her wrists as fire scorched the rope.

The dragon suddenly jerked, making her start, and her eyes seemed to glow with fire.

The beast seemed to calm, staring at her strangely, as if it realized who she was…

The demon shocked the dragon when it snarled at him, and the Firebender’s eyes widened.

‘Oh no…’


Mizu flipped over the stone wall as Chi scaled it easily, and Artemis flew straight over the bricks.

The boys followed after them, and they reached the ground at roughly the same time.

Mikey was the only one still wearing the medieval armor…

“Mikey, lose the armor, will you?”

“I like it! It makes me feel all safe and protected!”

“…Great…I’ve been replaced by metal armor…”

“Alright, alright…don’t get your shell in a bunch…”

Then two GIANT cockroaches appeared…

“Oh, God…”

Mizu looked ready to puke…


Artemis spread her wings wide, glaring as she gained the mammoth insects attention.

“Bring it on, bug boy…”

One literally tackled her, and she wrestled with the beast, wings flapping wildly.

Mizu brought up a wave of water, crashing it into the other as it blindly charged.

The one wrestling with Artemis broke free, attempting to catch Leo in its jaws.

An earth-encrusted fist wrapped around its throat, crushing and pulling back.

“I’m not done with you yet, Flick!”

The other cockroach beast, however, managed to swallow Raph…

“…Kasai is SO going to be pissed when she hears about this…”

Chi seemed to contemplate something, and moved a foot forward.

A column of earth smacked into the massive stomach, and guts spilled out before Raph busted his way out.

“…No offense, tough guy, but…EW…”

“Welcome to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Motel, where giant killer roaches check in…”

“But they don’t check out.”

“Very clever, guys…”

“Let’s keep moving.”

They nodded, and the group ran into the castle…

‘I ‘ope she’s ‘kay…If ‘e’s done anythin’ ta ‘er, I’ll-!’


“U-Um…should h-he be d-doing that?” Kasai asked as the dragon made a strange cocoon around itself.

“I-It doesn’t s-seem normal…”

The demon-man seemed more interested in the Time Scepter, or HER, than the question…

Then the door fell free of its hinges, and Artemis’s massive gold-tinted wings came through the smoke.

“Well, well…Looks like I got here just in time…”

She smirked, flapping the dust away.

“Now it’s time to kick some major ass…”

Chi stepped under the feathery appendage, smirking.

“Don’t ferget us…”

Blasts from the Time Scepter were aimed for them, and Mizu’s water shields were evaporating as Chi’s own walls crumbled to dust.

Artemis used a blade of air to cut Kasai free, and blew a gust of wind at their opponent.

He couldn’t stop the attack, and he faced off with her seriously.

His blasts may age wood, evaporate water, and crumble stone, but it could not get rid of air.

With concentrated bursts, she could redirect blasts, knock the Time Scepter off-target, and get close enough to attack him with earth-encrusted fists.

It was heated, and he even swung the scepter at her, but they only broke apart with bruises and minor scrapes.

The others jumped to engage the demon, but he thoroughly thrashed their butts…

“Pathetic warriors! You waste my time! I have revenge to wreak and a universe to conquer!”

Artemis’s eyes were glowing as she smirked…

“Well, look who’s here to stop you…The Avatar…”

She jumped at him with her friends, but they were knocked away.

“Even YOU can’t stop me! You’re still too young, too naïve, to understand my power!”

The she-turtle stood up, eyes beginning to glow…

“And you haven’t even seen mine…”

Wind started to swirl around her, but a solid BONK, and the demon fell.

As the glow died from her slightly-confused features and the wind settled, they saw Renet with Don’s strangely-grown Bo staff in her hands…

“…Nice hit…” Chi commented.


The Time Scepter rolled to the strange cocoon, and the Earthbender’s eyes narrowed.

‘What the hell is in there?’

Then a huge, red, scaly-hand shot out and grabbed the scepter…

“Oh, shell…”

“Ah…The turtle siblings…How GLAD we are to see you again…”

“I know those voices…” Mizu muttered.

“I know who it is.” Chi stated.

The cocoon morphed into a strange dragon/human creature, and Artemis’s eyes widened…

“The Ultimate Ninja and Drako…”

“Just our luck…”

Kasai stepped behind Raph, obviously intimidated.

“I was hoping we’d meet you again, little Avatar…”

“You tasted delicious…”

“Oh, thanks…It’s nice to know someone wants to eat me…”

“Back off, big boys. No one’s eatin’ ‘er today.”

“And who’s this new little friends of yours?”

“Leave ‘er alone.” Raph growled.

“But didn’t they get sucked into that dimensional rift thingie?”

“…I can’t think of a more sophisticated way to say that, Mikey…”

“Why thank you-! HEY…”

“Yes…You pushed us into a rift beyond time and space…”

“I don’t think anybody pushed ya…” Chi muttered.

“Where we drifted for eternity…You remember, don’t you?”

“Of course…I became a Battle Nexus Champion!”


“OW!!! ARTIE…”

“I became one, too, but I don’t brag about it to psychotic dragon/human things…”

“You turtles could have saved us…but you let us go…”

“If you two hadn’t been fighting, I wouldn’t have closed the damn thing on you two idiots!”

“…Is calling them ‘idiots’ a wise move?”

“…Now that I think about it, Mizu…No…”

“Over thousands of millennia, our bodies combined into this horrific form, our minds fusing in the endless isolation. Our hatred of you driving us, keeping us alive…”

“Wh-What did y-you guys D-DO to th-these guys?”


“Until we learned enough to free ourselves and came here…And how we suffered, pretending to serve this fool of a demon sorcerer! Only because he sought the Time Scepter! Only with it could we find and destroy you!”

“…We have too many people obsessed with killing us…” Mizu muttered.

“Steel rusts…Wood crumbles…”

The boys’ weapons crumbled in their hands, and the four benders shared a glance.

Mizu maneuvered the roots away, and Chi shot boulders as Artemis sliced at him with air.

He flew away, but was surprised by a blast of fire.

“I can’t let you hurt them…”

Renet jumped onto the mix’s back, reaching for the Time Scepter as the others tried to keep him from ripping her off.

The timestress jumped off once the time-traveling device was in hand, and used it to contact Lord Simultaneous.

The Scepter glowed, and there was a bright light before the glowing giant reappeared, still looking miffed.

The demon sorcerer stood up, looking dazed, and spotted Lord Simultaneous.

The head poofed into…

A short little man…

“Are you serious?” Artemis muttered.

“Give me that please, before you hurt yourself.”

Snatching the Time Scepter from Renet’s hands, he gave a slightly-irked glare.

“Or the rest of the universe. AGAIN.”

“Ya’ve gotta be kiddin’ me…”

The roots and plants receded, and Mizu finally relaxed as Don wrapped an arm around her waist.

“You may be the Lord of Time, but you will not interfere with our vengeance!”

Kasai almost blasted at the lunging creature, but stopped when Lord Simultaneous used the Time Scepter to freeze it in midair.

“Quiet you. You’ve caused me enough trouble for one eternity. As it is, I’ll be sweeping up temporal spillage for a decade! And YOU, Savanti!”

The demon sorcerer flinched as the Lord of Time turned his attention to him.

“You’d think that banishing you to fifteenth century earth would be enough! But NO! Say bye-bye, Savanti. See you later.”

The Time Scepter sent the demon away, though no one really wanted to know WHERE…

“Now, what to do with you…” He muttered to the stationary Ultimate Ninja/Drako hybrid.

“You can not hold us. You can not command us! We are not without power!”

They freed themselves, and the tail grabbed the Time Scepter from the man’s hand.


Artemis bolted forward, hands starting to glow.

“We shall return! We shall have our revenge!”

They laughed maniacally before disappearing, and the gold-banded turtle’s attacks missed.

“Did you miss the fact that a CRAZY MIX OF EVIL PEOPLE JUST STOLE YOUR TIME SCEPTER!?!” Artemis nearly yelled.

“Love, calm down-.”

“I will NOT calm down!!! I feel the end of the world coming!!!”

“…Where’s the bomb shelter?”


“OW!!! ARTIE…”


“I wouldn’t worry about it. The Time Scepter is a funny thing. It has a mind of its own sometimes. I’m not so sure that character knows what he’s in for.”

Mizu managed to calm her friend, along with help from Leo and Kasai, so that the crimson-eyed turtle didn’t lunge at the man out of rage.

“As for YOU, young lady! We need to talk about YOUR punishment.”

“PLEASE, Lord Simultaneous! I’m SORRY!”

“You must pay for your crimes. Six more weeks of dusting.”

“AH, you are SUCH a tyrant!”

The ground rumbled, and the timestress turned to see Chi’s VERY pissed expression…

“…Ya got us inta this mess, nearly got us killed, an’ sent us through time…’cause a DUSTIN’!?!”

Mikey held back the blind Earthbender as well as he could, and Leo managed to get between them so no damage could be done.

“Now, let’s set things right, shall we?”

They landed in a pile back on the rooftop they’d started on, and Artemis groaned with all the weight on her shell…

“…I HATE time travel…”