Status: Just started :)

I can't wait until they die

Revenge.About to get it.

This day is the day.The day I get my revenge.
Have to wear my camouflage.That's just what bad ass criminals do.As soon as I made my fashion choice,I put it on quickly.Camouflage pants,and a black shirt.Perfect.
I ran down to the basement to get the duffel bags full of guns and bombs I prepared last night.I was ready.Ready to kill.

"Hey,what are you doing with those bags?"
What do think? I'm going to kill you and your friends.
"Go away.You don't want any part of what I'm going to do with these bags."
He looked at me,his eyes piercing my whole body with fear.For those two seconds he looked at me,I felt as if I was scared too.I don't know why,considering the fact that I'm the one doing this.
I walked up to the door leading into the cafeteria.Nobody was there.It was pure silence in that room.I stepped in.The squeaking on my brown Military boots broke it.I reached into my bag,fumbled with it a bit to get the time set so it'll detonate at the correct time,and put it carefully in a hidden corner.Now all I have to do is wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
A little short,I know.I just thought this was a good place to stop.