The Kids Don't Stand A Chance

Chapter XVI

“You’re going to love them!” Exclaimed Liz as we stood outside in the brisk Boston air, waiting for the venue doors to open. “I mean, I’ve never seen them live or anything, but I just know that they’re going to be amazing.” Jade smiled, pleased that already the birthday gift to her half-sister was such a success. “Tommy was making fun of me for loving them so much, but I told him to shove it.” I tilted my head in confusion, trying to remember if he was Jade’s biological brother, or her stepbrother from her mom’s new marriage. “Oh, sorry Ava,” added Liz with a giggle. “He’s my half-brother, and Jade’s stepbrother.” I nodded, not even bothering with piecing together Jade and Liz’s family tree.

We waited for a few more moments, with Liz talking cheerfully with some other teenage girls around us and Jade merely enjoying seeing her sister so happy. I, on the other hand, had different thoughts on my mind.

There was a gaggle of girls a few steps behind us who were each wearing some form of All Time Low shirt. One of them, I could tell, was wearing one with their faces on it. Except from where I was standing, I could only see her back. As if mentally willing her to turn towards me, I stared the back of her head down.

“C’mon Ava!” Liz yelled, and when I turned back I saw that the line had begun to move and the gap between Jade, Liz and I was growing. I walked back towards them as Jade handed a man in black our tickets. “What time does the show start again?” Questioned Liz as we fought through the crowd for a good position.

“Eight,” replied Jade. “But there’s an opening band, so I’d say about nine.” Liz groaned. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket, wishing the people around me weren’t so damn close. About fifteen minutes later, the lights dimmed, and the opening band made their way on stage.


Though the opening band wasn’t exactly my cup of tea, Liz was enjoying herself immensely. She sang every single song they played (as it turns out, she knew the band immediately) and danced in the same style that the teenaged girls around her did, too – a strange combination of flailing limbs.

And while the crewmembers began to set up for All Time Low, the anticipation in the room was at an all time high. I drummed my fingers against my jean-clad thigh, craving a slice of apple pie and wishing they would fucking get on with it already. “Thank you so much for coming,” Jade said suddenly. I smiled softly. When the lights finally dimmed, Liz let out a high-pitched squeal. Four guys came out on stage, and I squinted my eyes to get a better look at them, but the light were just too low.

Suddenly the first song began, and as the very first note was hit the lights immediately brightened. I squinted my eyes at the sudden change in value, but instantly I could see Liz jumping up and down. While she sang along right away, I struggled to understand what the lead singer was even saying.

Though I wish I knew – after all, I had attended their practices before. I was very much aware of what Alex had written.

Trying to blend in with the jumping crowd, I awkwardly began clapped my hands to a beat I just couldn’t seem to catch. And that was when I finally saw him.

God, he looked good. He wasn’t that lanky, teenage boy I had toyed with four years ago. Zack was – in every sense of the word – a man. Though the show had just started, he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Normally, he displaying his body would have put me off, but I couldn’t bring myself to be angry. He was just too… attractive. I stared at him for the rest of the song, my jaw slack and mind reeling.

“They’re not too bad!” I heard someone yell over the music to me. I turned slightly to see Jade with a smile on her face. “And the guitarist’s really cute!” Glancing at Jack, I was relieved to see that at least one of them hadn’t changed since high school.

“Yeah,” I screamed back in response. “And I think Liz is having a good time!” Jade smiled and flashed me a thumbs up, though I was exactly sure if she heard me or not. Regardless, I looked back towards Zack. The concentrated look on his face reminded me of when we used to bake in my kitchen, and just how into the entire process he would get. And after the songs ended, and he would look up with a smiling face to see the entire audience screaming, reminded me of whenever I would give him small kisses for no reason at all.

My stomach churned, throat constricted, and I felt the acidic taste of bile come into my mouth. All Time Low had only played about five songs by that point, but each one was harder to watch than the last. What was even harder was watching the boys interact with each other, and how it was mainly just Jack and Alex, but occasionally Zack would chime in.

It reminded me too much of high school.

“Jade,” I said quietly while Jack and Alex were arguing on stage. “I – I have to go.”

Liz turned around to face me with a confused look on her face. “How come?” Questioned Jade.

“I’m not feeling very well,” I mumbled, clutching my stomach for added effect. “I think it’s just the crowds in here.”

“Oh,” said Jade, glancing at Liz, who had by now turned her attention back to the boys. “Well, don’t get into too much trouble out on the streets.”

I forced out a chuckle. “I won’t. I think I may just go and wait by the car.” Jade smiled and pulled my into a hug.

“You’ll tell me the real reason you’re going later on, right?” She called over the music, which had just restarted. I sighed, but nodded.

This was going to be a long night.
♠ ♠ ♠
So originally this was supposed to be much longer, but I cut it in half. I know this chapter is rather uneventful, but just you wait -- next chapter is going to be insane!

Thank you so much to:

for commenting! It really means a lot :D

-- Jay