The Kids Don't Stand A Chance

Chapter V

“So you never did tell me what happened when you kissed Zack,” Kylie asked the next day in school. I glanced up from my brown-bagged lunch, and as I was about to open my mouth to respond, she cut me off with, “Oh, and why didn’t you didn’t wait around to walk home with me after I had track, again?”

“Well, first off, kissing Zack was fine,” I replied, beginning to unwrap my sandwich.

“Just fine?” Teased Kylie.

“Just fine. Was Brad any good?”

“Oh my god,” she gushed, placing her hand over her heart in adoration. “He was amazing! I swear, he was liking giving me an orgasm with just his mouth.” I muttered a small ‘ew’ but she didn’t hear me. “And I know we only had to hook up with them once, but I hooked up with him a lot more than just one time,” my friend giggled.

I could feel my blood boiling over. How come Kylie got the guy that was such a fantastic kisser? “He tried to feel me up,” I responded, refusing to look her in the eye. “But I wouldn’t let him.” I suppose my attempt at beating her had only partially succeeded, because at first she looked shocked, but then strangely pleased. “And I didn’t walk home with you because my parents wanted me to come home and help make dinner. I told you that yesterday, remember?” Alright, so maybe I’d lied straight through my teeth, but at least it was believable, right?

“No big deal,” Kylie said, waving away my concerns with a toss of her hand. “And that reminds me: I’ve decided what the next part of the game’s going to be.”

“Oh?” I asked, trying not to sound too nervous or excited.

“Yep, and it’s going to be a good one.” She paused, leaning forward on her elbows slightly to ensure secrecy. “You’ve got to get your guy to feel you up.” I started to laugh, and as Kylie looked at me with an unhappy expression I began to laugh harder.

“Fine, easy,” I responded, knowing full well that Zack would try again if I gave him the chance. “But how’re you supposed to prove it?” I asked in between laughs.

“Simple: take a picture of it.” I suddenly stopped laughing.

“How the hell am I supposed to do that?”

Kylie shrugged with a smile. “Figure it out. But the deadline is by the end of the party tomorrow night. You know – the one at Andrew’s house? Anyways, I’ve got to get to class, though. By Ava-ave,” she finished, blowing me a kiss as she got up from our table. I remained seated for a moment, trying to figure out how to make this work. All I could do was pray for a miracle.


“Hey, Ava,” Zack said as I sat down next to him in English. I smiled at him before turning back to look up front. “What’s wrong?” He asked, and I just shrugged.

“Nothing,” I replied. No, everything was wrong. And it all had to do with him. I was stressed and scared and frustrated and angry.

“No, something’s bothering you, I can tell.” He paused, scanning my eyes in a way that made me feel incredible uncomfortable. I instantly shifted my gaze down to my lap. “Ava,” he said softly, the gentleness of his voice catching me off guard. “You can tell me, really. I promise, I won’t tell anyone.” I just shook my head.

“I’m just tired.”

“Oh,” he said, biting his lip, and I could tell he was hurt that I didn’t trust him enough to tell him what was on my mind. “Well, why don’t you tell Mrs. Green, and she’ll let you go to the nurse. I’ll be sure to get you any of the papers she gives out.”

I considered his offer for a moment, and then decided it was a good idea. “Yeah, that sounds nice.” I grabbed my bag and stood up. “Thanks,” I added, before going to talk to our teacher. I wasn’t sure for how much longer I could continue to pull this game off, I made the final decision on my way to the nurse that I was going to do everything I possibly could to win.
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This chapter's a bit of a filler, but there are certainly so important aspects to it =]
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