La Chancla Perdida Paraiso (A Novela)

Episode 2: Fabio Loses his Mind (p.5)

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"They say the man is a beast..."

Even then in the comfort of his own hotel room lying in bed with J.J., Fabio's thoughts continued to wander back to the waiter. The adorable look on his face as he fell on Fabio's lap and the thrill that went through him as the waiter began to clean his lap of the food that had fallen on it. And that look! His blazing green eyes as for a moment they looked at each other. A second too long. Fabio's face one of amusement and hunger. And his one of embarrassment and confusion.

Fabio sighed, turning to his side and looking out the window that took up an entire wall. His eyes gazing outside at the full-moon and thinking about how pale the waiter was. Pale like the moon in this sky. This Parisian sky.

French men...

'That's it!' Fabio said loudly in his head as he sat up quickly but still being careful not to disturb J.J. who was now snoring like a truck. He got up and put on his clothes (he likes to sleep in his underwear), put on his shoes, and headed for the door. But for a moment, standing quietly and holding the doorknob he looked behind him with sad eyes at the sleeping figure of his beloved. He watched as his body rose and fell with tired contentment and he thought to himself once again 'What's wrong with me?'.

He didn't answer though. Fabio stepped through that door and began to forget about J.J. as he once again began to think about the raven-haired waiter wondering if he was still at work and if he would have the chance to speak with him before he left.
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End Episode 2.

Yeah. I don't have episode 1, but it's not important.