Attention Reader: Frank's Diary.

New Guy.

Wednesday 9th Feburary. 1997

Okay, I was wrong, Way wrong.
You have no idea what I'm on about do you?
Ok well yesterday when I stopped writing, It was the new guy. I let him in and introduced myself. He replied with a smile and said 'hi'. Not even introducing himself. So now I share a room with a hot, (Yes that's right, hot!) new guy that I don't know his name. I bet you wanna know what he looks like right? Well you should, he has looks to die for. He has longish black shaggy shoulder-length hair that frames his perfect face... Oh that face, with his milky white smooth skin, thin lips and a lopsided smile, small pointy nose and hazel eyes you could get lost in....

He's sleeping right now, It's 6.45am and I'm wide awake, so I thought I'd fill you in.
Right now I can hear his soft steady breathing. All I can see is a mass of black hair covering the pilllow. I can't even see which way he's lying.

We have breakfast in an hour and a quarter, I hope he's aware of that and knows he has to leave by eight because I don't exactly want to wake him up and let him know about it.

I was thinking, maybe we might have the same classes together, and maybe he might have to sit with me. And then maybe we might have to be partners and then I might have to show him around the school.

He's now woken up, He walked passed me muttering a 'morning' and then went into the bathroom.

Which, I think I need to get ready too.

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I was thinking, Maybe I should Start telling the story in Frank's Point of View and then add some diary entries into each chapter as well So you can see what's going on when it's going on (and it can also be in Gerard's prospective too) and then see Frank's feeling's about it later in the diary. What do you think?
Please comment and Tell me, Thanks.
