Attention Reader: Frank's Diary.

Gerard Way.

Frank's Point Of View

It was 8.45am when I glanced at the clock and then seated myself cross legged on my bed waiting anxiously for my new roomate to return from the office. As I awaited I picked at my black nailpolish covering my fingers with little black specks. I rubbed my hands furiously on the insides of my thighs of my black skinny jeans trying to get them off.

"Woah, don't stop just because I'm here." He said entering the room and startling me.

"Hah, very funny, but not what your thinking."

"Well what am I thinking?" He asked with a smirk.

"That I try some pathetic little attempt to pleasure myself the moment I get five minutes on my own?" I said returning a smirk.

"I knew it! That's why you had a room to yourself for so long huh?I can only imagine what you'll do when I'm fast asleep."

I smirked in return and let out a light laughas I racked my brain trying to think of a whitty comeback, I'm not usually this social and I have no idea why I am all of a sudden.

"Haha, I'm Gerard." He finally introduced.


"Yeah you told me, yesterday." He said.

"Oh, right." Was all I managed to say and I was letting our only real conversation fizzle out.

"Yeah, Oh! Here's my timetable, See if any of our classes are the same." Gerard said handing me his timetable.

"Uhh, we have English, Maths and Art together." I stated after examining his timetable and then handing it back.

"Cool. At least I'll know someone before my first lesson."

"Well you didn't know me before you arrived and you had to me me from scratch." I scrunched my face up when I said 'scratch' realising how stupid and lame that sounded.

Gerard just replied with a laugh and a; "True."

"Well we better get to Maths." I said while getting up off my bed as the bell rang.

"Oh God!" Gerard said while following me out the door.

Wednesday 9th Feburary. 1997

I found out his name, It's Gerard. Gerard Way. How catchy is that? It just rolls so smoothly off your tongue. Not that it's rolled off mine because I havn't had the chance to say. So I repeat it in my head; Gerard Way, Gerard Way, Gerard Way, Gerard Way, Gerard Way. Isn't it wonderful?

Okay, right now I could not possibly sound any Gayer. LOL.

Oh, me and Gerard are in the same English, Maths and Art class. But right now I'm in Science, Grr. So I'm sitting by myself in my usual spot; second seat from the left in the backrow. We are supposed to be working from our science workbooks. I've finished the exercise when most people arn't even quarter of the way through. The reason why I'm so speady is because I stick to myself and do my work. Not because I like working because no one else like me. Simple.

Today before school I swear to God Gerard was flirting with me. Well he better of been because I was flirting back. Even though we were talking about me jerking myself off in my spare time which I wasn't! But anyway, Oh God you chould of seen his smile...

Shit, The bell just rang. Will write later.

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So as you can see that this has Frank's POV and a Diary entry. I think that this is how I will do them with a chapter with one of each or one or the other. I'll just see what way would be better for the situations coming up.
Please comment and tell me what you think of this, feedback is always welcome. ;D