There's Something About The Sunshine


Laying in bed that night I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. For once there is someone new who isn’t going by the rumors; someone who actually wants to get to know me. It just feels good to know that there is still some hope left in the world - that everyone isn’t so dependant on rumors to make decisions for them.

“Sebastian, hurry up! You have to drop Zach off at Dr. Johansson’s,” my mother screamed up the stairs to me. I rolled my eyes, slipping my jacket on. As I grabbed my bag from my desk she yelled up once more, “Come on! He’s going to be late!”

“Chill the fuck out! I’m coming!” I yelled right back, heading downstairs. I love my mother - I truly do - but her and I do not get on well. My father and I, however, get on well. He is like a best friend to me more than he is a father, although he can act the part of father when needed.

“Don’t speak to your mother like that,” came my father’s voice as I reached the first floor. I nodded, letting him know I heard him before walking out the door with Zachary fallowing behind me.

“I don’t get why they don’t just send ya to public school. It’s not that bad, seriously.” Zachary shrugged while I unlocked my car, not feeling like walking this morning. Getting in, we both buckled up before I drove off. Cradle of Filth blasted as we drove, Zachary and I both singing along to Dani’s lyrics.

It wasn’t long before we reached Dr. Johansson’s office, where I dropped Zachary off for his schooling. “Do I needa pick you up err is Mom gonna do it?” I asked him before he shut the car door. His reply: a shrug of his shoulders. “Okay.. See ya later, Zachy.” With that he shut the door, and walked up to the building. I waited until he was inside to race off toward the school.

“Sebastian!” Hannah-May screamed, running toward me as soon as I stepped onto campus. I laughed, allowing her to jump on me. I wrapped my arms around her so she wouldn’t fall, and continued walking toward our table.

Once Alexandre saw Hannah-May clinging to me he let out a short laugh. “One of these days he’s just gonna let you fall, Lu.” She stuck her tongue out at him, placing herself comfortably in my lap as soon as I sat down. I poked her tongue, causing her face to scrunch in distaste.

“Ew, when was the last time you washed your hands?” she asked, picking my right hand up to examine it.

“Last night before I masturbated.” Her eyes widened, and Alexandre started laughing.

“Sebastian, that’s disgusting!” she screamed dropping my hand and jumping away from me. I shook my head, joining Alexandre in laughing at her.

“He’s a Nazi about personal hygiene, Lu. You know that.” I didn’t have to look in the mirror to know my face showed a mix of slight confusion and annoyance. “He probably washed his hands - alone - twenty times before leaving the house.”

“Fuck off. I can’t help it ‘n yaknow it.” More and more students started passing our table, giving us all odd looks - more than usual. I ignored it, biting my lip in thought. “Wha’s wit’ ya callin’ me Nazi all the time now? Yaknow my mom’s side a the family would be mad pissed if I ever ‘came one.”

“It’d be funny. Man, Zach’s gonna be the next Hitler and you can be his Himmler!” I stared at him in disbelief for what seemed hours before he laughed and messed my hair up. “I’m just joking.”

“Dude, don’t. Touch. The hair!” Quickly running my fingers through the strands, hoping to tame the mess Alexandre had caused, I glared at him. Not entirely paying attention to the footsteps coming our way, I kept messing about with my hair until I deemed it well enough until a mirror could be found.

“You are too gay for your own good, Seb.” I shrugged.

“Ya already knew I‘m gay. No needa made it a big deal.” I looked up, jumping slightly upon seeing Sherry and Ashley standing there. “Hola, señoritas.”

“You’re talking too much, shuddup.” I stared at Michael in shock, mouth agap, eyes holding sorrow.

With a huff I replied, “Well, I could jus’ go back ta how I was befo-”

“Don’t go there, Seb,” Hannah-May cut me off. I stuck my tongue out at her causing her to poke the moist muscle.

“Ewww! When was the last time you washed your hands?” I asked her in a mocking, faux female voice.

“Blow me.” Alexandre and I started laughing at her replied before I realized I had never introduced everyone.

“This is Sherry ‘n Ashley, yo.” Alexandre stuck his hand out toward them pretending to act all professional and proper.

They each introduced themselves and started conversing with one another. Instead of joining in I sat out, watching them, listening to their words. Nothing seemed to process in my mind; not their topic or the words being exchanged. Instead I focused on trying not to let my past into my conscious mind - I’d rather not ruin a day that’s started off great.

“You’re going to be there, right?” I looked down at Hannah-May when I’d realized her words were directed toward me. The bell sounded, signaling the start of Block A leaving everyone in the courtyard to stand up and make their way into the building.

“Whadda ya talkin’ ‘bout?” I fallowed the crowd, standing up, only to have Hannah-May jump on my back.

“The party tonight.” We made our way into the building, our friends fallowing after us.

“Nah. I think I’ma fuck ‘bout downtown wit’ my cam.” Hannah-May nodded just as Headmaster Frances walked out of his office.

“Mr. Harris, how many times must I tell you to put Miss. Dietrich down?” I stopped in front of him with a sigh.

“Headmaster Frances, how many times must I tell you, you wouldn’t be so pissy if you’d just get laid.” I looked over to see Sherry watching and sent a wink her way before continuing, “Yaknow, I could help ya out with that.”

“Go to class, Mr. Harris.”

“The offer if always open,” I shouted over the noise of students rushing to their classes. The headmaster shook his head at me, while my friends laughing, making their way to their respective rooms.

Today truly is starting out to be a great day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word count: 1,101

Meh, it works, I guess. I'm really not too happy with with chapter, but whatevs. I'm not rewriting it.