Status: okay! I'm not on HIATUS anymore! I'm on a roll, so enjoy the updates! :)

My Love Contract

Fifth Chapter

Scarlett"s P.O.V

I changed my dress for my favorite riding get up.
Riding pants, black turtleneck, leather riding gloves and boots.

I put my hair in a neat bun so that my hair will not cover my face as I ride, grabbed my jacket, and went out of the room.

Blue walked beside me and we went out of the room. Blue walked beside me and we went to the courtyard then to the stables. I saw my horse Hades, already waiting for me. He stood proudly in full riding gear whinnying when he saw me.

Nathan was holding the horse's reins.
"About time Addie. I know you won't talk about it so, Here's Hades. You need a break."
Nathan is a lifesaver. He always know what I need. I had the need for speed. O.o
Either that or destroying the punching bag in the gym. At least, riding the horse in full speed doesn't require destroying a costly piece of equipment.

"thank you Nate." I said, touching hades' face.

"take it easy Scarlett, don't burn the trails." he gave me the rider's hat and walked away.

"you okay Hades?" he whinnied in response. he touched my hand with his nose. I gave him a treat. Then I pulled myself onto his back and pulled gently at the reigns.

"ready Blue? She barked in response. Hades touched his nose to Blue. She lolled her tongue out and yipped.
Hades grunted in response. Hey they're talking to each other! lol.

Hades trotted out of the stables, with blue at her heels.

"Ready? " I said. "Yah!"
I urged Hades forward he didn't need much persuasion.

The horse ran like the wind Blue rand beside us keeping pace with Hades' long strides. Hades is fast, but Blue can keep up. She may look spoiled Siberian Husky but she is a champion in mixed dog races.

Hugo on the other hand may look like a timid dog, always lounging on his favorite sofa, but he is the ultimate guard dog. He is a retiree in a K9 unit in California and Nathan fell in love with the dog.

He can even sniff out bombs. Talk about top security.

My mind wandered to the idea of marriage. UGH.
I imagine myself in a white gown with a bouquet of flower in my hand and beside me, a faceless guy in a white tux.

"Gah!" I shouted to the top of my lungs Hades slowed down to a gallop and Blue slowed down too. Obviously, both the animals are used to my ear-splitting shrieks that they didn't even mind it.

Hades galloped all the way to my haven. I didn't have to lead him there. He knew that my mood was bad. He stopped under a big tree, my "perch" or hideout or whatever.

I dismounted the horse and let it go. He's trained to go back to the stables where the stable manager will tend to him.

Blue waited for me under the big tree and I pulled a ladder down. Blue bounded up the ladder. I was greeted by Phoenix, my security system and housekeeper of some sorts. :)
She's a computer designed to recognize my voice face and mood.

"Good evening Scarlett." she had a soothing voice that always calmed me down, maybe because every time I hear her voice, It feels like I am in a far away place, away from reality.

The door opened and when I stepped in the threshold, The TV and lights automatically switched on.. The TV was showing some random celebrity news.

The fireplace opened to a low fire.

"Rumor has it- Adele" I said to nobody in particular.
"switching to Rumor has it by Adele" phoenix replied and my sound deck automatically switched on and Adele's voice filled the house .

I trudged to the kitchen and put out Blue's bowl and put a generous amount of dog food.
I patted Blue's head and headed to the sofa. The TV was still on but on mute. I slump down the sofa, stared at the TV but my mind was not in the room.

I was distracted and I need a serious diversion. My mind still was ringing from the shocking Arranged Marriage bomb. It was like a hydrogen bomb was activated in my head.

The music switched,, but I didn't know what it switched into. I was too spaced out.

UGH! I can't believe I have to marry some guy for the benefit of our company.

Ugh, well like dad said, I can refuse the guy if I didn't like him after I meet him.. right? If he's cute then maybe.......... but a spoiled rich boy with no girlfriend seems unlikely. Maybe he's desperate! pffft! haha.

I'm tired. My head still can't keep up with the marriage drama.
"phoenix, I'm going to sleep. Turn off the light after Blue finished her food."

Phoenix obeyed and dimmed the light in the living room. The drawer under the sofa opened up and I pulled my blanket out. the drawer automatically closed.

I pulled the blanket to my chin and tried to sleep.
"goodnight Scarlett, sweet dreams!" Phoenix turned the TV off and I saw a phoenix in the monitor in bright colored flames and the monitor turned black.

The music also turned off and all I can hear is the crickets outside. The fire in the fireplace cast shadows on the wall. Worries and reality left me.

My mind went blank and then I don't remember anything after that.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sleepy... I still have class tomorrow, so good night, good morning, and good afternoon to you.

sorry for the typos and wrong grammars. 0.- I'm half asleep. :)

Thanks for reading!