Status: Active. Rated R for language, sex, abuse of alcohol, drugs, and self abuse/starvation

Angels on the Moon


With heavy eyelids and a foggy vision, I made my way up the stairs of the apartment that I called home. With my hand that wasn’t clasped securely around a bottle of Budweiser, I opened up the door to my home.

“Rain!” I called out, flinging the metal door shut. “Rain!” I called out again when an immediate response did not come.

“Martin, dude, sit down,” Paul, a good friend of mine, said to me. He set his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me down onto the couch. “You’ve gotta sober up, bro,” He said as he shook his head at me.

“Shut the fuck up, I am sober,” I growled at him, waving my beer bottle in his face. “Now where the fuck is Rain?” I demanded as I looked around and attempted to stand up.

“Rain’s gone Martin. You and I both know that. Don’t make me say it out loud,” Paul said, forcing me back down. He grabbed the bottle from my hands and set it on the coffee table.

“Gone?” I asked for clarification. Paul bit his lip and nodded. I let out a drunken roar of laughter.

“Gone?” I laughed again. “You amuse me,”

“Dude, how much did you drink?”

“I’m not fucking drunk, asswipe!” I yelled, pushing him off of me.

“Come on man, let us take care of you,” Bryan stepped in now.

“I can take care of myself,” I muttered, jerking my arm away from Paul. Bryan only shrugged at Paul.

“I can take care of myself…” I repeated, mainly to myself.


Three hours later I was curled up on the bathroom floor, my arms hugging my knees close to my chest as I laid my head back on the bathtub wall.

“Rain, Rain, Rain,” I whispered to no one over and over again. I was sober, and reality was hitting me. Rain was gone. Rain was everything to me. Everything was gone.

It’s been a year since I’ve last seen Rain Jefferson. We were in a long time relationship that had survived over three years. And after one fight, she was up and out of my life. I hit her. Once. And it was the worst decision I have ever made in my life.

I searched for her everywhere. Phonebook, networking websites, nearby hotels, you name it. I needed to get her back into my life. I bothered her friends on a weekly basis, begging for any sort of information about her. Where was she now? What was she doing? Was she happy?

I would kill anything and anyone for an answer to one of these questions. The only information that I had was that she changed her name, dyed her hair, and moved across the country. Ever since Rain left my life, it’s been a starless night. I needed my life back; I needed Rain back.


“Martin, I think it’s time we’ve had a talk,” Bryan said as he sat down at the dining room table with me.

“What’s going on?” I asked as John and Paul sat down at the other chairs. I set the spoon of my cereal inside the bowl and stared at the three of them.

“You’re an alcoholic,” Paul started.

“And ever since you’ve started drinking, you’ve been paying less and less attention to the band,” John stated.

“Before, the band was in a great direction. We were being recognized. We got a music video! But then, when Rain left, you came tumbling down. And you turned to alcohol. Since then, you haven’t cared about anything but Rain and alcohol. You need to stop. And, we think a great way to get your mind off of drinking and Rain is with bringing Boys Like Girls back,” Bryan said.

“The manager found us a tour that could kind of declare us back on the scene. What do you say?” Paul asked, hope in his eyes.

The whole time the three of them talked to me, my mind was set on Rain. I couldn’t find her, but if she were to hear of me, maybe she would make the first step happen.

So here’s to Rain.

“Let’s do it,”
♠ ♠ ♠
And yes, all the first chapters of all the characters will be relatively short. The story starts going at the second chapter of each character.